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iMovie on 10.5 9A283


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Upon opening iMovie I get the message "Cannot find the needed version of Quartz. It is included with the iMovie HD installer; please re-install iMovie to get the needed support frameworks." So, I reinstalled and that didn't help. I tried this on two computers. Any help would be great! Thanks!

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Are you guys doing a full install of the apps after the OS ... or migrating the apps from a clone or another partition (tiger or leopard WWDC build) ?


First I migrated...then I did a new install of the apps. All the other iLife apps seem to work fine. I dragged just the app (didn't install it) on a 10.4.8 mac, and it worked fine.

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I don't have the problem with Toast 7 either. And I don't use Apple Remote Desktop so I can't confirm that. It seems like maybe the quartz files are in an unexpected place...time to check the logs.

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Ok, to make iMovie work .... you need to use the Quartz.Framework from the original build.


The downside - the only thing (thus far) that i have noticed is that TimeMachine no longer works (it must rely on the newer version of Quartz).


What i suggest - write a script to swap out the Quartz Frame work per application need.


I will try to attach the folder/files.


Replace the Quartz.Framework folder in ::




MAKE SURE to backup the current folder !!!! Or Time Machine (and maybe other appz) will not work!!


Use at your own risk !!!




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