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Hello Guys,


I'm in need of some help, I bought a new system and wanted to dual boot with Windows 8. I thought I didn't want to jump the gun so then I decided to install Windows 8 get some software together then install apple and then finally try the dual boot. Here are my results from trying different distros:


iDeneb - Put in disk, press F8, Type -V, Press enter... Oh No! Restarted. Tried different flags just keeps restarting.

iPC and iAtkos - Put in disk, press F8, Type -V, Press Enter... Oh No! Kernal Panic and something about 0 hard drive problem??


I then decided to try a different method and went and installed VMware (which i could boot all 3 of the distros in - so im guessing thats a problem with my specs of bios?), the method was to make a virtual machine with access to the physical drive and the setting where it writes immediately to disk. I then try to run the virtual machine but have a problem something about the disk already being used.


I think this is because i would be overwriting the disk file that VMware creates which would probably break the virtual machine and not work. Do you think I could use a USB pen for the virtual machine disk file? Then I can use my HDD as a full physical drive?


All help would be greatly appreciated and im sorry if this is in the wrong place. (Mods please move if this is the case)


Computer specs are in my signature.

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Thanks for them links but they all seem to be talking about lion and somewhere inside them people mention Snow Leopard working flawlessly so I would be quite happy with that. Im not being lazy asking for lots of links, I know I can look myself. Im just asking what would be the best distro and version of osx for my machine.


Thanks :)

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