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AppleHDA HDMI Audio

Most audio codecs/most Intel/AMD/Nvidia graphics systems


11/12/18 - DEPRECATED

See  https://github.com/acidanthera/WhateverGreen


Nvidia HDMI audio also requires AppleALC.kext (Controller patches)
See https://github.com/acidanthera/AppleALC



Enables HDMI, DisplayPort and DVI (ex. AMD) audio

Supports macOS: 10.14, 10.13, 10.12, 10.11, 10.10, 10.9 and 10.8


macOS HDMI audio support for Intel HD3000 and newer, AMD HD5xxx and newer, Nvidia 4xx and newer, Intel/AMD and Intel/Nvidia graphics configurations. This guide provides files and instructions for enabling native macOS AppleHDA HDMI audio.  


Change Log

v1.3: 9/27/2018: Initial Mojave support, WhateverGreen.kext supports AMD/Nvidia/Intel, NvidiaGraphicsFixup.kext deprecated

v1.2: 4/10/2018: Added Intel/FakePCIID, AMD/WhateverGreen, Nvidia/NvidiaGraphicsFixup methods added (see II. AppleHDA HDMI Audio Methods), 10.13.4 Nvidia HDMI audio fix (see XI. Nvidia HDMI Audio/10.13.4); Clover v4305 or newer required.

v1.1: 10/10/17 - 10.13 support, Kaby Lake/cloverHDM support.  dsdt, ssdt, bootloader HDMI audio methods deprecated

v1.0: 6/20/17 - Supports all versions of macOS, 10.8 to current


cloverHDMI: detects and installs the correct Intel, and/or, AMD or Nvidia ssdt(s) and patches the Intel framebuffer for the connected display(s) enabling persistent macOS HDMI audio (native AppleHDA and Clover required).


  • Nvidia 10xx/web driver; no HDMI audio on HDMI port after boot. Use DPDVI2HDMI or DVI2HDMI adapters for HDMI audio (4K@60 HDMI requires active DP adapter).
  • macOS only supports video on one HDMI port on a Nvidia graphics card with more than one HDMI port. Use DP2HDMI or DVI2HDMI adapters for multiple HDMI displays (4K@60 HDMI requires active DP adapter).

Installation: see II. AppleHDA HDMI Audio Methods, below

  1. cloverHDMI: detects and installs the correct Intel, and/or, AMD or Nvidia ssdt(s) and patches the Intel framebuffer for the connected display(s) enabling persistent macOS HDMI audio.
  2. Intel/FakePCIID: 2 kexts that provide an alternate PCI ID to a given IOPCIDevice combined with a  device id injector, required framebuffer patches must be pasted to config.plist; best laptop/NUC support
  3. AMD/Nvidia/Intel/WhateverGreen: 1 kext that enables AMD HDMI audio with the default framebuffer, configurable with boot arguments
  4. Unsupported Methods: HDMIAudio.kext, Voodoo, etc.

Support: see IV. Problem Reporting, below

I. Before You Start

  1. Make a bootable backup
  2. Connect the HDMI device, restart
  3. OS X does not provide HDMI audio controls (No volume, no mute, no balance, etc.)
  4. The connected HDMI device (TV, receiver, etc.) provides any and all audio control

II. AppleHDA HDMI Audio Methods - Required: a. native AppleHDA.kext, b. EFI mounted

Install one method; remove installed method before installing another method.

1. cloverHDMI - Native macOS HDMI audio, all flavors (any SIP, Clover only)

