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Guide - Yosemite DP2 - Clover - UEFI - Asus Sabertooth X79 - 4930k - GTX 650 - ALC982 - Fully Functional

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Took me a while to get Yosemite up and running, but I think I'm at a pretty good spot right now.  Runs pretty smoothly and is for the most part stable.  This should work on all X79 boards.


Current Config: 


Asus Sabertooth X79

 -- Bios 4701 (Latest as of June 23 2014)

 -- Optimized Defaults -> XMP

 -- CSM disabled / Secure boot = OTHER OS

Intel i7 4930k

EVGA GTX650 GPU (flashed for UEFI.... email support and they'll send you a BIOS file but you need to use Windows to install it)

32GB Corsair 1866MHz Memory

A bunch of SSDs

Other stuff (Bluetooth 4 adapter, Wifi PCI adapter, Trackpad, Apple Keyboard)


What you'll need:


10.10 Installer bash script (http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/298521-easy-yosemite-1010-usb-installer-updated/)

OS X Yosemite DP (from Mac Developer Center)

DP2 Patch (see Pike's comments here: http://pikeralpha.wordpress.com/2014/06/17/os-x-v10-10-yosemite-update-1-build-14a261i/)

RampageDev X79 DMG (http://rampagedev.wordpress.com/dsdt-downloads/asus-x79/)

Mirone AppleHDA edit ALC982 v2 (http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/298663-applehda-for-yosemite-dp2/)

Pike's ssdtPRgen.sh (https://github.com/Piker-Alpha/ssdtPRGen.sh)

MacIASL (http://sourceforge.net/projects/maciasl/)

Kext Wizard (http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/253395-kext-wizard-easy-to-use-kext-installer-and-more/)

HWMonitor (http://sourceforge.net/projects/hwsensors/)


I'll assume some familiarity with the hackintosh process.  I'll note some dead-ends I took so you can either 1) figure out how to make these methods work; or 2) avoid them.


1.  Make your USB.  Disk Utility -> Parition -> 1 -> Name it "Install" -> Make sure USB type is GUID. Format. Follow directions here:  http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/298521-easy-yosemite-1010-usb-installer-updated/


2.  Install Clover.  Select new USB.  Install to ESP/UEFI.  DriversUEFI64 -> Check EMUVariable64/AptioFix.  You also might need to install HFSPlus.efi instead of VBoxHFS-64.efi (see here: http://rampagedev.wordpress.com/os-x-10-8-mountain-lion/  Step 2 under Clover).  I've found that this is not necessary in Yosemite as it was in Mavericks, but I do it anwyay as apparently HFSPlus.efi is faster. YMMV.


3.  Go to EFI partition /EFI/CLOVER/   Copy Rampage's edited plist above.  Don't use one on his DMG.


4.  Load MacIASL.  Open up relevant SSDT on Rampage's DMG.  Search for HDEF.  Change LayoutID from 01 to 04 (explain why later).  E.g.:

                            Buffer (0x04)
                                0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

Save.  Copy to /EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/patched/.  Now your USB is ready.


5. Navigate to /EFI/CLOVER/kexts.  Create directory 10.10.  Go to rampage's SSD and copy Kexts for USB, FakeSMC, and IntelLAN.


6. Set BIOS to boot USB. Install.  Note: if you installed config.plist correctly, you shouldn't need to do this, but you'll need bootflag 


 to boot into installer.


7.  On reboot, select your new Installation. (This is different from Mavericks where you need to go into the installer again.)


8.  Go through all the setup processes.


9.  Install clover again, but this time on your normal HD.  Copy config.plist again.  Also copy your edited SSD.  (Basically do steps 2 through 4 again, just dont edit the SSDT as you already did.)


10.  Install FakeSMC/Intel LAN, USB driver again using KextWizard, this time to /System/Library/Extensions.


11. Eject USB, Restart, enter BIOS, select your drive to boot to. Reboot, make sure everything works.


12.  You currently have no PM and are stuck at 1.2GHz. (I was.)  Run Pike's SSDT generation script.  Rename to SSDT-1.aml.  Load it in MacIASL and change APLF from 01 to 04 (this fixes being stuck at 1.2 GHz). E.g:


        Name (APLF, 0x04)

Go to terminal.  Run "diskutil list".  Find the drive your Yosemite install is on and mount EFI partition: "sudo diskutil mount /dev/diskXs1" where X = your drive number. Copy SSDT-1.aml to /EFI/CLOVER/APCI/patched/"


13.  Reboot. Install HWMonitor and make sure you're not stuck at 1.2GHz.  You should also have working PM now.


14.  Install DP2.  The download from the Developer Center (at least for me) installed DP1.  Using App Store download of Update 1 (DP2) wouldn't install.  Instead I downloaded the patch directly and installed.  See Pike's instructions in comments here:  http://pikeralpha.wordpress.com/2014/06/17/os-x-v10-10-yosemite-update-1-build-14a261i/.  Download OSXUpd1010Patch.pkg and install it.  Reboot and check System Information -> Software to make sure you are now on 14a261i (I.e., DP2). 


