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Drivers for 8600M GS


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I'm sorry in advance if I missed a post that has what I need.


I'm looking for drivers that will work with my Nvidia 8600m GS graphics card, because when I boot up it only allows me to be in 1024x768.


I had randomly tried the macvidia drivers but it gave me a kernel panic.


I'm trying to install this on a HP dv9000 and searched through the post about this laptop but havn't found anything.


Thank you for any help :)

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  • 2 months later...

Well you're not alone. I thought this would be a great idea, until I got all the stuff loaded and realized how much stuff depends on accelerated video, I have a dv9500t with 8600M GS... nothing exists for it. Looks like when people are talking about the 8600 it's the GT, so I wonder how I can start messing with this w/o killing my card..

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On Macs the 8600 drivers initialize the gfx card through EFI.



To the OP, if you did a half decent search you would have realized that there are no working drivers for 8x00 series BESIDES the G80 8800s.

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  • 1 month later...
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  • 1 year later...
This driver (http://scottdangel.com/blog/?p=19) worked very well for me for the 8600M GS, 256mb dedicated, I got full Quartz Extreme, hardware acceleration, running native 1440x900 on the HP DV9644CA shown here http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/documen...product=3554705


Can you please send me this file? At least upload it? The site is having problems.


I have a 8600M GS 256MB card, and I need to get Quartz Extreme enabled.



Please help me!


I'm tired of trying all the fixes and patches etc.

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  • 5 weeks later...

п�€иве�‚ milkman

try nvisntaller 52

ive told you about it on applelife.ru forums


ok, on the clean 10.6.2 edited natit works fine, but the perfomance isnt good

but now Ive messed with geforce and NV* drivers, so Im trying other drivers, cause natit doesnt work anymore(there are strange squares and "space"



Yeah, i found much better solution, NVEnabler with modified NV**.kext



MY Nvidia 8600M GS how-to!!!(Tested on NVidia 8600M GS 512 mb, OSX 10.6.2)

This may work on 64 bit(I cant test it, because of AMD)

0. Delete any injectors(like natit, nvkush, nvinject) and any gfx string

1. Download this file: link

If you have devID not 0x0425(look in System Profiler(r sth like this cause I cant remember how it is named in English) for it) then edit all NV*.kexts Info.plist

2. Install this kexts

3. Reboot

4. You may have Q Extreme (bar will be transparent)

5. Download OSX86 tools and enable quartz GL with it. It will give you a big boost of perfomance

6. You can test it with glview, here are my results:

without enabling Quatz GL with OSX86

with it

And test with oclinfo:

[Device 0]
Name: 			GeForce 8600M GS
Vendor: 		NVIDIA
Type: 			GPU 
Device Version: 	OpenCL 1.0 
Driver Version: 	CLH 1.0
Compute Units: 		2
Work Group Size: 	512
Clock: 			1000 MHz
Global Memory: 		512 MB
Local Memory: 		16 KB
Cache Size: 		0 KB
Cache Line Size: 	0 Bytes
Available: 		Yes
Double-Precision: 	No

[Device 1]
Name: 			AMD Turion(tm) 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL-60
Vendor: 		Intel
Type: 			CPU 
Device Version: 	OpenCL 1.0 
Driver Version: 	1.0
Compute Units: 		2
Work Group Size: 	1
Clock: 			2064 MHz
Global Memory (Total): 	2560 MB
Global Memory (Host): 	1536 MB
Global Memory (PCIe): 	1024 MB
Local Memory: 		16 KB
Cache Size: 		512 KB
Cache Line Size: 	64 Bytes
Available: 		Yes
Double-Precision: 	Yes

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  • 1 month later...

i have a dell XPS laptop with a 8600M GT and i have snow leopard retail and updated to 10.6.2 and cant get the card to show up, The "about this Mac" page just says this under graphics/display





Type: GPU

Bus: PCIe

PCIe Lane Width: x16

VRAM (Total): 32 MB

Vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de)

Device ID: 0x0407

Revision ID: 0x00a1



Resolution: 1280 x 800

Pixel Depth: 32-Bit Color (ARGB8888)

Main Display: Yes

Mirror: Off

Online: Yes



And because of this I only have one resolution setting in display options and cant change the resolution when I use the HDMI output on the laptop and don't have the transparency effect option for the menubar ( don't know if that's related )


I have tried a number of things but so far nothing has worked


You can help




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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...



