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It amazing how people are so quick to file lawsuits. It's simply the cost of being an early adopter, I know this lesson all to well. My first DVD burner cost me $650 and a year later it was selling for $80, my first hacked satellite TV system cost me $2000 and 2 years later you could buy it for $300. This law suit is nothing more then a attempted money grab given she is suing for over a million dollars, it should be tossed out of court.



i agree totally... u have to suffer the consequences if u wanna be the first owners of a revolutionary new gadget... u cant blame the company for lowering cost of the product... its within their legal rights to do so... there's no law that says that they cant lower the prices...

This is the most pathetic attempt at getting money I have ever seen. And I am sure the ONLY reason the law firm is taking the suit is so they can get their name out there. I mean come on, $1 million because you needed to pay an extra $100? Get F***ing real. This is such a BS suit, thats like me suing the tech store at my school because recently they cut their old 80GB iPod stock that was remaining from ~$300 to $240. Its the market, and you MUST pay a price if you want to be the first with something. I don't see how she was so willing to pay the price at the time, and even waited in line. Then she wanted to SELL it? And then she throws in the fact that the unlock hack came out... and now she would have to pay a $175 termination fee. GUESS WHAT SISTER, Sprint, Verizon, T-Mobile, they ALL charge termination fees. My god people are just pathetic now days, and I am only 19 and I am saying that.

well, its also besides the point of the $100 difference. the iPhone costs roughly $250 to make, and is being sold for almost twice that. its just because Apple Inc wants more money.

I am glad that they want to make money. If they did not do it for profit then I dont think they could have made such a revolutionary product like the iPhone. People dont make products for the fun of it . Money is what motivates people to make things better.

Meh...maybe Apple might give out an additional $100 credit if all goes well >_<


I would have to say that this lawsuit is stupid because EVERYTHING gets a pricecut sometime during the product's life-span. I understand that it is a pain seeing how Apple drops $200 from the iPhone less than two months from launch. The deal is, companies can do that. Heck, They could've done the price drop two weeks after launch and the only thing the customers are entitled to from Apple is them saying, "Tough {censored}."


Apple giving us back $100 was an excellent way to get back early iPhone adopters to purchasing more products from them. This person should be grateful they did that. I'm happy to get $100 back from Apple; I would have thought they wouldn't care about the early adopters. Boy was I wrong :D. Even if it was only $50, it's still something back from Apple to say they are sorry.

If you think about the rebate it's really not costing Apple a $100 because you have to spend it in an Apple store. With most products having a 40% to 60% markup and some products have even higher markups of a 100% or more. So Apple saves face and it only cost them a few bucks.


It's stupid lawsuits like this that are costing tax payers millions a year and tying up the court system when other more important cases could be settled.

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