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To start things off, this is definitely not my first hackintosh. I have a SFF Optiplex 755. Core2Quad Geforce GT610. I have used the iatkos ML2 installer this time. Installed starts fine using no flags. It finishes completely. Upon reboot I get the following attached screen. post-28643-0-75920000-1363227134_thumb.jpg With the -x flag everything boots fine and the system works at full resolution and looks great. Without the -x no go. I have tried all the other normal flags. Any suggestions?

I see its one of those ( in my history) dreaded IOACPI related crashes. It also looks like it is related to your FakeSMC, I was having some similar problems on mine when I was trying to use one of the fancy FakeSMC that loaded a bunch of sensor related extensions as well. Have you tried a different version of FakeSMC? Also what does your org.chameleon.Boot.plist look like?


Also FYI I too have a GT610 in one of my machines and had the best luck using the official NVIDIA drivers.



Remove all the sensors plugins (Nouveau, oemsmBIOS etc), leaving only the FakeSMC. Or do as JCsHands said and switch to Kozlec's branch FakeSMC (search in Developers Corner > HWSensors) but install Fake SMC only, not the sensors. Alternatively, install AnV's autodecrypttool and ditch FakeSMC altogether (search in Developers Corner too).


Best regards!

I couldn't find a DSDT for my system. Thanks for all the repsonses. I will try them when I get home this evening. Ill post back with the results!



To start things off, this is definitely not my first hackintosh. I have a SFF Optiplex 755. Core2Quad Geforce GT610. I have used the iatkos ML2 installer this time. Installed starts fine using no flags. It finishes completely. Upon reboot I get the following attached screen. post-28643-0-75920000-1363227134_thumb.jpg With the -x flag everything boots fine and the system works at full resolution and looks great. Without the -x no go. I have tried all the other normal flags. Any suggestions?


...same problem here, system hangs after waitforsystemmapper... the backtrace lines appear here too, but nothing after(fresh install of 10.8.3) i'm using the appledecrypttool instead of fakesmc...same error... tried a disabler for appleintelcpupowermanagement, same, even tried disabling graphics...still only boots in safe mode :worried_anim:

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