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Using an IDE DVD and a SATA HD, it errors "still waiting for root device"


Asap18 reported success with P5K but AHCI has to be set in BIOS. The problem is that P5K-SE has no AHCI option in the BIOS :-(


Please report your success, problems or suggestions regarding this mobo, thanks!!!


(Edited: FULL WORKING! Great Mobo for Core Quad. Both Tiger and Leo. Keep reading! :-)

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Acording to other posts here, it needs a SATA DVD (it has ICH9 I think) but it does work. I was planning to buy one of these the next week, it looks like a great board and is not very expensive. Anyway, I'll be watching this thread very carefully.


Other users of this board, could please post your opinions/advices on it?

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I have been asking to IRC gurus and it seems that it will not work even if a SATA DVD is used, as P5K-SE has ICH9 and the one required is ICH9R (P5K-E)


Anyhow, I will test it with the SATA DVD as it is also required for the P5K-E (the one that I will probably get) OSX setup

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I have been asking to IRC gurus and it seems that it will not work even if a SATA DVD is used, as P5K-SE has ICH9 and the one required is ICH9R (P5K-E)


What you're saying is true, I guess that it takes this great mobo out of my shopping list:





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I found info about a Russian guy that got P5K-SE working!!! :-)



Мать: Asus P5K SE

Образ: Mac OS X 10.4.8 [JaS AMD-Intel-SSE2-SSE 3 with PPF1 & PPF2]

В БИОСе выставил Compatiable(IDE) ось встала но работа винта (Samsung) оставляла желать лучшего см. test.txt.


После правки ***\AppleAHCIPort.kext\Contents\info.plist

Был добавлен код:





<key>Chipset Name</key>

<string>ICH9R AHCI</string>









<key>Vendor Name</key>




И правки ***\IOATAFamily.kext\Contents\PlugIns\AppleIntelPIIXATA.kext\Contents\ info.plist

Был добавлен код:

<key>ICH9 ATA/100</key>




<key>Controller Name</key>

<string>ICH9 ATA/100</string>









<key>Supported Transfer Modes</key>



<key>ICH9 Serial ATA</key>




<key>Controller Name</key>

<string>ICH9 SATA</string>









<key>PCS Port Map</key>




<key>Serial ATA</key>


<key>Supported Transfer Modes</key>






Это значение Dev винта может отличатся, CD висит тоже на сата но значение 0x29268086


Ось стартовать отказалась НО

После изменения режима в БИОСе на Enhanced(IDE) винт заработал в режиме АТА но скорость работы изменилась см. test_posle.txt

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  • 2 weeks later...



I have the same board, I managed to get the mac to boot up without any internet and sound yet. Video is also on 1024 by 768.


Still I have a mac now:)


Anyhow, this is what I did...


1) Get a Macdotnub OS X 10.4.10

2) Attach your SATA to only channel 1 & 2 (3 & 4 cannot be supported)

3) Set the correct active partition for your mac (I have it as follows)

- Vista - Partition 1 (20 GB)

- MAC - Partition 2 (20 GB)

- DATA - HPFS Partition 3 (the rest)

4) Boot from the disk

5) This is very important... When you get to the GUI to install stuff, choose the minimum...

6) Once the install is complete you should reboot with the disk inserted into the DVD drive and hit F8 when they ask if you want to reboot from disk

7) Type -s then hit return...let it run till you see the shell prompt

8) Next type the following commands in order

fdisk -e /device/rdisk0 --- This will start fdisk on disk 0, I am assuming you have your mac partition on your first disk

flag 2 --- This will select the active partition as the 2nd partition, again I am assuming

update --- This will write the boot record on the partition to make it bootable

write --- This will write the MBR

quit --- Quit fDisk

reboot--- reboot system

9) This time remove the DVD and let the system boot

10) you should see the GUI and just follow the steps to completion

11) Do note that the best bet is to remove all the additional options except the main system install... ie no sound, no videos and network


You should then be on par with what I have...

-No sound

- Not Internet

- Crappy Video


Now I will need to look into how to get it better than Vista


Have fun

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Select AppleAzalia from sound packages when installing from ChaOSX86 5.


I am using P5K-SE successfully + Core Quad for Tiger 10.4.10 and Leopard! :-)


There is no driver for the Lan, so get a cheap Ethernet Realtek 8139 PCI, and it will be automatically detected.


For Leo you can use original Leo dmg and BrazilMac patcher.


With ChaOSX86 5 there is no need for a SATA DVD :-) you can use an IDE DVD !


In case that you use a SATA DVD, plug it in SATA 1 and plug the SATA HD in SATA 2.If you need instructions for getting Leo running, just ask.


