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Does Titan also supports OpenGL


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With Titan one should get CI and QE support if lucky. Maybe a stupid question but i read more and more about (open)GL support for applications. If one has QE and CI do the also have OpenGL support or is that something else. btw i know what openGL is and i would say that if one has QE and CI that one should also have openGL. But the questions i read sometime seems to say no.

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Well dont get confused


There are graphics card which supports OpenGL [but not QE/CI]. QE requires a DirectX 8 Capable graphics card and CI requires a DirectX 9 Capable graphics card. But for Basic OpenGL acceleration you need a DirectX 7 Capable graphics card. Just to be clear on that matter


and yeah Titan enables it on supported graphics card

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where i can find a more detail insruction to install Titan driver? the one i found in Omini's site is too hard for me. I'm such a noon.


Best answer is that if it's too hard don't try it yet untill you understand what you should do.


It's not rocketscience though.....

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Well dont get confused


There are graphics card which supports OpenGL [but not QE/CI]. QE requires a DirectX 8 Capable graphics card and CI requires a DirectX 9 Capable graphics card. But for Basic OpenGL acceleration you need a DirectX 7 Capable graphics card. Just to be clear on that matter


and yeah Titan enables it on supported graphics card


DirectX has nothing to do with openGL support. It's just coincidence that cards of certain DirectX generation have similar levels of openGL support. CI requires a 9500+ ATI or 5200+ nVIDIA, (although the latter (like most of the 5xxx series) has such crappy shaders that it increases CPU usage w/ CI).

There is no DX in the mac universe, dx only features of the video cards are ignored.

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