I have a problem with my 8600m and my internal laptop screen.


When I have qe/ci I get black screen, but my vga out works perfect!


I have try alot of things. Efi, DSDT and Nvinject, but can´t get it to work with internal!


I have find out my nvcap and EDID string, and added it to the NVenabler. But still no luck..


Any suggestions to what I can do/try?




I have make a dump, if that could help you?





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  • 2 weeks later...

I am having also problems with my 8600m GS 512MB (HP Pavilion dv9500). I can not even change resolutions or anything else.

I have tried almost all listed tips but with no sucess (DSDT patch, NVEnabler, NVInject ..., GraphicsEnabler=Yes)


Hope there will be some solution that will work for me too

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  • 1 month later...
I am having also problems with my 8600m GS 512MB (HP Pavilion dv9500). I can not even change resolutions or anything else.

I have tried almost all listed tips but with no sucess (DSDT patch, NVEnabler, NVInject ..., GraphicsEnabler=Yes)


Hope there will be some solution that will work for me too



Well.. I somehow got this working.


I'm running Snow Leopard 10.6.3 on a HP dv9685eo with GeForce 8600M GS with QE and CI

AND the option to choose what resolution in the Display Preference (running at 1400x900x32)




I will see.. if I can make som sort of "How-to-Guide" with the right files included..

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  • 1 month later...
i have a dell XPS laptop with a 8600M GT and i have snow leopard retail and updated to 10.6.2 and cant get the card to show up, The "about this Mac" page just says this under graphics/display





Type: GPU

Bus: PCIe

PCIe Lane Width: x16

VRAM (Total): 32 MB

Vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de)

Device ID: 0x0407

Revision ID: 0x00a1



Resolution: 1280 x 800

Pixel Depth: 32-Bit Color (ARGB8888)

Main Display: Yes

Mirror: Off

Online: Yes



And because of this I only have one resolution setting in display options and cant change the resolution when I use the HDMI output on the laptop and don't have the transparency effect option for the menubar ( don't know if that's related )


I have tried a number of things but so far nothing has worked


You can help






i have same problem with hp dv6580 (8400M Gs 128MB) . i use main display

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having the same problem but I have a very strange observation that I think is the key to solving this problem.


When I boot into Snow Leopard using the iAtkos DVD loader, all works well and I have full Quartz Acceleration. But if I remove the CD and boot using the bootloader installed I dont get Quartz or acceleration.


I have been trying to find out why but I'm still a newbie at this. If someone can take this observation and build on it, it may be helpful!!!

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  • 4 months later...

omg u sawed my life!!! working just perfect. mine was a 8600m gs 256mb installed under E/E and ran the kexthelper to correct the permissions

don't put it under S/L/E cuz it makes it crash lol

anyhow it works :)

1.6.5 woking



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nvenabler gives me error on boot, because of that i have absolutely no luck

yet 10.6.5 has now the card recognized witch has helped my overall performance a lot

i dont really get why nvenabler is givin me error having recognized the card correctly, will work on that.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi everyone, i'm trying to install my 8600m gs 256mb on a Sony VAIO FZ. Unfortunately it isn't correctly detected on 10.6.5 (sys prof says it's a 32mb card).


Tipo: GPU

Bus: PCIe

Larghezza Lane PCIe: x16

VRAM (totale): 32 MB

Fornitore: NVIDIA (0x10de)

ID dispositivo: 0x0425

ID revisione: 0x00a1



Risoluzione: 1280 x 800

Profondità pixel: Colore 32 bit (ARGB8888)

Monitor principale: Sì

Mirror: Spento

Online: Sì


Could somebody give me a hand?

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  • 2 weeks later...
omg u sawed my life!!! working just perfect. mine was a 8600m gs 256mb installed under E/E and ran the kexthelper to correct the permissions

don't put it under S/L/E cuz it makes it crash lol

anyhow it works :D

1.6.5 woking









can you explain the Procedure and where you found the driver


thanks a lot and Happy new year





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omg u sawed my life!!! working just perfect. mine was a 8600m gs 256mb installed under E/E and ran the kexthelper to correct the permissions

don't put it under S/L/E cuz it makes it crash lol

anyhow it works :|

1.6.5 woking





Hi ;


where i can found the driver ?


thanks a lot





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