I keep two partitions: first for Tiger and second for Leo. I love this Asus P5K-SE mobo and plan to buy more :-)


using Asus P5K-SE + Core Quad (no overclocking):

Geekbench Score 4731

Version Geekbench 2.0.8

Platform Mac OS X x86 (32-bit)

Operating System Mac OS X 10.5 (Build 9A581)

Processor Intel® Core2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz


XBench results:

Results 144.20

System Info

Xbench Version 1.3

System Version 10.5 (9A581)

Physical RAM 2048 MB

Model ACPI

Drive Type ST3160811AS

CPU Test 139.04

GCD Loop 283.85 14.96 Mops/sec

Floating Point Basic 137.85 3.28 Gflop/sec

vecLib FFT 110.68 3.65 Gflop/sec

Floating Point Library 111.66 19.44 Mops/sec

Thread Test 298.90

Computation 217.29 4.40 Mops/sec, 4 threads

Lock Contention 478.64 20.59 Mlocks/sec, 4 threads

Memory Test 187.68

System 199.54

Allocate 269.64 990.22 Kalloc/sec

Fill 166.69 8104.61 MB/sec

Copy 187.74 3877.62 MB/sec

Stream 177.14

Copy 165.72 3422.87 MB/sec

Scale 168.67 3484.73 MB/sec

Add 187.90 4002.68 MB/sec

Triad 188.84 4039.70 MB/sec

Quartz Graphics Test 228.43

Line 183.35 12.21 Klines/sec [50% alpha]

Rectangle 243.72 72.76 Krects/sec [50% alpha]

Circle 193.95 15.81 Kcircles/sec [50% alpha]

Bezier 190.60 4.81 Kbeziers/sec [50% alpha]

Text 518.48 32.43 Kchars/sec

OpenGL Graphics Test 163.45

Spinning Squares 163.45 207.35 frames/sec

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Hello Xlars. Can you tell me please,if i can install ToH_x86_9A581_RC2.iso or any version,on my PC? I have Intel Core 2 Duo E6750, 2 GB memory, Nvidia Geforce 8600 GT, 2 HDD Sata - DVD RW - and mainboard Asus P5K-SE. I was trying to install it,and everything seems to be okay,but after 2 -3 minutes it's blocked and i see this message ; RTL 8139 : FIX ENET CONTROL --FLOW CONTROL IS DISABLED" I have a second network card,but at the time i don't use it. ( RTL 8139,i mean) Please help me,and tell me if it's possible to install on my PC,any version of MAC OS X. Does it work maybe with " Leo_Patched_DVD" from torrent?! Please ,someone help me how to fix this problem,or if it's possible or not. Thanks a lot.

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> Guys does this works using IDE or just SATA?

> Is there a way to make it to work using IDE?


I have both working, IDE and SATA. But a little modification on a Info.plist is required. I did the modification from Tiger, modifying Leopard Info.plist. SATA is working on 1 and 2. 3 and 4 are not working yet. I am still looking for a solution, but for me its ok because I have Vista and XP at SATA 3 and 4.


> have you tried Leopard alone?


No, because I want to have both: Tiger and Leopard


Sound is ok using AppleAzalia


I have not used ToH. Just original 10.5 dmg and BrazilMac parcher. Worked great

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Hi Andriy,


you wrote:"Try my patches (from signature)

SATA 1 and 2 ports working good with ApplePIIXATA or

SATA (1 2 3 4) + Marvell PATA( 5 6 ) work using AppleVIAATA.kext"



Would you comment about the HD performance (speed) difference using ApplePIIXATA or AppleVIAATA? For me the HD speed is very important, so I'd choose based on which one is faster.


thanks for your help



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What a great solution! :angry: Thanks a lot!


All SATA ports are recognized now and both Tiger and Leo boot extremelly fast! Tiger only 3 gray spinning wheels, Leo 5 !!!


These are my results for xbench disk management:


Disk Test 53.29

Sequential 112.77

Uncached Write 108.46 66.59 MB/sec [4K blocks]

Uncached Write 104.51 59.13 MB/sec [256K blocks]

Uncached Read 115.10 33.68 MB/sec [4K blocks]

Uncached Read 125.09 62.87 MB/sec [256K blocks]

Random 34.89

Uncached Write 12.15 1.29 MB/sec [4K blocks]

Uncached Write 69.81 22.35 MB/sec [256K blocks]

Uncached Read 93.68 0.66 MB/sec [4K blocks]

Uncached Read 135.95 25.23 MB/sec [256K blocks]


DVD burning working fine too

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For me the HD speed is very important, so I'd choose based on which one is faster.


thanks for your help



Try first patch and second with Xbench

First - is more right(It is native Intel driver) but not fully working(need many source development for supporting 3 and 4 port) 8(((

Second - it is just a hack for VIA SATA driver for work with Intel ICH9

So - U can use any of them...

As for me - I use second that support SATA + PATA 8)))


Dont forget for backup

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For those that want to modify the kext themselves and don't use a patch, this is the required change in:







VIA SATA Controller


IOPCIPrimaryMatch ... (add these values) 0x612111ab 0x29218086 0x29268086


where 0x612111ab is for Marvell, and 0x29218086 (SATA 1,2) 0x29268086 (SATA 3,4)

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