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Hello! I'm a Hackintosh newbie but i after a while managed to install Niresh's AMD Mac OSX 10.7.3 but when i try booting i get stuck at the grey screen (no apple logo) and after a while it looks like this:

http://fiskbugg.se/fb/img_01031.jpg (Had to link it the uploader didn't cooperate)


I Now boot it with:

"Kernel Cache"=\amd arch=i386 -v

The same thing happens when i try w/out -v


Any suggestions? Or is it anyone that already have solved this problem?


AMD FX-8150

ATI Radeon HD4870

1x 4GB Corsair RAM (Took out one stick)

Try GraphicsEnabler=NO -x


if it doesn't work try with the other connector of the graphics card

Nope, still no luck. I'm getting pissed at this. y u no work

Combinations I have tried:

"Kernel Cache"=\amd arch=i386 -v

"Kernel Cache"=\amd arch=i386

"Kernel Cache"=\amd -x and or -v (Got stuck at Apple logo)

"Kernel Cache"=\amd GraphicsEnabler=Yes / No (Got stuck at Apple logo)

"Kernel Cache"=\amd GraphicsEnabler=Yes / No -x and or -v (Got stuck at Apple logo)

Also I have tried all these combinations in both the Chimera bootloader and when booting from the DVD and selecting the HDD. So I think you can understand I'm getting a bit frustrated.. :wallbash:

Are you certain this Niresh thing offers working AMD kernel? I have never seen this boot flag "Kernel Cache"=\amd but would make a lot more sense if it were written as Kernel Cache="amd"


Why double quote the command and then use a \ to escape a space before the variable name? And even then it would be "Kernel Cache"= \amd with a space after the = just observation, never used this on AMD so way your doing it maybe right


you will never boot from the retail DVD without a patched AMD kernel included in the bootloader. I hope you realize AMD is not supported and takes additional efforts to get working and will always require a patched kernel be used and it must be specific to the OS revision #

Are you certain this Niresh thing offers working AMD kernel? I have never seen this boot flag "Kernel Cache"=\amd but would make a lot more sense if it were written as Kernel Cache="amd"


Why double quote the command and then use a \ to escape a space before the variable name? And even then it would be "Kernel Cache"= \amd with a space after the = just observation, never used this on AMD so way your doing it maybe right


you will never boot from the retail DVD without a patched AMD kernel included in the bootloader. I hope you realize AMD is not supported and takes additional efforts to get working and will always require a patched kernel be used and it must be specific to the OS revision #

Hi thanks for the answer! Niresh's build includes a AMD kernel and I am muc aware that AMD os not supported by default. I have no idea if you are right about the command but i used it to boot the installer DVD and install sucessfully. I am currently re installing and was just wondering if i maybe should skip installing the Chimera bootloader?


When I get a grip off this whole Hackintosh thing I will seriously make my own AMD pack. :-)

P.S im on my iPad sorry for crappy writing. Ask if u dont understand

I fixed it! Re installed my mac and im now running it with: UseKernelCache=amd arch=i386

It starts in notime and all apps like Safari and Finder pop up like a bolt.

Now i only need to fix my screen res and network drivers... :P EDIT: I changed my screen resolution in the control panel and it works fine! :) but how do I install the drivers? I know i included them when I installed Mac OS

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