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Someone runnig Logic Pro 7 on Hackintosh?


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Hi everybody.


Just curious if someone managed to install Logic Pro 7.2 on their Homemade Macs.

Any problems with the xskey? How is performance? Is it stable?


I was considering buying the Software which by the way everbody knows its not cheap. So, do you think its worth the risk to buy and run it on a Hackintosh?



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Logic 7.2.3 with original Xskey is working fine and really stable in my 10.4.7 Hackintosh. Also Amt-8 doesn't need for drivers and Motu Traveller really rocks! :)



I'm trying to put my Motu traveler also on my hackintosh with the same version but I always get the message device not found :D

How do you connect your card to your computer?

What firewire card are you using?

Witch drivers are you using?

Best Regards.


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