15.  Install sound.  Download mirone's edited kext.  Go to System Information -> Audio and make sure the SSDT is injecting Layout 4.  Install Mirone's edited kext with Kext Wizard. Fix permissions and rebuild caches.  Make sure you rebuild the kernel cache or the kext won't load.


16.  Reboot, but add boot flag 


This is necessary because the above Kext won't load otherwise.


17.  Check sound works (System Preferences -> Sound -> Output).  Now let's add AppleHDA to Kext Exception List so we can avoid kext-dev-mode=1.  Go to /S/L/E/.  Copy AppleKextExceptionList to desktop.  Edit it (If you use ATOM.io texteditor you can just open it in the text editor, awesome!).  Go to Contents/Info.plist.  Navigate to:


Then add this to the end:


Save.  Use Kext Wizard to install Kext to /S/L/E/.  Repair Permissions and Rebuild caches.


18.  Reboot.  Don't use kext-dev-mode=1 flag anymore.  You should boot fine.


19. Enjoy!





1. I have had the odd crash that I don't usually see in Mavericks, but this is to be expected.


2. I could not get sound working use my typical method, which is autopatching using Clover (see: https://github.com/toleda/audio_CloverALC).  The kext doesn't load and when I use kext-dev-mode=1 the system crashes on boot.


3. Likewise, I couldn't use Pike's method of patchign AppleHDA described here: http://pikeralpha.wordpress.com/2014/06/30/new-style-of-applehda-kext-patching-for-yosemite/.  Same problem as above.


4.  When pairing my Trackpad through Bluetooth it asks for a code. 0000 works fine.


5.  To be able to log in to the App Store, I had to go to /Library/Preferences/SystemInformation/  and delete the preferences and network interfaces.plist.  After restarting access was fine. The problem here is en0 needs to be the Eternet adapater and for some reason on 10.10 it puts my Wifi card first.


Otherwise, I'm enjoying a fully functional Yosemite Beta DP2!




RampageDev (http://rampagedev.wordpress.com/

Pike (http://pikeralpha.wordpress.com/)

Mirone (http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/298663-applehda-for-yosemite-dp2/)

Snatch (http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/298521-easy-yosemite-1010-usb-installer-updated/)

toleda (https://github.com/toleda/)

Clover (http://sourceforge.net/projects/cloverefiboot/)

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I use DVI so I don't know.  


Also, I can only get full speed using an SSDT for power management.  Unfortunately, my system is unstable with a PM SSDT -- even in Mavericks.  I think it's a mobo/voltage issue and unrelated to anything else given that SSDT for others work fine and also work fine on my SB & Haswell systems. Even when I use the SSDT and set min clock to 3400 so it locks there but I still get random shut downs.  Bummer.  Stable as a rock in Mavericks with no SSDT and therefore no PM.  


Ordered a Asus Z97-Deluxe + 4790k the other day to replace my 6-core.  Don't need all 6 scores since I mostly use this for web dev, writing, and statistics.  Most stats programs are still single threaded and the one I use that can do multi-core I only paid for 4 cores cause six costs too much (no student discount!).  So not really worth it.  Otherwise Haswell wins performance for what I use it for.


That may change with X99 :-D  Soon....

Anyone know how to get the ASMedia SATA ports to chow up as Internal rather than the orange drive?


Also I'm getting good power management with the script with a 3960X.

I ran it like this

./ssdtPRGen.sh -p i7-3960X -turbo 4800 -c 0


Sleep seems to be working too. I used the ALC 898 for Rampage Gene IV from the Audio Kext here and Layout ID 7.



My geekbench is little low I'm finding on DP3, either i did my power management SSDT on DP2 differently or DP3 is a bit slower?

I was getting 25k, now 22.8k. It should be higher really as i used 1866Mhz CL11 Ram before, now 2133Mz CL9.

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