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saiu ontem primeiro, dp1 de 10.9


Release Notes


OS X v10.9 Developer Preview 1 Release Notes
Important: This is a preliminary document for an API or technology in development. Although this document has been reviewed for technical accuracy, it is not final. This Apple confidential information is for use only by registered members of the applicable Apple Developer program. Apple is supplying this confidential information to help you plan for the adoption of the technologies and programming interfaces described herein. This information is subject to change, and software implemented according to this document should be tested with final operating system software and final documentation. Newer versions of this document may be provided with future seeds of the API or technology.
Developer Preview System Requirements
Notes and Known Issues
Bug Reporting
Auto-Submission of Diagnostic and Usage Data
Legal Notices
OS X v10.9 Developer Preview 1 is pre-release software. Do not use this pre-release software in a commercial operating environment or with important data.
You should back up all of your data before installing this software and regularly back up data while using the software. You will not be able to upgrade from the OS X v10.9 Developer Preview to the final release.
If an installation of OS X v10.9 Developer Preview 1 fails, try using Disk Utility from a Recovery HD to repair the disk.
Developer Preview System Requirements
The OS X v10.9 Developer Preview supports the following Macs:
iMac (Mid-2007 or later)
MacBook (13-inch Aluminum, Late 2008), (13-inch, Early 2009 or later)
MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid-2009 or later), (15-inch, Mid/Late 2007 or later), (17-inch, Late 2007 or later)
MacBook Air (Late 2008 or later)
Mac Mini (Early 2009 or later)
Mac Pro (Early 2008 or later)
Xserve (Early 2009)
Notes and Known Issues
Network Migration from earlier versions of OS X is not supported in Developer Preview 1. Migrating from a Time Machine backup or other volume is supported.
Migration from Windows is not supported in Developer Preview 1.
If multiple shares are available on a Time Capsule, a share cannot be selected.
After installing Developer Preview 1 to an empty volume, Setup Assistant may appear to be running until another application is launched.
Reinstalling Developer Preview 1 from the Recovery Partition is not supported. Developer Preview 1 can be reinstalled using a Time Machine backup or Target Disk Mode.
iCloud and iCloud Keychain
After installation, some iCloud services may not be automatically enabled. Manually enable services in the iCloud preferences pane.
After enabling iCloud Keychain, some accounts may appear twice in Calendar.
The iCloud preferences pane may present an error if the user attempts to log out of iCloud before the Mail database has been upgraded. Launch Mail to complete a Mail database upgrade prior to logging out of iCloud.
After clicking on an iCloud Keychain approval notification, the approval sheet may not be displayed when the iCloud preferences pane is opened.
Quit and relaunch System Preferences to approve.
Keychain Recovery may become nonfunctional after changing the phone number listed in Account Details of the iCloud preferences pane.
Disable and reenable Keychain in the iCloud preferences pane to restore the Keychain.
Keychain Recovery only supports 4-digit Security Codes in Developer Preview 1.
Updates made via iCloud Keychain to the Safari AutoFill list may not be visible until quitting and relaunching Safari.
The Reset Keychain button in Account Details of the iCloud preferences pane is for testing purposes and will not be available in the final release.
Mail may spin on launch if Mail was previously quit with the General preferences pane open. Remove ~/Library/Containers/com.apple.mail/Data/Library/
Saved Application State and relaunch Mail.
After installation, the VIP list may appear to be missing from the Mail sidebar. Launch System Preferences and toggle the Contacts setting in the iCloud preferences pane.
Mail may quit unexpectedly when adding a new account. Quit and relaunch Mail to see the account.
Mailboxes with a single quote character in their name may not be searchable by Spotlight. Remove the special character from the mailbox name to restore Spotlight search.
Websites with audio content may stop playing when the tab is not active.
Credit card expiration dates may increase by one when editing in the AutoFill preferences.
After Screen Saver activation, animated GIFs may stop animating. Reload webpage to resume animation.
When multiple tabs are open, closing a tab may reveal a white window before showing the loaded webpage.
Websites containing animations or short timers may cause high CPU usage when using the Web Inspector.
HSTS websites may appear with HTTP URLs in the Address Bar. Safari uses HTTPS to communicate with these sites.
For some users, sending directions to iPhone may not work.
Maps may spin on launch if Automatic Graphics Switching is enabled.
Systems with network home directories may see decreased performance, and some preferences may fail to save. Remove the network home user account.
Windows clients bound to Open Directory won’t be able to authenticate to an SMB server.
Selecting an unsupported display resolution on non-Apple displays may result in a black screen. Devices with an Apple display can use Gather Windows in System Preferences to correct the resolution. Devices without an Apple display can reset their PRAM by restarting their device while holding Command-Option-P-R, which will set the display back to the default resolution.
Third-Party Applications and Devices
Installation within a virtual machine is not supported for VMWare Fusion.
Installing Windows with Parallels Desktop for Mac may fail.
Adobe After Effects CS6 will not function correctly.
Skype may exit unexpectedly.
Adobe may offer old or incorrect versions of software for users running this preview.
VoiceOver may not be able to find some Bluetooth Braille displays.
Power and Memory
Activity Monitor’s Disk tab shows zero bytes read and write for all processes.
Dispatch Timers are incorrectly not subject to Timer Rate Limiting when in App Nap.
Logging into Google accounts in the Internet Accounts preferences pane may not work.
LinkedIn Connections in Contacts are not supported in Developer Preview 1.
Text may appear clipped in applications for some languages.


para fase de testes


o metodo de instalação é basicamente o mesmo de ML, difere o facto de o mach_kernel não se encontrar em root


mas sim na pasta /packages/basesystembinaries.pkg extrair com pacifist (e copiar para a /(root) do instalador)





para fazer boot


utilizar Clover


ou este boot modificado do chameleon




Captura de Tela 2013-06-11 Ã s 06.13.52.png

Captura de Tela 2013-06-11 Ã s 06.15.04.png

Captura de Tela 2013-06-11 Ã s 06.16.11.png

Captura de Tela 2013-06-11 Ã s 06.16.51.png

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Acabei de fazer a cagada de instalar o Maverick no meu imac 27 mid 2011. E eu estou num projeto de After que preciso terminar até sábado. Não gostaria de voltar o sistema.

Se alguém tiver uma dica de como fazer o After Effects CS6 rodar no 10.9 DP1, me diz, por favor...

Obrigado desde já. Volto amanhã cedo (hoje)



é um dp (develloper preview)


a apple aconselha nunca a instalar numa partição de trabalho..


tem muitas coisas k estão a ser testadas.. quanto ao teu problema.. não faço a mínima .. possivelmente nem trabalha.. skype não trabalha..


e deve ter mais app k não trabalham..


boa sorte 

Artur, aqui está 100% com o DP2. A atualização foi tranquila e normal, mas nos ajustes o monitor fica apenas em 60Hz, não consigo mudar a freqüência (taxa de atualização). A resolução está em 1920x1082 com QE/CI mas mesmo assim o desempenho do monitor não me parece adequado, apesar de estar(?) normal. O repouso e a rapidez do Mavericks são fantásticos. O restante todo funcionando perfeitamente até agora...



  • 2 weeks later...



saiu DP3 build (13A510d)


disponivel para download na app store (necessita de DP2 instalado)


pelo menos  problemas do finder foram  resolvidos..


vamos ver nos próximos testes.. agora sim podem começar a testar de verdade o novo OS


update sem problemas, so mudar applehda para meu alc


bom hack

  • 2 weeks later...
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