  1. cloverHDMI
    1. Download/View Raw: audio_cloverHDMI.command.zip
    2. Purpose:
      • Intel/AMD/Nvidia: HDMI audio ssdt > EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/patched/
      • Intel: DP2HDMI framebuffer edits > EFI/CLOVER/config.plist/KernelAndKextPatches/
  2. Installation
    1. Mount EFI
    2. SIP enabled, OK
    3. Intel: HDMI displays only, disconnect DP displays
    4. Double click
    5. Answer y/n questions
    6. Password
    7. Restart
  3. Terminal (output)
    1. cloverHDMI-Intel
    2. cloverHDMI-Intel&AMD:Nvidia
    3. cloverHDMI-AMD:Nvidia
  4. Support
    1. MacOS: see Requirements/1. macOS
    2. Intel/desktop series: see Requirements/3. Intel motherboards
    3. Graphics/HDMI audio:
      1. Intel HD Graphics (native GPU Power Management)
        • see VI. Intel HD Graphics
      2. AMD/default framebuffer (ATY,AMD,RadeonFramebuffer)
        • see VII. AMD Radeon Graphics
      3. Nvidia/Official/Web
        • see VIII. Nvidia GeForce Graphics
  5. Notes
    1. Current HDMI audio; no need to run script, does not remove other methods
    2. Attempted HDMI audio and not working; remove all previous attempts
    3. This method does not work on all systems; HDMI audio dsdt edits may be necessary

2. Intel - RehabMan/FakePCIID - Fake-PCI-ID (SIP disabled, Clover only)

  1. FakePCIID
      1. Fake-PCI-ID
      2. Clover config.plist files for common Intel graphics configurations
    2. Purpose
      1. FakePCIID.kext - provide alternate PCI ID to a given IOPCIDevice
      2. FakePCIID_Intel_HDMI_Audio.kext - device id injector (PCI ID)
  2. Installation
    1. Install Downloads/FakePCIID.kext and FakePCIID_Intel_HDMI_Audio.kext to /Library/Extensions with kext installer
    2. Edit EFI/CLOVER/config.plist, paste config_HDxxxx.plist/ (see above link):
      • ACPI/DSDT/Patches/ (change HDAS to HDEF, 100/200/300 Series only)
      • ACPI/DSDT/Patches/ (change GFX0 to IGPU, all Intel HD Graphics)
      • ACPI/DSDT/Patches/ (change B0D3 to HDAU, 8/9 Series only)
      • ACPI/DSDT/Patches/ (change HECI to IMEI, 100/200/300 Series only)
      • Devices/AddProperties (IntelGFX/hda-gfx=onboard-1 for HDMI audio, all Intel HD Graphics)
      • Devices/AddProperties (HDA/hda-gfx=onboard-1 for HDMI audio, 6/7/100/200/300 Series only)
      • KernelAndKextPatches/KextsToPatch/ (HDMI audio, ... 0x ..., 0x ..., framebuffer patch, all Intel HD Graphics)
  3. Restart

3. AMD/Nvidia/Intel  - Acidanthera/WhateverGreen - WhatEverGreen Support Topic (Any SIP, any bootloader)

  1. WhateverGreen
      1. WhateverGreen v1.2.0 or newer
      2. Lilu v1.2.0 or newer
    2. Purpose
      1. WhateverGreen
        • See link above
        • Set necessary boot arguments
      2. Lilu
        • patch kext cache
  2. Installation
    1. Move Downloads/WhateverGreen.kext and Lilu.kext to EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other
  3. Restart

4. Unsupported Methods - not supported by this thread

  1. HDMIAudio.kext: supports 4 of 6 connected display instances, no developer support
    • Search HDMIAudio.kext
  2. VoodooHDA.kext: conflicts with AppleHDA.kext, does not support Intel HDMI audio
    • Search VoodooHDA.kext
    • Last resort, Nvidia 10xx HDMI audio

III. Tools

  1. IORegistryExplorer_v2.1.zip (View Raw)
  2. DPCIManager
  3. RehabMan/OS-X-MaciASL
  4. Property List Editors
    1. Xcode on the Mac App Store
    2. Property List Editor, PlistEdit Pro, etc.
    3. TextEdit, TextWrangler (last resort)
  5. Clover Wiki: Home

IV. Problem Reporting (post to this thread with requested information attached)

  1. Description of HDMI audio problem
  2. OS X version/motherboard model/BIOS version/processor/graphics
  3. Procedure/Guide used
  4. Installed S/L/E/AppleHDA.kext (10.11 and newer, search: show hidden files)
  5. Copy of IOReg - IOReg_v2.1/File/Save a Copy As…, verify file (Tools 1.)
  6. Screenshots
    1. DPCIManager/Status (Tools 2.)
    2. System Information/Hardware/Graphics/Displays
  7. DPCIManager/Misc/Boot Log
  8. MaciASL/File/Export Tableset As... (Tools 3.)
  9. Terminal/Shell/File/Export Text As. . . /audio_cloverHDMI-x0.command
  10. Clover  (if installed)
    1. EFI/CLOVER/config.plist
    2. DPCIManager/Misc/Boot Log
    3. EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/Patched/dsdt.aml (if installed)
    4. EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/Patched/ssdt.aml
  11. Put all files in a folder, compress and attach to Post

