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Im sick of windows and osx86 isnt %100 yet, what else can i use

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i figured ill just use xp for games, but when im not in it, who can recommend a OS for genral/mutltimedia use?


photoshop like program

iTunes like program

Internet Connection


Wireless/LAN Intel PRO 1000/100 wireless card

Graphics support


My pc specs in my sig


Im a kinda noob to linux, but i did get osx86 to install, just no networking is pretty annoying, i guess thats the only reason i dont wanna use it :rolleyes:



I would totally recommend Ubuntu Linux to you. It comes with a very easy to use installer, and it's fun! It comes preloaded with the Gimp (photoshop alternative) and Openoffice, as well as some other programs. As far as hardware detection goes, it's pretty good.


However, the best part is, you can download almost *any* program you want, using its built-in installer, so for example I would get Amarok -> itunes like program, and the KDE extensions -> turn it into KUbuntu. There are literally thousands.


Of course there are many, MANY other distrobutions out there. I also wanna check out PClinuxOS, looks good. But Ubuntu is a good start.


As for your OSX86 woes, why not try an external networking device (usb type), check the Wiki.


Because once you're rocking with OSX, Ilife, and natit with that fancy-scmancy graphics card of yours (hope that works!), you won't wanna go back!

yeh i got a usb>network cable thing working, but it stoped and for the love of me i cant work out why, also natit and titan dont work cause i have a 512mb card :(, i thought about replacing my wireless card with one that works, but thats still a 50/50..


what the the KDE extensions?


Also, i did some poking around have you seen dreamlinux?


Can you make kubutu look all fancey and pretty like osx with widgets, docks, ect..?



thanks alot

That sucks about your laptop not doing OSX, because it sound f-ing killer!


Yes, you can get KDE extensions very easily, Ubuntu uses Gnome by default, but just fire up Application Installer and get the KDE extensions, or just get Kubuntu.


I would have to heavily recommend XGL/compiz to you as well. 3d desktop management and whatnot. Especially with that rig of yours. Search for it, it's VERY cool.


You can get kde to look like OS X, just google, "kde look like OS X" - lotsa results. Dock is pretty easy, not so sure about dashboard. Luckily linux is very configurable, so things like this are possible.


I've heard about dreamlinux, that's about it. Don't know much about it. If you wanna try it, I say go for it! I just think Ubuntu/Kubuntu is easy to get into...


Good luck with your linuxing, and keep coming with those questions if you have more! (Not that I'm exactly a linux geek, I installed Ubuntu and that's it!)


Just one more thing, I know you're probably really really attached to your laptop, but If I were you I'd sell it for a Macbook Pro! But that's just me, don't take it the wrong way!

yeh id like too, but im on some silly plan from the store, where im paying it off monthly, so its not really an option :(, and i got it just befor the macbookpro's came out, was devistated..


But ill try kubuntu out, and see what happens,



kubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386.isokubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386.iso 699.91 MB-


Im guessing thats what i need, so illdownlod that, make a small partition and see what happens lol

You should have more patience your videocard problem is a general problem and it wil be solved soon. 10.4.8 isnt ready on your system yet? natit would not work without that, and azalia audio is a clear go in your system.


You will not find OSX out of OSX... not in linux...


and Wxp is good for playing only

ive been thinking the same thing lately. i really like osx but i hate the issues. i even spent 300 dollars to get an asus video card to get all features working. id buy a mac if i was in the market for a new computer or to be honest even if i could just raise the money. i hate windows lately. its clumsy and unpolished and on my computer currently crashes too much. id love a good *nix version that could do multimedia and look nice and sleek.


ive seen a few screenshots of linux versions which have a nice gui. like glass or something. isnt ubuntu the one that doesnt support commercial media codecs though? sorry if this question is stupid but i use my computer for all my media needs.



also i need to be able to use a second language on my pc at all times. i live in japan and cant avoid it.

the pc-bsd os looks alright but i know little about it. im fairly unknowledgable about unix. only run it once.


thanks for any help in choosing my next os.



p.s. aberracus .. i have had a lot of patience getting my video card working but i have the same card as you the asus x1600xt silent but mine is version 3. on one forum you offered to provide your video cards bios. if you could get that it for me then perhaps i could finally get mine working too. thanks either way.

