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Free Macbooks Conga Line

Year of the Hex

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I'm sure everybody has heard of those Free ____ website pyramid schemes.


I did the free ipod one way back when and after about 6 months of convincing my friends to sign up I finally got my 'pod. Well, the company (freepay) now has a freelaptops website which features a free macbook if you can get 20 referalls.


So I think we should have a conga line here. I'll start:



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Topic moved to the Marketplace.


Hex, a conga line is a fine idea, but you should probably set out the rules (ie, the order of the conga, etc) from the beginning so that no one gets upset. :compress:

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Guest Sanchez Inc.



^___^ Ello, im new and all, but hey.. help me out here! i need something better than a Vista Machine!

dont get me wrong, Vista isnt so bad since i have WIndows Vista Home Basic, but ... honostly... its depressing to have haha ;) so why not help me with a Mac! :( ^_____^








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