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Got such kind of problem, please help!


When changing 80 Gb IDE Seagate to 160 Gb Seagate SATA for Leopard, I get the next uncompatibility: all my HDDs are connected to ICH7R's connectors, I don't want to use Marvell's additional SATA 4 ports, it's disabled in BIOS.


When installing Leopard onto SATA, I set SATA mode to AHCI, so got successful install, with updates to 10.5.1 etc.


But! I also got two SATA HDDs, striped into RAID0 array (using ICH&R chip), it uses to work in Windows. But for it I need to set RAID mode in BIOS, but this one has not 'seen' in Leopard.


But there's a magic ich7rdude.pkg, which patches needed kext to work successfully with ICH7R's RAID mode. So: I ran this package file, but after reboot neither AHCI and RAID modes not seen in Leopard, we got 'Still waiting for root device'..


Any ideas, pals?

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Unfortunately, I have nearly the same setup, 2 500GB SATA's in a matrix raid (1 100gb RAID 0 , and the rest of the drive, 400GB in RAID 1). OS X cannot see it in raid mode, and infact, complains about the two ntfs matrixed drives as "unrecognizable" when it boots up. I have not seen a driver for OSX that will enable it to read ICH7R raided drives.


Nor am I able to boot with the single SATA drive from the Marvell controller, after installing OS X onto it, while plugged into the ICH7 ports. I don't think you will be able to see the raid drives at all, but I did read a post on here a while back, about someone using a seperate raid controller card to get it to work, but it still wasn't matrix raid.


I HAVE in the past, worked with intel raid, and in pure raid 1 configuration, the drives do not need to be hooked to a raid controller (or you can turn it off in BIOS), and can be read as normal, one at a time, but of course, this would break the raid 1.


I could not find the package you were talking about, though I did find some bikedudeICH7 pkg for Tiger, but wasn't willing to try it.

If you add the device IDs of ICH8R/ICH9R in RAID mode to AppleAHCIPort.kext, they work fine. I would assume the same applies to ICH7R... Though, do remember that RAID arrays will not work in OS X.


Mine came up with a different device ID to the 'known' one for ICH9R, so it's something to watch out for...

If you add the device IDs of ICH8R/ICH9R in RAID mode to AppleAHCIPort.kext, they work fine. I would assume the same applies to ICH7R... Though, do remember that RAID arrays will not work in OS X.


Mine came up with a different device ID to the 'known' one for ICH9R, so it's something to watch out for...


So, if that, couldn't you explain how I should add these IDs to kext? It's rather difficult for me, I had not never done it before..

Hardware RAID doesn't work in OSX(or I've never heard of anyone getting it to work..). You'd have to make one in software through OSX.


No, no, it's all not about using hardware RAID 0 in Mac OS X.. I just want to enable Macintosh system' SATA HD, working in BIOS RAID MODE..


I installed Leopard onto this Seagate SATA HD in AHCI mode, but I want in to be working in RAID mode, without pairing in any RAID arrays (neither 0 or 1)!

  • 3 months later...
Is it possible to get OSX to recognize an ICH9R Raid 0, not install on it just recognize it(has windows on it).


- I am probably just dreaming, but I remember I had my p5w dh running osx on a raid 0 so you never know =O


read this italian language :)

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