V. Requirements

  1. macOS
    1. 10.13+, see 4. SIP/1.
    2. 10.12+, see 4. SIP/1.
    3. 10.11+, see 4. SIP/1.
    4. 10.10+, see 4. SIP/2.
    5. 10.9+
    6. 10.8+
  2. Native AppleHDA.kext (Restore native AppleHDA [Guide])
    1. With or without onboard audio
    2. Remove any audio kext enabler/HDAEnabler_.kext
    3. Remove any HDMI audio kext/HDMIAudio.kext
    4. Remove/Disable Clover audio/HDMI audio patches
      • config.plist/ACPI/DSDT/Patches/Rename ???? to HDEF
      • config.plist/ACPI/DSDT/Fixes/AddHDMI_8000000/NO
      • config.plist/ACPI/DSDT/Fixes/FixDisplay_0100/NO
      • config.plist/ACPI/DSDT/Fixes/FixHDA/NO
      • config.plist/Devices/UseIntelHDMI/NO
  3. Intel Motherboards
    1. Desktop: 200/100/9/8/7/6/5 Series
    2. Workstation: X299/X99/X79/X58
    3. BRIX/NUC: HD540, HD6100, HD6000, HD5500, HD5200, HD5000, HD4000
  4. SIP (required to install/edit kexts and rebuild cache)
    1. 10.13/10.12/10.11:
      • CLOVER/config.plist/
        • CsrActiveConfig/0x3 or 0x67
      • Chameleon - Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist
        • CsrActiveConfig=3
    2. 10.10:
      • Clover/config.plist/
        • Boot/Arguments/kext-dev-mode=1
      • Chimera/Chameleon/Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist
        • Kernel Flags//kext-dev-mode=1

VI. Intel HD Graphics - HDMI, DP, DVI; max 2 (HD3000/HD4000 max: 1)

  1. Intel HD Graphics (desktop support; mobile, see VI. Notes/3.)
    1. HD6x0 (HD630/KBL, framebuffer edit required), 10.12.6 and newer
    2. HD5x0 (HD530/SKL framebuffer edit required). 10.11.4 and newer, HD540
      • System Preferences/Sound/Output; HDMI shows as DP, DP shows as HDMI
      • Supports 1x display, boot fails with 2x display; 2nd display hot plug works
    3. HD6000+ (BDW framebuffer edits required), HD6200, HD6100
    4. HD4600+ (Azul framebuffer edits required), HD5500, HD5200, HD5000, HD4400
    5. HD4000 (Capri framebuffer edits may be required)
    6. HD3000 (SNB framebuffer edits may be required)
    7. SKL/BDW/Azul/Capri/SNB kext edits
      • see II. cloverHDMI, above
    8. HD2000/HD2500, not supported

VII. AMD Radeon Graphics - HDMI, DP; max 6

  1. AMD RX 5xx4xx/HD R7-R9 3xx/R7-R9 2xx/HD 7xxx/HD 6xxx/HD 5xxx (* default framebuffer)
    1. AMD TrueAudio supported 10.10.4 and newer
      • Enable AMD graphics, credit: Meize - Tracing back the AMD GPU wakeup issue to its origin - ATi - InsanelyMac Forum
        • config.plist/Graphics/RadeonDeInit/YES
        • Clover/version 4296 or greater
      • AMD10000Controller.kext/TBA
      • AMD9520Controller.kext/GCN1.2/Vega
        • 10.13: HDMI audio working
        • 10.12: HDMI audio not working
      • AMD9510Controller.kext/GCN1.2/Polaris
        • 10.13: HDMI/DP audio working
        • 10.12: HDMI/DP audio not working
      • AMD9500Controller.kext/GCN1.2/Polaris
        • 10.13: HDMI/DP audio working
        • 10.12: HDMI/DP audio not working
      • AMD9000Controller.kext/GCN1.2/Tonga
        • HDMI/DP working
      • AMD8000Controller.kext/GCN1.1/Hawaii/Bonaire
    2. AppleHDAController and AMD70000Controller/AMD60000Controller/AMD50000Controller edits may be required, see

