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I have successfully been able to boot into 10.7.4 with my 660/680 GPUs, surpassing many KPs by finding solutions online but the resolution is in VGA mode which is depressing (lol, not really). From what I know, Apple doesn't plan on supporting older OSs with the newer hardware, so I am asking the help from the hackintosh community to lead me to a patch that would allow me to utilize the native resolution of the GTX 6XX in Lion. Any useful help is appreciated, thanks.

Surely you mean the native res of your monitor. Your video card has no native resolution..


Setting GraphicsMode=1280x1024 (or whatever it is) in /Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist should work.


I guess if your solution involves deleting all the nvidia (NV* and Geforce*) driver files, then there's probably nothing you can do. Not sure if NVDAResman.kext or any other NV/GF kext is needed for this.


You should really be running ML with that hardware, both your 680 and your 660 are natively supported as of 10.8.3, you don't even need GraphicsEnabler or anything else, it just works. I'm in Hackintosh heaven here.

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@ Gringo Vermelho: Thanks for the feedback. I actually read up on this method up elsewhere and was able to change the resolution with the Graphics Mode bootflag by adding it to my Boot.plist. Yeah, I had to delete all the graphics kext in SL because it would cause "DSMOS has arrived" KP. I actually have a triple boot: 10.6.8, 10.7.4, and 10.8.3. I am aware that no Graphics Enabler is needed for 10.8.3, but I 'm not so sure about 10.7.4. Can you confirm that there are compatible drivers for 10.7. On another note, I still use SL because there are apps I use that are no longer supported on more current OS versions besides SL.

For 10.7.x you can try extracting the Nvidia drivers (use Pacifist) from MacBookProMid2012SoftwareUpd1.0.dmg. From a quick search it looks like the first ever OS X Kepler architecture drivers were included in that package. I don't know if anyone else have tried this, it might or might not work. You'd probably need at least OpenGL framework and other files from the update as well.

The easiest way would be to just run the update (this way you won't miss any important bits), but you'd probably have to change model identifier in smbios.plist (temporarily of course) so the installer thinks it's running on the MacBookPro it was meant to run on. That's what I'd try first.


I guess it would be prudent to experiment with this on a second installation of Lion. It might be worth it, then again it could be a complete waste of time...either way, please post your findings.

I used Pacifist to extract the NVIDIA kexts from the MacBookProMid2012SoftwareUpd1.0 pkg and copied the kexts to the S/L/E then repaired permissions. This is the Kernel Panic I get:




I did back up the original kexts beforehand so I have no problem being able to restore my system back to normal. Any suggestions to what this might mean?

Man, this is not a panic! By the way, why people continues to mislabel the verbose lines where the boot process freezes as kernel panics? Luckily you posted a pic, otherwise you would get futile or harmful suggestions. Please try to get familiar with Unix/OSX terminology: will help you and help people help you.


This lines you got mean that your system successfully boots, but the GUI doesn't load. If you are using GraphicsEnabler=Yes, switch to GraphicsEnabler=No.


P.S.: another suggestion, perhaps not related to your current issue, but that will save you headaches in the future: if VT-D is enabled in the BIOS, disable -it.

@ theconnactic: GraphicsEnabler=No was already set in the Boot.plist. I have VT-D enabled in the BIOS because I use virtualization software, particularly Parallels. @ Gringo: I'll have to do that soon, that's Windows 8 for you.

@ theconnactic: I'm at work so I'll have to check that out when I get home... Just to elaborate on your last comment: "people continue to mislabel the verbose lines where the boot process freezes as kernel panics?" So you know, I'm a less than zealous Mac hobbyist who does enough to prevent errors or system hang-ups on my personal rig, no offense but the terminology I don’t care much about, just making a stable working system is my concern. I appreciate your assistance and suggestions but for the most part I can usually figure this stuff out myself by using search queries or trial and error. And if I'm stuck at a standstill then I resort to asking help from the community. Believe, I’m far from a noob, but I don’t make a living on building hacks as to obligate me to have to care about knowing the difference between a KP and verbose line boot process freezes. I’m just saying…

Believe, I’m far from a noob, but I don’t make a living on building hacks as to obligate me to have to care about knowing the difference between a KP and verbose line boot process freezes.


So you cannot complain if other people think you are a beginner and give you wrong advices, to make things worse. Knowing the terminology will make easier to read and understand guides and tutorials out there so you can figure out things by yourself with more ease. It's a win-win. And, as long as you asking help to others, it's the minimum that's expected from you. No offense: take it as a good advice.

So you can complain other people think you are a beginner and give you wrong advices, to make things worse. Knowing the terminology will make easier to read and understand guides and tutorials out there so you can figure out things by yourself with more ease. It's a win-win. And, as long as you asking help to others, it's the minimum that's expected from you. No offense: take it as a good advice.


Well to better clarify myself, I know my terminology but it may not be technically as sound as how u put things. I definitely can pick up on what I need to know for how to troubleshoot problems and also to relay my message so others can understand me. And if worse comes to worse or in an event I find it difficult to explain myself, I post pics to illustrate.

When I changed to GraphicsEnabler=Yes and I received this KP:




I was able to effectively remove this error by going to my installation drive and remove ACPI_SMC_Platform plugin found in System/Library/Extensions/IOPlatformPluginFamily.kext/ Show Package Contents/Contents/Plugins, and then repair permissions. Once that was solved, I tried to boot in verbose mode again, but the verbose line boot process freezes again and it is stuck at: /drv/ Hyploctls.c:779 loctl VT-d status:0

so I attempted to change VT-d into VT-x in the BIOS. The only problem is that that is not an option in my BIOS.




Any ideas how to set it as VT-x? Thanks

  • 10 months later...

Try booting with dart=0....I'm not sure if that flag existed in 10.7.x though.


Why are you using both VoodooPS2SynapticsTouchpad and ApplePS2trackpad? That can't possibly work well..


Also the double errors on AppleIntelCPUPowermanagement.kext are suspicious, what's up with that?

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