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10.4.8 finally installed...


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Press F8 at boot [repeatedly] to bring up the Darwin boot menu. Use the up and down arrow keys to choose which partition you want and press enter. If it dumps you back into darwin right after choosing windows, choose it again, but continue pressing F8 to bring up the windows bootloader.

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You can edit the Boot.plist file in /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration to give you a timeout.


Quiet Boot






Where X is the number of seconds you want. Keep in mind that sometimes the counter starts a bit before the menu shows up, so add 1 or 2 extra seconds.


This timeout will let you press any key to open the menu. :)

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You can edit the Boot.plist file in /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration to give you a timeout.


<key>Quiet Boot</key>






Where X is the number of seconds you want. Keep in mind that sometimes the counter starts a bit before the menu shows up, so add 1 or 2 extra seconds.


This timeout will let you press any key to open the menu. B)


Hi, im currently using JAS 10.4.8 using the mikfi kernel. Tried doing this command but still dont get the timeout.


On a slightly different topic, how do i set the fsb=x option in the boot.plist? is it under kernal flags or key? thanks.

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