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As per the title, I have Yosemite running well, using Clover as a bootloader, but while the computer seems to wake from sleep OK, there is a problem, as it will abruptly shut down 5 - 10 minutes later. 

I haven't had these shutdowns except after waking from sleep.


Attached is my Clover config.plist


I am using an off-the-shelf DSDT.aml which I found for my motherboard, but which I guess may not be 100% right for my components. I've attached that too.


Any suggestions on settings to tweak, or where to start looking for clues?




we have the same main board. You probably don't need a DSDT any more when you use clover. Read a bit here about the installation and needed files for our main board: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/185097-guide-scripted-yosemitemavericks-install-on-gigabyte-mobos/page-222 Also the few pages before that. 


My suggestion: get rid of DSDT and only use FakeSMC and Realtek kexts and you're good.

Thanks both.

I have cleaned out some old kexts which are no longer relevant, put a standard OS X IONetworkFamily kext in S/L/E, added Mieze's Realtek kext into the Clover kexts folder and reset permissions and cache.


I am going to try without a DSDT.aml in the first place as I think keeping it simple is good - VirusX, I've adapted your config.plist  - I'll see how I get on with that first of all.

When I got rid of my DSDT.aml just now, sleep resulted in shutdown, CMOS wipe and reboot loop.

Already with the new config.plist that is fixed - just need to see now if the shutdowns still happen after 10 minutes.

All seems good now. No sudden shutdown after restarting from sleep.

After changing the config.plist I did have a problem with shutting down. The computer would restart instead of shutting down properly. I seem to have fixed that by changing a couple of things - one was unchecking Fix Ownership in USB section. The other was setting Inject Kexts to Yes. I don't know which of these was relevant.

Attached is my good config.plist for anyone with a similar system.

Thanks to VirusX as my original config was quite different. You have saved me a lot of trial and error.



Spoke too soon, restart problem when shutting down is back. No more random shutdowns, but problems shutting down cleanly.


I never had problems with shutting down correctly - maybe you can ask in the clover forum for help...


by the way: you only need mieze's realtek in clover/kexts/10.10. no need for the IONetworkFamily. And especially not in S/L/E! You will need only FakeSMC and Realtek in clover's 10.10 folder. Or did you mean that you left the original apple IONetworkFamily untouched?


Maybe you can compare my config.plist with the one of ROBASEFR or someone else with our board. I basically used the standard clover config and added some of my tweaks... I'm not saying that my config is the best since I don't know so much about all the things you can change. It works for me so I don't change anything hehe

Yes, I had a modified IONetworkFamily in Clover's kext folder originally- it had a Realtek plugin inside. I removed it from there and S/L/E, then realised it is an essential kext - so I took the IONetworkFamily kext from a vanilla Yosemite install on a real Mac and put it into my S/L/E folder, rebuilding caches, etc.


In Clover kexts I have FakeSMC, Realtek kext and NullCPU kext. I tried removing the NullCPU kext, but then the OS didn't load - the progress bar didn't move at all in the first load phase. Perhaps that kext is causing the problem?


I will do some more experiments with Clover settings then if I don't have a fix I will take a look at jl4c's DSDT.aml

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