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Intel Wireless driver


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to check the linux logs,

get the log from previous post

open in console

use reload to load the complete file size

tipe iwl3945 in filter to see driver code only

the log is equal to iwi3945 except for the send/receive commands

for each command send the driver is expect to receive a iwl_rx_handle with reclaim=1


it's better to try it first in 10.4

10.5 will have to wait



here's the linux log with grep iwl3945


maybe the driver don't call the interrupts while in iodelay loop of iwl_send_cmd()

try to add this before the iodelay:



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build and source version


the sources from linux are in intelwireless site

i've post a linux log - check previous posts


the driver is stuck at snd_cmd - should be easy to fix

the timeout delay is ok - the bug is somewhere else



no kp, here logs.

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I find in previos bug:

linux log:

Aug 30 22:17:19 friedi iwl3945: U iwl_enqueue_hcmd Sending command REPLY_BT_CONFIG (#9b), seq: 0x0401, 16 bytes at 1[1]:4

in my:

iwi3945: iwl_enqueue_hcmd Sending command REPLY_BT_CONFIG (#9b), seq: 0x0400, 16 bytes at 0[0]:4

seq is not same

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check iwl_alive_start()

the sequence is different because i've dissabled the send_power cmd -> gives firmware errors. i don't use this in iwi2200

the power setup is done in iokit at the start() function


i've build the source with other firmware versions - maybe this help. in the past iv'e got some erros related with firmware versions


current source uses firmware 2.14.4 - i'm including the header of other firmware versions. backup the current firmware before replacing it in the xcode project. i use ./hex2string command to create the firmware headers


you can find all intel source files in http://intellinuxwireless.org/

iwi3945 is using version 1.0.0-1 -> found in intel main site "stable" sources - linux session

i only use iwlwifi-1.1.20 as a reference to see what they fix in code


just remebered that 1.0.0-1 uses firmware 2.14.1 in linux code -> maybe this is the stable version


before posting logs of this .dmg try networkselector option 1 a few times





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Hi people,


Nice to see that there is still work going on for 3945! Keep on the good work. I guess many people will be happy with a driver for that one. The problem is that I own the 4965agn. I tested the driver on http://code.google.com/p/iwidarwin/ but this one doesn't work.

Has anybody yet got this card to work? As far as i know it's impossible.

And is anyone still developing a 4965agn driver? Is there a chance that it will become working? Or will it be practically impossible due to the n-draft? And is there a (bigger) chance that it will run on Leopard?


@ ice96, is it maybe relatively easy to port 3945 to a 4965 version when it's done?


@ jalavoui. It might be an idea to mention the SVN revision number for the SVN-compiled binaries on code.google.com . Because now it is very unclear to see if the binaries are updated or not. A view at the SVN revision number would make people sure whether it's updated or not.


I really hope you will succeed in this nice peace op programming!

Greetings Koen

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looks like the firmware versions make no diferrence

i see in logs


: Grabbing access while already held at line 882


this can be the cause of firmware errors - i'll try to fix this

nop this can stay as it is


i remove functions from class darwin_iwi3945 - this make the code more simple

i suspect that might be a bug by calling functions this way

also make a call to interrupts in snd_cmd



try this

move the declaration from iwi3945.h

struct iwl_priv *priv;

to base.cpp -> this will make it global and probably will make the driver work better

i've some problems with (darwin_iwi3945 *clone;) and doing this fix the problem


bt_config is for bluetooth suport. see in logs: sometimes the driver sends this command susesufully other times it fails


i put back to firmware 2.4.4 - think is best for now


since you have the card - try this

in snd_cmd -> change the iodelay values... you might find one that works



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from your logs looks like the driver need more time to complete the cmd

i've raised the timer in snd_cmd


all i did was remove all queue_te for iwl_irq_tasklet




set the timer in snd_cmd

while (priv->status & STATUS_HCMD_ACTIVE)





if (rc==10) break;


when rc=10 timeout is 500ms= 0,5 second


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