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I have installed chameleon on my system...


I got a normal boot0:GPT etc. error because the disk is 4kb...


So I corrected it with manual installation aaand..




Now I get this:





Boot0:Donejsafakfhbskajhfkjafkajslnfsla(some fancy characters like if you opened an exe in notepad...)


What should i try?


Thanks :)))

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Did your cat run over your keyboard when you went for a drink or something? :P


Everything is done as it should i guess? Setting the correct partition active etc?

Never seen an error like that before, have the same problem on my system:






, manual installation is fine, after i have repartitioned the HDD, installed OS X, and install Chameleon on first boot. If i do not do that, i can even forget about installing it manually afterwards. Hope you are not in the same boat.


You could try running the manual installation method again with a new boot package, perhaps the one downloaded was corrupted during the download or extraction.


Best of luck :)

No cat didnt run throught my keyboard... thats literally how the error looks...


I did try it... If i do it again I get the same thing except more lines of aksdnasjkdnasjkkasbfak...


I tried with chameleon, enoch, chimera. Only clover works(Cant boot up with it thought) :(

  • 2 weeks later...

What GPU are you using?


Sorry to hijack this thread, but I have the exact same issue as poster and I just added my 7750 after updating to 10.8.3.


I've tried every boot0 fix, even connected a second hdd and installed ML to it as well, so I could run ##### 5.2.1 on secondary drive and Chameleon Wizard (updated to 2.2), and still I get the error0 messages.


I did however put my GT 610 that was in originally, and it booted up without issue.


I am assuming the 7750 is interfering somehow. I can boot straight into ML with ##### 1.7.0 and it seems to install my card without issues.


My last attempt installing fresh was to install chimera bootloader only with ##### 5.2.1 and instantly got error0 messages.


My exact errors were:


error0: GPT

error0: test

error0: test

error0: done (then 4 lines of ascii text)



ps, where's the spell checker? hopefully I got it right the first time.

I got it working somewhat.


I read the new 7xxx have issues due to some memory allocation or something. Forgot to bookmark it. Their solution was add a second, known working, video card in the 7750 place and put 7750 in second x16 slot and boot.


It worked the first time, but on reboot it defaulted the second slot as primary and gave me the boot error0.


My solution was make the IGFX as primary and enabled in BIOS. Now it stays on IGFX at boot and 7750 works 100% except enabling AA borks video.


I tried disabling IGFX, while keeping IGFX as primary like other have suggests, but the BIOS freaks out and resets the two bios settings back to auto.


In summary, BIOS Settings are:


Init Display First - IGFX

Internal Graphics - Enabled

7750 - Still in second x16 slot, but should be fine in slot 1.




ps, I also read the Sapphire 7xxx has a switch in them for issue free install and need no special settings. I guess Sapphire must be working with Apple, and most likely making the Mac version cards for them.

I got it working somewhat.


I read the new 7xxx have issues due to some memory allocation or something. Forgot to bookmark it. Their solution was add a second, known working, video card in the 7750 place and put 7750 in second x16 slot and boot.


It worked the first time, but on reboot it defaulted the second slot as primary and gave me the boot error0.


My solution was make the IGFX as primary and enabled in BIOS. Now it stays on IGFX at boot and 7750 works 100% except enabling AA borks video.


I tried disabling IGFX, while keeping IGFX as primary like other have suggests, but the BIOS freaks out and resets the two bios settings back to auto.


In summary, BIOS Settings are:


Init Display First - IGFX

Internal Graphics - Enabled

7750 - Still in second x16 slot, but should be fine in slot 1.




ps, I also read the Sapphire 7xxx has a switch in them for issue free install and need no special settings. I guess Sapphire must be working with Apple, and most likely making the Mac version cards for them.

Just use newest version of whatever bootloader on MBR/FAT32 formatted drive. USB thumb drive is fine, this will fix the alien text after boot0. As for Sapphire, you may be mixing 2 different pieces of info. Yes they have duel bios which can be selected via switch, this is not to make booting anything easier, both bios are exactly the same. One is protected and won't let you reflash over it. This is so you can flash the other one, and if it goes wrong, you don't have very expensive paperweight. Can switch to orig bios to boot, then switch back to the one you F-d up and try flashing it again. EFI/VBIOS combo maybe available to flash allowing no sleep trick on some EFI mobos, lmay not be bootable at all on some legacy bios, and Sapphire won't provide one even by request like some other manufacturers will, don't even worry about any of that yet. Then soon to be released Mac Version of 7950 that supposedly has Mac EFI bios on half and VBIOS on the other, but not released yet and sounds like they just flashed the same EFI/VBIOS hybrid onto the flashable bios and left orig alone and called it "proprietary" hardware even though the only hardware (switch to change the bios used) is on the reference design.

Just use newest version of whatever bootloader on MBR/FAT32 formatted drive. USB thumb drive is fine, this will fix the alien text after boot0.


I did try that on my second hdd, but disk utility wouldn't let me format the partition1 to anything but max. I couldn't find a way to shrink it down either. Maybe I'll try the usb method. It's a big pain the way it is now as I can't muti-boot without switching my monitor to/from VGA all the time as I can't see the BIOS in VGA mode as it boots in dvi for OS X..


Is there a link on setting up the flash drive? I would much rather do it that way, and I don't have my OS X configured yet as I've been woking on a friends PC and have had my OS X offline for a few days now so I can just wipe the hdd is needed.


As for Sapphire, you may be mixing 2 different pieces of info. Yes they have duel bios which can be selected via switch, this is not to make booting anything easier, both bios are exactly the same. One is protected and won't let you reflash over it. This is so you can flash the other one, and if it goes wrong, you don't have very expensive paperweight. Can switch to orig bios to boot, then switch back to the one you F-d up and try flashing it again. EFI/VBIOS combo maybe available to flash allowing no sleep trick on some EFI mobos, lmay not be bootable at all on some legacy bios, and Sapphire won't provide one even by request like some other manufacturers will, don't even worry about any of that yet.


Dummy me forgot to bookmark the thread, but they were talking about switching the BIOS on the card. It had software on the CD only to do it and it wasn't availble to download anywhere else. I'm pretty sure it wasn't the Mac edition and they got it into an EFI mode iirc and it installed 10.8.3 without issues. Even AA and sleep worked iirc. If I get ambitious, I may search for it again as I may try it on my 7950 as the new SimCity is coming to Mac in June and I will probably throw in a spare hdd and play it on my gaming rig.


Then soon to be released Mac Version of 7950 that supposedly has Mac EFI bios on half and VBIOS on the other, but not released yet and sounds like they just flashed the same EFI/VBIOS hybrid onto the flashable bios and left orig alone and called it "proprietary" hardware even though the only hardware (switch to change the bios used) is on the reference design.


It has been released for some time. I almost ordered it when I bought my 7950, but I use os x on my seconday rig I use for all OSes and playing around and it is a low powered rig so it only gets video cards without pcie power connectors. Anyway, the mac version was like 50% more than the standard sapphire 7950. If I'm lucky someone will copy the mac vbios and it'll be compatible.


Thanks for the help


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