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when i start my computer with the leopard hdd as the primary boot device

darwin does not load.

But if i insert the cd it starts fine.


If anyone knows how to solve this problem could you post your answer


i am a noob at osx and many steps would be helpful


Thanks in advance

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use your favorite down load site (where you got your osc image) and search for make leopard hd bootable by kalyway. download that image, burn it to a cd, and boot it up. use the included disk utility to format YOUR ENTIRE HDD (must do it this way or this wont work) then continue installing the package from the disc. then restart the machine wihtout the dic in and verify that the botloader installed fine (you should get an error stating com.apple.boot.plist not found or something similar). Then pop in you osx install disc and follow normal installation procedure (wihtout formatting the HDD). when the install finishes, restart and voila! it boots wihtout the disc! let me know how it goes!

"KALYWAY LEOPARD 10.5.1 intel SSE2 and SSE3 Only (with 512 MB of RAM)!!! efi v8"


I have 2 seperate HDDs


1 with Vista (500gb)

1 with OSX leopard (80gb)



i chose the 80gb hard drive to install

used the disk utillity to format the hard drive with Mac OS extended journal (MBR)

chose the vanilla kernal and fix and chose the MBR boot loader.

The Mac OS X drive if first in boot priority

I thought it was ok at first but it was only because the DVD was still in the drive when the system restarted

then when i took it out and restarted nothing


hope that is enough info


Thanks in advance

you can activate your mac hard drive through windows.


run diskpart


type the following:


list disk

select diskX [x is the number of your leopard hard drive]

list partition

select partition 1




rebbot your computer and try it now.

You can try to set the osx partition as active so it will boot that first, you can try the following in osx to get it working


in terminal (without quotes, might need to sudo -s first)


"fdisk -e /dev/rdisk0"


"p" (will list your partitions, double check to see which partition your osx is installed)


"flag 2" (I am assuming that your osx is ont he second partition here, change if needed)






reboot and see if u can get the darwin bootloader, hope it helps

Is what mkayz said the same as what caminoz said


if not would i have to boot the mac installer and run the terminal from there or could i do run it from within the os?


-- just a thought could it be my hard drive because i tried the guid method and the installer fails

Or possibly my install dvd?

i am a noob with mac's can someone tell me what happens when OS X boots (KALYWAY 10.5.1 v8 efi)

is efi the bootloader or darwin

or do i need to install a boot loader

my hdd is MBR and i chose the MBR boot loader


Please help


Thanks in advance

darwin and the bootloader are the same thing. they are the bootloader used for mac. in order for the bootloader installation to work properly the entire drive has to be erased in disk utility before installing. you would select the disk, instead of the volume, and erase it. then choose the mbr bootloader. also, be sure the mac drive is set to boot in your bios.

Yeah it should say something about it in the installer for the n00bs like me :P


Unless this is not true for all installs.


As the post below says.


Maybe just put something like "If your OS X install will not boot with out the cd give your hard drive partition a name with no spaces in it.

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