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Hello friends I bought the SAGER NP9370, and I want to know if it's possible to install a hackintosh in this notebook. The specs are:


- i7-3840QM;

- Mobile Intel® HM77 Express Chipset;

- 16GB RAM 1600 Mhz;

- SSD OCZ Vertex 4 256GB;

- Momentus XT 750GB;

- GTX 680M SLi;

- BD-R Blu-Ray Burner/8X DVD Multi+;

- Bigfoot Killer Wifi-N 1202 (with Bluetooth).


Full detail specs: http://www.clevo.com.tw/en/products/prodinfo_2.asp?productid=430

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi jcfla! Mine would be here this week... I hope... So only then I could offer some help. Have some experience on building hacks. Till now I've used chameleon on my MSI, but would like to go over Clover.

Did you find some info, like dsdt for this lappy?

Sorry for my English!

Hi jcfla! Mine would be here this week... I hope... So only then I could offer some help. Have some experience on building hacks. Till now I've used chameleon on my MSI, but would like to go over Clover.

Did you find some info, like dsdt for this lappy?

Sorry for my English!


Nothing. :(

Ok, mine is here! :) Jcfla, where are from? I'm from Italy.

So, for now I'd like to do:

-manage to install and boot from Clover, for now error boot1 (have cloned working partition from my MSI from sig) any idea?

-extract dsdt with ubuntu and Ayda from Win, but compiller gives me 74errors...

I know Clover has some/a lot fixies for dsdt, lets try to install it and report here!

  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, I've managed to run mac by cloning my Msi (see my signature) partition... must delete nvdastartup.kext to go to desktop...

I have a quadro k4000m, 104 kepler chip, same as gtx 680m, but it didn't work here...

So now I'm installing from scratch, 11min to the end, and I do this without deleting nvidia kexts, so hope I'll have qi/ce on!

I'll let you know!

Bad news (for me at least) - graphical acceleration doesn't work.... was able to boot only deleting apm and nvdastartup.kext with smbios for i ac13.2.

So I'll stop here, without trying to manage power management and audio, going to windows, I loose 9days trying everything, will look for a compatible card....

Ok, I continue my researches...

I discover that on apple devices (with lcd) the lcd is connected via eDP to the card, so something like Geforce->eDP->MUX->LCD.

They use eDP cause of big flux of data (big resolutions) that normal LVDS connection cannot handle. Our lappy use this internal LVDS type of connection, only 3D and IPS models of laptops use DVI dual link or eDP. So even we have not Optimus onboard may be valid the connection problem, so this is why on mobile keplers  we have black screen on no acceleration...I think!

I think we can inject correct type of connection an finaly have graphic acceleration!

Is there anybody ho wont help me in this research?

I need to know how to calculate NVCAP (NVCAP maker is too old to be usefull on kepler bios), cant find any info!

Also need to find ioreg from real macs to locate correct type of connection!


Am I alone here?

  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, I've managed to install Mavericks 10.9.3 on! With my new ssd it is verry quick system! The only 2 problems are:

1. have no mic...maybe one day I'll fix it

2. my Quadro run always on full freqs, temps are ~53˚. It's a little annoying cause the fan is on max rpm! Deleting AppleGraphicsPowerManagement.kext may help a litle in my case keeping temps more low, with HWMonitor I can see various states on my graphic card, but anyway it tend to remain on max and I lost Sleep...So I think my problem is AppleGraphicsPowerManagement.kext cant manage well PM of my card, but I'm not shure, maybe on real iMac13.2 it is the same-always on max freqs...

  • 1 month later...

Ok, I've managed to install Mavericks 10.9.3 on! With my new ssd it is verry quick system! The only 2 problems are:

1. have no mic...maybe one day I'll fix it

2. my Quadro run always on full freqs, temps are ~53˚. It's a little annoying cause the fan is on max rpm! Deleting AppleGraphicsPowerManagement.kext may help a litle in my case keeping temps more low, with HWMonitor I can see various states on my graphic card, but anyway it tend to remain on max and I lost Sleep...So I think my problem is AppleGraphicsPowerManagement.kext cant manage well PM of my card, but I'm not shure, maybe on real iMac13.2 it is the same-always on max freqs...


Man, with this latest WWDC the dream is on again...


How are you doing with your hackintosh? Is it working fine? What did you do?


All fine here! You can see in my sig, I have no mic (not interested in) and PM of my quadro...does not work well...now, with 10.9.3 update my temps are ~58˚...no comment!


To install I use one of many guides with restoring Mac image on usb flash or partition of a hd. Using clover, I can give you all necessary file to boot, just pm me with your email.

Let me know!

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  • 4 months later...

Hi I have a similar laptop EUROCOM P370EM Scorpius ( http://www.eurocom.com/ec/specs(230)ec ) with 680M

I really need your help here, I am a total noob.





To install I use one of many guides with restoring Mac image on usb flash or partition of a hd. Using clover, I can give you all necessary file to boot, just pm me with your email.

Let me know!


I don't know how to do this kind of restoring, If it helps me I have an old iMac running Yosemite, how to do the restore?



Hi Harold!

Use this section, first topik, top install, I cant explain better!


My config is now different, so is dsdt, cause I inject my video in dsdt. I can provide you my files but you mast create your own dsdt and config.plist for clover, cant help you with Chameleon, sorry!

My laptop it's almost identical to yours, I'm backing up now. tomorrow I will install.


If I get this right, after prepare the usb memory, I install and will have working yosemite on the laptop?


after that I should do the dsdt thing?


would you pls send me via email your fixed dsdt and config.plist ? I will PM my email


I read in Clover wiki and similar and I dumped my DSDT, It does not compile in MaciASL


- To make it compile, I have to suppress all method and variables with error ??

- How can I inject my video in DSDT, in my case GeForce GTX 680M ??


thanks a lot in advance

Now I'm uploading my EFI partition to dropbox and send it to your email.

Unzip it, go to: EFI ▸ CLOVER ▸ ACPI ▸ patched, you will find there my dsdt.aml with injected properties of my 2 amd card, you must adapt these properties for your nvidia card, use this forum to do this!

In EFI ▸ CLOVER you will find config.plist with smbios of iMac13.2, I think it is ok and ready to use with your system! Smbios of iMac13.2 is the most apropriate for our system with nvidia 680m card!

Oh yeh, after install and before boot to Yosemite, copy and delete AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext from Extensions folder because with it on first boot you'll get kernel panik. Once deleted this kext repair permitions with KextUtility of Extensions folder. After first boot you may install this kext with KextUtility. When you do operations on Extensions folder ALWAYS repair permitions with KextUtility.

I'll send you all my kexts, you can install them together with AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext using KextUtility.

For you invidia card(s) you must use nvidia web drivers AND use boot argument nvda_drv=1. You can insert it manualy on every boot or insert in Boot section of config.plist.


Add your hardware in your sig!

And please, use search function on forum to find answers for your questions, all the questions are already answered!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...

Yet again, Microsoft ruins it all. Man... Windows 10 design and general look and feel S.U.C.K.S, worse than 8.1!


Has hackintosh for NP9370 improved in any way, I mean, is it easier now?  :thumbsup_anim:

It never was a problem for me once I had my Clover files!

The only problem now is my new gtx 970m, won't give me a video signal on LCD or monitors...

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