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Today, Apple has ordered many 3.2GHz Intel Quad Core Xeon processors. The 45-nanometer chips are indeed the successors to those used in the existing Mac Pro. Pricing leaked out of Intel in August would have them selling for over $1000 each, however, making for some expensive Apple desktops given that each Mac Pro would need 2 of these chips. It would also require that Apple update the Mac Pro to have a 1600MHz front-side bus. Apple's current system is its custom 8-Core Mac Pro, which has 2 3.0GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon processors running on a 1333MHz front-side bus and selling for just under $4000. Mind you, this is with 1GB of RAM. Apple anticipates selling so many of these machines, that other PC manufacturers would barely have enough supply of the 3.2GHz chips to announce availability of these rival machines.



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Mac Pros are long overdue for an upgrade.

When they were released last year, they were excellent value for money, although nobody would seriously believe that 1GB RAM or the default GeForce could be enough, especially when compared to the other specs.

Now a Mac Pro isn't a great bargain for €2500 any longer.

I expect they'll improve the specs and leave the price unchanged, old Apple policy.

About time that the Mac Pros got an update.


Also, they should change the entire exterior look of it to fit in with the new iMacs.


I quite agree that the Geforce 7300 or Radeon 1900 graphics cards, 1GB of RAM, etc, are way too little for these beasties; even the baseline iMac is better than or equal to that!

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