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Hi all the People all around the WORLD!!!

This is my first Post and I need to THANKS all the OSX86 Family on WWW!!! RESPECT!!!


1.) Short Prologe:

I am a Computer Technician in my Company in Austria with a lot of PC´s and MAC´s. To be able to solve Different Problems on Mac´s, I have decided to install “MAC OS X“ on my PC to be more familiar with it. And started to search in WWW for solutions…


2.) My way…

I was Lucky to find and join to different OSX86 Forums and started to collect necessary Info’s.

I did not ask any questions and posted anything till now, because when you take right steps and

Know how to search for it – you will find it!!!


3.) IDEA!

I saw a lot of same questions and problems in different forms, because the PEOPLE without Patience tuck first steps without editing a Plan how to do it and what is necessary for their own Hardware, and when it stacks - HELP! Waiting too long for an answer!!! And so on… Wasted Times!!!

That experienced me to write my own way step by step… I Hope to help people outside with this!


4.) Let´s GOOOOO…..

Like I said, FIRST STEP was to collect data for my Hardware:

CPU - Pentium D 820 2.8GHz Dual Core

-Supports EIST technology

-Supports Intel Hyper-Threading (HT) Technology

-Supports Intel Dual Core Technology to 800MHz and up

Motherboard MSI 955X Platinum:

Intel® 955X Chipset

-Support Dual channel DDR2 667/533/400 memory interface up to 4GB

-Support PCI Express 16X interface

Intel® ICH7R Chipset

-ACPI 2.0 Compliant, Integrated AHCI controller

On-Board IDE Ultra DMA 66/100 IDE controller integrated in ICH7R and VIA 6410

Serial ATAII controller Silicon Image 3112 integrated in ICH7R

- Supports ACHI controller with SATA RAID (0,1) and Matrix RAID (ICH7R)

VIA 6410 IDE RAID Controller

Audio codec Realtek 882M - High Definition link controller integrated in Intel ICH7R chip


- Broadcom BCM5789 PCI-Express Gb LAN Controller

- Intel PC82573 PCI-Express Gb LAN Controller


So far so good. I was looking and searching appropriate OSX86 Image that has almost Driver support for my Config, and found out that JAS 10.5.4 Client/Server SSE2 SSE3 compiles all my needs!




(Btw. Kalyway´s one was a second solution)


Second Step was the Graphic Card:

I have ATI X850XT and after a lot of searching and analyzing I did not found any appropriate solution

to get full QE/CI/OpenGL output working, so I decided to play with it after Install.



Before I do the Native install I decided to test it on VMware Workstation 6.5 under VISTA Business 64Bit as Host, according to this link:



First JAS 10.4.8 Install was successful, but without Network, Audio was very bad (like Mono) and no Kext for Graphic Card, standard Resolution 1024 x 756. Not bad for the beginning. After searching in www I found solution for Audio and Network under this Link:



It’s no way to get better Resolution because of the VMWare Graphic interface, which does not support OS-X as a Guest.

I was happy to see fully working Tiger under my Vista PC! But very, very slow…. Coffee break between each step….

So I decided to download PCWIZ´s “Plug & Play” VMware Flat image of a Leopard 10.5 And installed it.

This time everything worked out of the box, but slowly…. Again Coffee break!


But I realize that Native install of a Leopard should work on my Machine! And so I went to next




Was not so smooth as I tough!

I have 4 SATA2 HD´s and 2 DVD´s on secondary IDE Chanel. On first HD running Vista Business 64 Bit,

On second HD – WinXP Pro 64 Bit (Dual Boot from Vista over BSD). Third one is Backup solution, and

Fourth HD was planned for OS X.

I formatted HD with HFS+ Format in Vista with TransMac Program, thinking it would be easier for Install to find fourth HD.

First Problem: "com.apple.Boot.plist" not found

Solved (In my case) burning Image again with 2 x speed.


Second Problem: "Still waiting for root device" tuck me some time…

First step – boot in verbose mode: How? Press F8 on Darwin´s prompt and type –v (Enter).

Instead of becoming grey screen with apple logo, now you will see itch command row

(Commenting what will be done, or cannot be done – depends on your hardware).

I have noticed that in one row writing: “Second IDE Chanel disabled” and found out

That my both DVD’s are on secondary IDE Chanel! So I must open my Hack…PC and

Change it to a Primary IDE Chanel.

And WOALA!!!! I was going trough the Installation of Leopard! Off course, you choose CUSTOM Install. As you know exactly what hardware you have, you can select these carefully, installing only the ones you need. Less is more here. (In my case - see Photo) Thanks to Hogar:


Installation finished.


I must push F11 to be able to choose 4. Boot device HD with Leopard installed on it, because I didn’t

solved Dual (Triple) boot jet, which was the next step. And WOW, here it comes! Leopard works!