VIII. Nvidia GeForce Graphics - HDMI, DP, DVI; max 4

  1. Nvidia 10xx/9xx/7xx/6xx/5xx/4xx
    1. 10xx: Nvidia Web drivers required
      • No HDMI audio on HDMI port after boot, fixes:
        • DP2HDMI adapter
        • DVI2HDMI adapter
        • Hot plug HDMI display after Desktop appears
    2. 9xx/750/750Ti: Nvidia Web drivers required
    3. GTS 450, GTX 550/550ti, GTX 560/560ti; no native support
      • 560/560ti/Quadro 4000: Patch AppleHDAController binary
        • Find: de 10 ea 0b
        • Rplc: de 10 e5 0b
      • 550/550ti: Patch AppleHDA binary
        • Find: 14 00 de 10
        • Rplc: 15 00 de 10
      • 450: no known fix

IX. Uninstall AppleHDA HDMI Audio - Remove cloverHDMI method only

  1. Intel, remove:
    • EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/patched/SSDT-HDMI-HD....aml
    • EFI/CLOVER/KernelAndKextPatches/KextsToPatch/AppleIntelxxxGraphics...kext
  2. AMD, remove:
    • EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/patched/SSDT-HDMI-AMD-....-.aml
    • EFI/CLOVER/KernelAndKextPatches/KextsToPatch/AMDxxxxController.kext
  3. Nvidia, remove:
    • EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/patched/SSDT-HDMI-NVIDIA-....-.aml

X. Additional Information

  1. HDMI audio: audio_hdmi_guides
  2. HDEF audio: audio_ALC_guides

XI. Nvidia HDMI Audio/10.13.4

The process that enabled all Nvidia HDMI audio codecs has been disabled in 10.13.4 AppleHDAController.kext.  Device-ids for natively supported Nvidia graphics cards remain and work.

Supported Nvidia HDMI audio controller device ids (10.13.4 AppleHDAController):

  • DE 10 C0 0A
  • DE 10 94 0D
  • DE 10 E2 0B 
  • DE 10 E3 0B
  • DE 10 E4 0B 
  • DE 10 E5 0B 
  • DE 10 EB 0B
  • DE 10 E9 0B
  • DE 10 EA 0B 
  • DE 10 EE 0B
  • DE 10 08 0E 
  • DE 10 09 0E
  • DE 10 0A 0E 
  • DE 10 0B 0E
  • DE 10 1B 0E 
  • DE 10 1A 0E

Workarounds (select one):

  1. Backup 10.13.3/AppleHDA.kext_v280.12 prior 10 10.13.4 Update, install with kext installer to 10.13.4
  2. Add AppleHDAController patch to config.plist/KernelAndKextPatches/KextsToPatch with Xcode:
  3. AppleALC.kext Support
    • AppleALC.kext_v1.2.6 Support:
      • de100f0e
    • AppleALC.kext_v1.2.7+ Supported
      • de10ef10
      • de10f110
      • de10ba0f
      • de10b00f
      • de10bb0f
      • de10b80f
      • de10b90f
    • Edit AppleALC.kext with Xcode ((if Nvidia HDMI audio controller device id is not supported))
      • Download Xcode, see Post #1/III. Tools/5. Property List Editors/5. Property List Editors
      • Clone GitHub - vit9696/AppleALC
      • Determine Nvidia HDMI audio controller device id (2., above)
      • Edit AppleALC repo/Resources/Controller.plist/Item 30 (may change, look for NVIDIA HDMI for GM204 in 10.13.4+)
        • Replace: de10bb0f with your Nvidia HDMI audio controller device id
        • Save
      • Compile
      • Install complied AppleALC.kext to EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other/
      • Patch, Credit: FredWst/[pre-release] macOS High Sierra 10.13.4 - Page 18 - New Releases and Updates - InsanelyMac Forum (Example, 10deb90f, added to support list):        5acd6b70e7a23_ScreenShot2018-04-09at5_58_03PM.png.4cb942563e28b43854992b15ea0f07de.png

