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When I got my original MacBook, I was amazed. The speed was incredible, faster than what I expected.


I had come from an iBook G3 at 900mhz, and, you could imagine, the difference was incredible.


The difference between the iBook and the Macbook is almost as much as the difference I notice between the MacBook and the MacBook core 2 duo.


I had a MacBook in for repair for 41 days, and Apple gave me back my laptop, but it still had problems, so they shipped me a new one.


In this new laptop, they upgraded the RAM, they upgraded the HDD size, and upgraded the processor.




Let's just say, I have no altercations with Rosetta now. I love it. :laser:


I could only imagine a MacBook Pro or even a Mac Pro... Wow.

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512...but, seriously. There's no way in hell it was just because of the RAM.

No, but the RAM increase is responsible for MOST of the speed increase. The increasde from CD to C2D is pretty minimal, but OS X is known to perform WAY better on at least 1gb versus 512mb.

you'd be surprised, seriously. i had a core duo macbook with 512Mb, and i put 2Gb in there. it felt like a doubling of speed. having dual-channel mode enabled (matched pair of ram sticks) makes a HUGE difference to the macbook too, as it uses the GMA950 (shared memory).


if you took a MacBook 1.83Ghz Core Duo w/ 2Gb RAM and a MacBook 1.83Ghz Core 2 Duo w/ 2Gb RAM and compared them, im pretty sure you wouldnt see a 'huge' difference.

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