To be able to boot from vista, I have downloaded CHAIN0 from WWW and used EasyBoot to implement MAC OS X GUID into Vista´s BCD. (Because on my Leo was only Boot.efi to find and this method did not worked for me)

Now I can choose on BCD Boot menu between Vista B_64Bit, XP Pro64Bit or MAC OS X!!!


OK. Lets go to MAC OS X… To see what else should be done..

First STOP! I am using PS2 wireless Keyboard and Mouse from A4Tech, so I couldn’t type anything and mouse did not worked! So I tuck USB Keyboard and Mouse to apply ApplePS2Controller.kext

And it worked! Now I am typing this Text on PS2 Keyboard (Thinking to by Apple one).


Yeah! 1024 x 756 is not that what I’ve bin waiting for! My very good ATI X850XT Graphic Card was

not supported under so many Drivers! Googling and searching… But only solution was to patch

Apple.ATI970.kext to get at least 1280x1024x32, but without QE/CI/OpenGL!

And that is the main Problem if you cannot install all good Programs such as Toast, Adobe CS3, FinalCut, etc.


Next Step: Buying Sapphire ATI HD 3870 PCIe and installing driver for it solved all my PROBLEMS!!!

Dual Screen 1680x1050x32 & 1280x1024x32 with FULL QE/CI/OpenGL Support!!!


All the Programs working out of the BOX!!! All Hardware also working: HP Printer DeskJet 5652 USB,

USB HD Extern, 4xUSB HUB is recognized too! Can you imagine – Contour Shuttle PRO USB Editing

Wheel is also recognized, but I have a problem with newest Software pack 2.1.3!

Only rotating wheel works. Other 13 Keys I cannot use to programming because this pack cannot find my PRO, looking for

PRO V2! If somebody has some solution – PLEASE Help!

Yes, I have one hardware that I cannot use it at the moment: Pinnacle DV500 DVD Capturing Card.

Maybe because it’s PCI card and I need some special Kext or something like that, still searching?

This one I cannot use under Vista and XP 64bit too, because 64bit drivers don´t exist. Maybe someone knows any solution? I appreciate any help!


Realtek 882 HD Audio – everything works: Built in Speaker, Mic, Line-in, Line-out, SPDF.

But System Profiler still showing “No built in Audio”!?! Anyway, I am satisfied with it.


My Logitech QuickCam Pro works with Macam Drivers perfect! Skype video chat also!

For iChat you need iUSBCam plug-in to get it work. One notice: WebCam does not work over USB HUB or switch, only directly connected!


That´s all at the moment. Maybe I forgot something, but we have EDIT Function, or?

And SORRY for my bad English, I do my best!

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Yesterday, I got Leopard installed for the first time (before seeing this tutorial), I used JaS too. Just wanted to say thanks for taking the time and writing all this and really explaining this, that's what I don't see so often, that someone just explains. As you, I have managed to get things working with the help of Mr. Google and this forum. :(

Strange thing, everytime I installed a version of OSX86, everything went down smoothly and most of the time at the first try :(

And the much more weird thing; I consider the installation of a hacked OS X by far better and easier than any Windows System today.


Even the post installation...everything working right out of the box...gotta <3 the OSX86 community :)

"Realtek 882 HD Audio – everything works: Built in Speaker, Mic, Line-in, Line-out, SPDF.

But System Profiler still showing “No built in Audio”!?! Anyway, I am satisfied with it."


It was not true! I wasn´t satisfied with it! And I searched for solution... and found it!


I have just Reinstall Audio882.pkg from JAS 10.5.4 DVD with Pacifist and repair permissions!

Very important step was to check it out and backup all the Extensions with PcWIZ´s OSX86 TOOLS!


Now I can see under the System Profiler my Intel High Definition Audio with all jack connections!!!

That was all!!!

Hi again!


Just to apply some strange behavior of my Hackintosh!

When I connect external USB Card Reader (All in one) permanently on my H-Mac, he does not SHUTDOWN properly!

As when he goes in Sleep mode!

After I disconnected it, everything works well!

By the way, I used LioNEXT´s advice to enable USB Mounting permanently:




After that all other USB Devices working well without artifact!


For all OSX86 members maybe some god start point:

Tray to disconnect External (or Internal) USB Devices to figure out SHUTDOWN Problem

before you start to KEXT-ing and ruining Hackintosh!


Greetings from Vienna!!!

  • 3 weeks later...

Next Problem with Time Machine:

"backup volume could not be found" solved with:




THX goes to The Baron!


Now I can Backup on External USB HD!


The Last thing which bothered me after I have set my Password is "About This Mac" issue!

When I click on it my MacPC loged out!