XII. Deprecated Methods

ssdt injection - Most systems; install ssdt and restart

  1. Download [Guide]-OSX-hdmi_audio-hdef_audio-ssdt.pdf.zip
  2. Note - BIOS/OS X updates do not effect ssdts
  3. edited ssdts, see dsdt/ssdt HDMI audio Guides below
    1. HD6x0: audio_hdmi_200series

    2. HD5x0: audio_hdmi_100series
    3. ssdt_hdmi-hd6000+
    4. ssdt_hdmi-hd4600+
    5. ssdt_hdmi-hd4000
    6. ssdt_hdmi-hd3000
    7. ssdt_hdmi-amd
    8. ssdt_hdmi-nvidia
    9. ssdt_hdef
  4. kext edits, if required, see dsdt/ssdt HDMI audio Guides below

dsdt edits - All systems: extract dsdt, patch, install edited dsdt

  1. Download[Guide]-OSX-hdmi_audio-hdef_audio-dsdt.pdf.zip
  2. Notes
    1. BIOS update require same dsdt edits on new installed BIOS
    2. OS X updates do not effect dsdts.
    3. All Intel systems have a dsdt
    4. AMD/Nvidia HDMI audio is installed
  3. dsdt edits/MaciASL, see dsdt/ssdt HDMI audio Guides below
  4. kext edits, if required, see dsdt/ssdt HDMI audio Guides below

Bootloader HDMI audio

  1. All supported configurations
    1. Clover
      1. with dsdt/ssdt and kext patches, above
  2. HD5x0 (Clover only, credit: RehabMan)
    1. [Guide]_HD5x0-hdmi_audio_(clover_or_ssdt).pdf
  3. HD4000/HD3000
    1. Clover/EFI/CLOVER/Config.plist
      1. Devices/Audio/Inject/3
      2. Devices/UseIntelHDMI/YES
      3. Graphics/Inject/Intel/YES
    2. Chameleon: Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist
      1. HDAEnabler=Yes
      2. HDEFLayoutID=03000000
  4. AMD/Nvidia (1st 2 ports only)
    1. Chameleon: Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist
      1. EnableHDMIAudio=Yes

dsdt/ssdt HDMI audio Guides(download appropriate guide from repo)

  1. HD6000+/Desktop/BRIX/NUC: audio_hdmi_9series
  2. HD4600+/Desktop/BRIX/NUC: audio_hdmi_8series
  3. HD4000/Desktop/BRIX/NUC: audio_hdmi_hd4000
  4. HD3000/Desktop: audio_hdmi_hd3000
  5. 5 Series/X58/X79/X99/Desktop: audio_hdmi_5series (dsdt edits only)
  6. Discrete Graphics (if installed)
    1. [Guide]-OSX-AMD-hdmi_audio.pdf.zip
    2. [Guide]-OSX-Nvidia-hdmi_audio.pdf.zip


TimeWalker75a Post #118, Intel HD Graphics 4600 (Haswell) working displayport

PikeRAlpha Haswell HDAU solution | Pike's Universum

bcc9 Post #11, http://www.insanelym....ort/?p=1934889

VCH888, Post 760 ALC889A, Gigabyte (Intel): now having a working front mic - Page 38 - Sound - InsanelyMac Forum



Screen Shot 2018-04-01 at 6.08.42 PM.png

Screen Shot 2018-04-01 at 6.08.42 PM.png

Screen Shot 2018-04-01 at 5.57.07 PM.png

Edited by toleda
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  • 3 weeks later...

1. Description of problem


No HDMI Audio Device (only 3x Realtek Line Out and 1x Realtek Digital Output)


2. OS/Hardware


Sierra 10.12.5, GA-P55M-UD2 Rev 1.0 F11, Core i7 860 Lynnfield, Geforce 560 Ti Fermi


3. Procedure



Patched this in Clover Configurator:


AppleHDAController binary

Find: de 10 ea 0b

Rplc: de 10 e5 0b


Then used the audio_cloverHDMI script (output attached). The script downloaded and installed a kext.


