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Leopard Intro Video parody...


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Thanks for the link EFI.


Glad you guys liked the vid, I'd always wanted an excuse to create a version of the Tiger welcome video and when I saw that the new Leopard one and leaked (and read the iphone news about 5 minutes later) I was inspired.




~ elroy

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:blink::):P:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

How do you find these?


Just random accident actually, lol. :P


Thanks for the link EFI.


Glad you guys liked the vid, I'd always wanted an excuse to create a version of the Tiger welcome video and when I saw that the new Leopard one and leaked (and read the iphone news about 5 minutes later) I was inspired.




~ elroy


No probs, and very nicely done indeed. What software did you use? I'm guessing Motion? :)

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No actually I probably used the two apps furthest removed from the ones that apple used: Carrara for the 3d text/logo and Aftereffects for the compositing.


Yeah, I think I'm the last person left on the planet using Carrara, but it's just so simple to use that I can't bring myself to ditch it.


Oh... and a google image search for the word 'nebula' deserves a lot of the credit too.

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Yeah, I think I'm the last person left on the planet using Carrara, but it's just so simple to use that I can't bring myself to ditch it.

carrara 5 is teh_shiznit. No, really, it has the simplicity of bryce but more modeling features and better animation IMO. I used it to create an FRC safety video.

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Is there any way to get from that a screensaver?

Anyone knows where the original one located, I mean ,high definition one ?!


Really awesome!!

there is an app that can make movies and other stuff ur screensaver, cant remember the name tho, its in /System/Library/CoreServices/Setup Assistant/Contents/Resources/TransitionSection.bundle/Contents/Resources/ called intro.mov, sound is called intro-sound.mp3

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