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iTunes 7.3.1 and Quicktime 7.2 updates released


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Today Apple released a minor update (7.3.1) for iTunes and a larger update (7.2) for Quicktime.


The update for iTunes addresses a minor problem with iTunes 7.3 accessing the iTunes Library.


The update to QuickTime addresses critical security issues and boasts the ability to use full screen viewing without the need to buy the pro version. It includes updates to the H.264 codec and numerous bug fixes. However if you own a QuickTime Pro key from versions prior to version 7 you will need to purchase a new key from Apple to use with QuickTime 7.2.


Open up the software update program if you have not already been prompted to upgrade or grab the update from Apple's website!

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I am new to the Mac and had managed to get my quick time updated with codecs to play xvid and A52 etc.

I was planning to use front row to view my videos and it was all ok until this update today.

Now if front row, or quick time from the desktop try to open an xvid file the proceess locks.


Any idea how to roll back these updates ?

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