Edited by ruku

mandriva 2007 powerpack, best linux ive used so far (and thats alot...) that worked on my computer, hit up the torrent sites, because the powerpack costs $, but comes with non generic drivers for things suck as gpu along wiht all the 3d options that can benchmark your system to chose witch 3d desktop would run best. ubuntu is really popular, and is also good for entry level linux users, it has a good userbase that is more than happy to help, and is also tweakable so as you grow in your understanding of linux it wont limit you because its dumbed down. suse was easy for me, and was my first distro, it was nice.... just partition using gparted, so that your windows has space and then give your linux trials another partition, so that you can still use windows if you have a problem or like it better or need a driver or something for lan or internet, and just keep the windows on one and swap out linuxs on the other until you find one you love, and wipe the harddrive to get rid of windows only after your sure you like linux, your sure you have the drivers and such as hardware is supported, and that you can live wiht it.... oh, and that youve backed up all your important stuff.


gparted : http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php


just burn gparted and boot off of the cd, and go from there, and best of all its free, so no warez needed ;)


and dualbooting is easy with grub, its a sinch and you shouldnt have any trouble figuring it out.

You should have more patience your videocard problem is a general problem and it wil be solved soon. 10.4.8 isnt ready on your system yet? natit would not work without that, and azalia audio is a clear go in your system.


You will not find OSX out of OSX... not in linux...


and Wxp is good for playing only



Is that directed to me, im assuming so lol..


But, ive been patient about it all, i cant run 10.4.8 with out some graphic support cause its horrible, everything just tears and is all choppy, macvidia didnt work with it, 10.4.7 has worked the best for me with macvidia...


azalia audio, i have the crappy HD Conextant {censored}, and it dosnt seem to be working for anyone..


besides that and my networkcard not working, its fun..


Ive downloaded kubuntu, im gonna give that ago and see how it is

Im a kinda noob to linux, but i did get osx86 to install, just no networking is pretty annoying, i guess thats the only reason i dont wanna use it


I would think there is solution to you networking problem, I would work on finding that instead of messsing with Linux. It is not that I have anything against Linux either, it is just from what I have seen it not really comparable to OS X on the desktop.

i figured ill just use xp for games, but when im not in it, who can recommend a OS for genral/mutltimedia use?


photoshop like program

iTunes like program

Internet Connection


Wireless/LAN Intel PRO 1000/100 wireless card

Graphics support


My pc specs in my sig


Im a kinda noob to linux, but i did get osx86 to install, just no networking is pretty annoying, i guess thats the only reason i dont wanna use it :P




Windows 2003 Custom tweaked for Home/Gaming

Vista Lite



I am a long time linux user. I also use Win XP occasionally, because of a few apps (I am using it right now, I must download a 4 GB file and OS X has nothing quite comparable to IDM)

We all agree that Windows sucks as an OS.

Linux and OS X require total dedication.

OS X requires that you buy special hardware for it, be it a real Mac or a hackintosh.

Linux will also make your life difficult with some hardware: ATI cards, softmodems, adsl modems, WI-FI, some printers...

On top of it linux has tons of other problems: distros come and go, releases get delayed, they come out buggy or with silly choices (why use a beta Xorg for OpenSUSE 10.2? Why get rid of the much loved apt4rpm?...)

And linux apps, except for a few (K3B, Evolution...) are not that great.

Last but not least, Linux has a very steep learning curve, don't believe anybody who says otherwise (of course you can also use Linux without really knowing what you are doing: not a good idea).

Concluding: I have tried to love linux for years, I have even taught it to many people, but now I have come to the conclusion that OS X is worth the time and money I spend for it.

I keep trying some new linux distros just for fun.

well i downloaded the new kubuntu, i did a lilttle googling, created a swap partition and a main one, it install all nicely, my netword card and wireless worked out the box, everything worked but sound, only thing is, i couldnt boot back into xp after the install, it installd grub but that didnt give an option for xp, so i rebooted with spfdisk and the xp partition was set to hidden, so i unhid it, now i can boot to xp, but not kubuntu, i tried making a bootloader with spfdisk but it dosnt let me boot into kubuntu, just says its invalid, and acronis os slector just isnt working for some reason.


any suggestions?

and acronis os slector just isnt working for some reason.