After reboot still no hdmi audio device.


4. AppleHDA.kext


S/L/E/AppleHDA.kext is installed with added patches by audio_cloverALC-130 to make Realtek Sound functional


5. IOReg is attached


6. Screenshots attached


7. Boot log attached


8. MaciASL


I was not sure here if I had to load my DSDT.aml into MaciASL before exporting, I did!


9. Terminal audio_cloverHDMI output attached


10. Chameleon not installed


11. config.plist, boot log, dsdt.aml all attached (ssdt.aml not on system)









  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

1. No HDMI Audio on GTX 1060 (used to work on my 960, upgraded, now it’s not working)


2. 10.12.6 / H110M-H DDR4 / F20a / i3-6100 / GTX 1060


3. http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/324635-applehda-hdmi-audio/


4. S/L/E/AppleHDA.kext is installed with added patches by audio_cloverALC-120 to make Realtek Sound functional



* Everything else is attached.








1. No HDMI Audio on GTX 1060 

Nvidia web driver/Pascal: HDMI audio on HDMI port does not work on boot.


1. DP2HDMI adapter

2. DVI2HDMI adapter

3. Hot plug HDMI connector after boot


ioreg.txt is not helpful See Post #1/Problem Reporting/5. Copy of IOReg - IOReg_v2.1/File/Save a Copy As…, verify file (Tools 1.)

Attach new IOReg

Nvidia web driver/Pascal: HDMI audio on HDMI port does not work on boot.


1. DP2HDMI adapter

2. DVI2HDMI adapter

3. Hot plug HDMI connector after boot


ioreg.txt is not helpful See Post #1/Problem Reporting/5. Copy of IOReg - IOReg_v2.1/File/Save a Copy As…, verify file (Tools 1.)

Attach new IOReg


Tried hot plugging HDMI but no luck. Haven't tried and cant settle with workaround 1 and 2.


I can't figure out how IOReg tool works. Will s screenshot help? See attached.


IOReg is correct.

10xx/Nvidia web driver; no HDMI audio on HDMI port after boot, fixes:

1. DP2HDMI adapter

2. DVI2HDMI adapter

3. Hot plug HDMI display after Desktop appears


Thanks. Hot plugging isn't working for me. I guess I'm out of luck. I don't have a DP or DVI port right now.

  • 1 month later...

Hi @toleda.


Is there anyway to support AMD hackintoshes?


I really want to enable my DisplayPort Audio from my RX580.


This is the identifier for it as seen on IORegistryExplorer vJk6gwZ.png


Didn't see any SSDT's for GPP8 on the repository.

CloverHDMI doesnt detect any audio codecs.


Thanks for any answer!

Hi @toleda.


Is there anyway to support AMD hackintoshes?


I really want to enable my DisplayPort Audio from my RX580.


This is the identifier for it as seen on IORegistryExplorer vJk6gwZ.png


Didn't see any SSDT's for GPP8 on the repository.

CloverHDMI doesnt detect any audio codecs.


Thanks for any answer!

give HDMIAudio.kext a try.  

  • 1 month later...



I am still struggling to get my HDMI audio working. I have a HD4000 on a 6-series motherboard. Everything works except HDMI audio.



OSX: 10.12.6

Motherboard: Intel DH61AG 

Processor: Intel Core i5-3475S

Graphics: HD4000


Procedure used: This Guide


I also tried the HD4000 on 6 series motherboard SSDT from your gothic repository and did not see any difference in the outcome. It was injecting an IMEI that I am already doing in config.plist.


I attached all the files you asked for.


Please help me getting this resolved.





Didn't see any SSDT's for GPP8 on the repository.

Apologies for the reply delay


See Post #1/IV. Problem Reporting; attach all requested files

Everything works except HDMI audio.

SSDT-HDEF-3.aml is loading but ignored

config.plist/ACPI/DSDT/Fixes/ - all properties set to YES, unusual.

Set: config.plist/ACPI/DSDT/Fixes/FixHDA_8000/NO

Save, restart, reply with new files.

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