Any help, suggestions and tips are welcome!



yesterday i posted my first experience too


and i did the same thing as you did (wait until to search and get all the info before posting)

but my difference is that last week i had never used a MAC before

so it was all new to me


of course run to some problems too


hey but where you said about "Still waiting for root device" error


well i had that problem too

but it was after partion and installation

here is some people didnt know is that when you partition your hard drive

try not to have space on the same

because first time i named my hard drive

i put APPLE PC

and i had that flag warning "Still waiting for root device"


then i redo everything and name it PCapple

and it worked no problem

Servus Highlander711!


Nice to hear that you have everything under Control!


A lot of People outside should read our Posts to figure out how to do it right! And not to make mistakes like we did!

That saves a lot of Time and Infinity Installs!


Have a nice day!

  • 2 months later...

Hi to the OSX86 Family!


After a small brake here I am again with some changes which I tuck on my Hack-MAC:


1. CPU Pentium D 945 3,47GHz

2. 2 x 2GB 1066MHz Kingston DDRAM2

3. Pinnacle DV500 DVD changed with Pinnacle 700 USB

4. Wireless LAN PCI-Card Digitus DN-7006GT with external 7db Pentagram antenna

5. USB Wireless Stick Belkin F5D7050DE V.4


1.&2.)I am using triple boot with Vista 64bit Business, XP Pro 64bit and OS-X Leopard and

all tree OS recognize new CPU and 4GB RAM! OS-X shows under System Profiler

every second slot with 1GB instead of 2GB, but under my MAC showing 2 x 3,47GHz

with 4GB. I am not sure if the Leo also 64bit is or not, I need help to figure it out!

But now I can feel the difference in speed! Approximately 30% faster!


3.) Pinnacle 700 USB I can use under Vista and XP with 64bit drivers and I can Capture

From Analog Devices – tested! But under OS-X unfortunately didn´t found appropriate Driver jet!

It is not so important because I can import Captured Video from Vista to Edit it under OS-X with Final Cut Pro!


4.) Wireless LAN PCI-Card Digitus DN-7006GT has Realtek 8185 Chipset. Under Vista and XP

Working perfectly, but for OS-X Intel based PCI Driver doesn´t exists jet, only RTL8187 for USB.

Because of that I bought USB Wireless Stick Belkin F5D7050DE V.4


5.) The version 4 (or 400x) of this wireless adaptor works perfectly with ZyDAS 1211 chipset:




After software install and reboot, you must run ZD Networking assistant to configure Wireless

LAN, manually importing necessary data (SSID, WEP and/or WPA) depending on your Providers




Unfortunately this device is not AirPort compatible, that means it will be recognized under Network (EN2 probably). Just set your EN2 Automatically to DHCP and that is all Folks!!! It works like a charm!


m.f.G & PS & BR

  • 2 months later...
"Realtek 882 HD Audio – everything works: Built in Speaker, Mic, Line-in, Line-out, SPDF.

But System Profiler still showing “No built in Audio”!?! Anyway, I am satisfied with it."


It was not true! I wasn´t satisfied with it! And I searched for solution... and found it!


I have just Reinstall Audio882.pkg from JAS 10.5.4 DVD with Pacifist and repair permissions!

Very important step was to check it out and backup all the Extensions with PcWIZ´s OSX86 TOOLS!


Now I can see under the System Profiler my Intel High Definition Audio with all jack connections!!!

That was all!!!



can u upload the Audio882.pkg file, pls? i dont have JAS DVD.

Personally, I like to know I have a legal copy of leopard on my inspiron 1520, I know many users on this forum swear by pirated and patched versions ie Kalyway etc, but I find my retail version to be very, very good. Updatable and leg-lit, just helps peace of mind.

  • 1 month later...
Personally, I like to know I have a legal copy of leopard on my inspiron 1520, I know many users on this forum swear by pirated and patched versions ie Kalyway etc, but I find my retail version to be very, very good. Updatable and leg-lit, just helps peace of mind.


You are absolutely right!

Doesn´t matter if you are using "Retail" or "Patched DVD", you should buy a Legal Leopard Licence!

As a most of us do, isn´t it? :)




Again some changes….


I´ve burned my old good HD 3870 GraCa !!!

Still under waranty, got a new Sapphire Radeon HD 4870 DDR5 1GB instead!


My first problem:

Doesn´t work under Leopard JAS 10.5.4 with Netkas drivers:




Sooo, I´ve decided to Upgrade to iPC 10.5.6 PPF 6 to get it work. Fresh install,

picking up only what i need and after 11min finished! Immediately after first start

choose to Backup from Time mashine. Choose everything (System, directories, data)

and leaved for a one and half hour running (112GB)...

Reboot and Voila, complette system is back again! All app and all the Files are here!

Everything working out of the box. Only one Plug-in for FinalCut needs to reactivate it Again.

Using my way :




instaled my GraCa successfully !


Now i am back to life again!!! :(


Credit goes to all members of the OS-X86 Family!!!

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