Very odd, that has always been the safest bet.

You could try and create a small boot partition (about 100 MB) and install GRUB there.

Any odd behavior/bugs from Ubuntu do not surprise me, though. Why not try OpenSUSE 10.2?

Very odd, that has always been the safest bet.

You could try and create a small boot partition (about 100 MB) and install GRUB there.

Any odd behavior/bugs from Ubuntu do not surprise me, though. Why not try OpenSUSE 10.2?


dose it matter where the partition is? as i created a small 15mb FAT partition at the front of everything thinking acronis would install there, but it didnt, i just got a system disk error, press anykey and xp boots, how do i install grub through windows? and then do i make that 100mb partition active so it boots from there?

well i downloaded the new kubuntu, i did a lilttle googling, created a swap partition and a main one, it install all nicely, my netword card and wireless worked out the box, everything worked but sound, only thing is, i couldnt boot back into xp after the install, it installd grub but that didnt give an option for xp, so i rebooted with spfdisk and the xp partition was set to hidden, so i unhid it, now i can boot to xp, but not kubuntu, i tried making a bootloader with spfdisk but it dosnt let me boot into kubuntu, just says its invalid, and acronis os slector just isnt working for some reason.


any suggestions?

Can you rehide XP?

dose it matter where the partition is? as i created a small 15mb FAT partition at the front of everything thinking acronis would install there, but it didnt, i just got a system disk error, press anykey and xp boots, how do i install grub through windows? and then do i make that 100mb partition active so it boots from there?


I suppose the boot partition should be the first primary partition, possibly ext2.

You can't tell Acronis where to install, AFAIK.

And you can't install GRUB through Windows, you need a Linux distro. Once again, why not try OpenSUSE? You can download the 10.2 boxed set (DVD) from here:




(Moderators: it is perfectly legal)

i tried suse, and i just couldnt get it to install, ill give it another go, i download 2x 600mb cds, i think its the latest version...


But i got acronis to install, it didnt find kubuntu, but if i go to show operation systems its there, i just cant select it :)


i really wanna try out compiz and xgl, that stuff looks so cool..


and i guess its a plus kubuntu found all my hardware bar sound

i tried suse, and i just couldnt get it to install, ill give it another go, i download 2x 600mb cds, i think its the latest version...


But i got acronis to install, it didnt find kubuntu, but if i go to show operation systems its there, i just cant select it :(


i really wanna try out compiz and xgl, that stuff looks so cool..


and i guess its a plus kubuntu found all my hardware bar sound


The latest Acronis (10) has a "detect OS" option". Have you tried it?


As to configuring sound in Ubuntu (and any Linux), try the following:


Open a terminal:


$ su

$ your root password

# alsaconf


Once you are done:


# alsamixer


and finally:


# alsactl store


If you have sound in KDE or Gnome but not in games, install gamix and run it.

i cant find a cracked copy of acronis 10, only 9


That is because you must look for Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.0



And BTW, I have found out how to properly install and configure the ATI driver in SUSE 10.2 and how to properly use Smart instead of APT. So now I am loving SUSE 10.2.

i have that, and it only comes with the demo of acronis..


Why don't you look in the "usual places" (same where you would look for an OS X DVD iso)


im using a nvidia card, so ATI dosnt apply..
I know, that was a bit OT from my part.



I gave freeBSD ago, and after the awful instalation, it didnt work anyway...


Did you try PC-BSD? It is FreeBSD based, but *a lot* easier.

well, i got acronis special free edition where everything is full version :thumbsup_anim:, os selector still dosnt find kubuntu, im going to re-install it and see what happens, but how come grub dosnt find the windows partition? because it automatically installs with kubuntu..


also, where do i Find xgl/compiz/ and the plug-ins? atm thats what im most intrested in, and wondering why kubuntu didnt play half my mp3's

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