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I've read so manny topics and posts regarding this issue. Is far I know none was complete. That's why I've decided to write this "Readers digest"

This one may not be complete either. If so please let me know and I'll review and rewrite it if necessary.


Let us this once and for all this issue R.I.P.


An unknown error has occurred when you try to access your App Store account is not a problem limited to iHack.

Genuine Mac owners experience same issue regardless OS X version.

There are several scenarios that can cause this problem:


- You swapped your main HDD/SSD and used cloning software in process instead of Migration Assistant

- You installed OS X from scratch and OS X doesn't support your wired or wireless LAN natively and you where forced to use 3rd party or edited kext to make it work

- You installed OS X from scratch and OS X doesn't support your wired or wireless LAN natively and you where forced to edit DSDT to make it work

- You installed OS X from scratch and OS X doesn't support your wired LAN natively and you where forced to edit org.chameleon.Boot.plis to make it work



- Your SMBIOS.plist doesn't contain valid serial number

- or whatever else you did or did't done


So how to solve this problem? Well luckily Apple recognise this legacy issue and provide official solution.

What I don't understand is why they didn't fixed it. For crying out loud this this problem came with Leopard!

Anyway, here it is:

- delete all interfaces in system preferences/network pane

- delete Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/Networkinterfaces.plist and com.apple.network.identification.plist

- reboot

- add ethernet interface in system preferences/network and configure it if necessary

- optionally add all other interfaces you might need, like firewire, com etc.

- wait a few seconds for Eth interface to initialise

- log in to your app store account and enjoy


iHack solution:


- make sure you have valid serial number in SMBIOS.plist ( use Chameleon Wizard to create one )


- Apply official Apple solution


Valid SMBIOS serial number will also solve problem with TeamViewer access to the teamViewer server had been denied


Happy !Hacking


Steve R.I.P. With all due respect, I still don't want your hardware, just your software!

@ HUSABER: You are welcome!


@ p.H: If your Ethernet isn't working you don't get this message in the first place.

is it ?

I happened to know some people whose ethernet doesn't work while their wifi works.

They also experience the same unknown error occurred problem.

Adding a device for ethernet for dsdt really solves the problem.

Good point p.H but it's basically the same issue as installing OS X without working ethernet unless your wifi works OOB.


btw did your wifi worked OOB or you had to install or edit kexts?

Good point p.H but it's basically the same issue as installing OS X without working ethernet unless your wifi works OOB.


btw did your wifi worked OOB or you had to install or edit kexts?

Is OOB short for out of box ?

My wifi is AR9285, with dsdt edits, I managed to make it capable of working with vanilla kext.

Yes p.H OOB is short for out of box :)


The fact you had to edit DSDT to make it work means it was not operational during OS X install and that's why you had problem with app store.


Any way, thanks for the info. I'll edit this topic and ad your case.

Yes p.H OOB is short for out of box :)


The fact you had to edit DSDT to make it work means it was not operational during OS X install and that's why you had problem with app store.


Any way, thanks for the info. I'll edit this topic and ad your case.

I didn't test whether my wifi will work or not when installing OSX if i put DSDT into Extra folder.

Personally speaking, as long as bootloader loads my modified dsdt, it should be able to drive my wifi when installing.

Well, I cannot delete my network interfaces, delete Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/Networkinterfaces.plist and com.apple.network.identification.plist, reboot and first add ethernet, then wifi. Native Apple wifi will be added again as en0 before I even get a chance to add ethernet first . I could physically unplug the wifi card prior to reboot, add ethernet, shutdown, plug wifi card back in, reboot....... or temporarily move wifi kext out of S/L/E to prevent loading, reinstall apple IO80211Family.kext after adding ethernet, reboot again ..........or


Copy Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/Networkinterfaces.plist to desktop for editing and change every en1, to en0. and every en0, to en1(twice for each).


Then double check these look like this, edit as/if needed.


remove devices from network preferences just for good measure. Copy edited plist back overwriting the orig. Reboot. Works first time, every time, instead of relying on a chain of events to occur in a certain order. Takes 10 times longer to write a post about it than to actual do. It's actually quick and easy, but is needed in some cases besides just me. :) Is also why when someone does have a sticky one like this, I usually just edit plist for them and tell them to overwrite the orig, cause it really takes way longer to explain, but since you making a list of how to fix, it's the place to write it :)

Where is this file? com.apple.network.identification.plist


I didn't see it next to the Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/Networkinterfaces.plist file. I did have a com.apple.network.eapolclient.configuration file, which I deleted.


So far, I've tried the steps you've listed above, and it doesn't seem to work. I even created a UUID and inserted it using Champlist on top of generating an ID in SMBios using Chameleon Wizard.


Also, using Chameleon with the option of EthernetBuiltIn checked doesn't seem to do anything. I'm using a USB-to-fast Ethernet adapter, is that why?

com.apple.network.identification.plist should be right below the com.apple.network.eapolclient.configuration if sorted by name, it's basically a bunch of DNS stuff and may not have been created if your activities didn't warrant it, if it's not there, don't worry about it. The USB ethernet isn't going to help things, although with some of the editing I described, it should be doable but you may need to do a bit more tweaking. If you upload yours in the next few mins I can take a look and edit it for you, but can't guarantee results. Once you log in once to app store or icloud, you shouldn't need to worry again.

com.apple.network.identification.plist should be right below the com.apple.network.eapolclient.configuration if sorted by name, it's basically a bunch of DNS stuff and may not have been created if your activities didn't warrant it, if it's not there, don't worry about it. The USB ethernet isn't going to help things, although with some of the editing I described, it should be doable but you may need to do a bit more tweaking. If you upload yours in the next few mins I can take a look and edit it for you, but can't guarantee results. Once you log in once to app store or icloud, you shouldn't need to worry again.

Sorry. Didn't get a chance to check in until now--had to fix my Chameleon boot and didn't want to change anything else until I know things were working sufficiently well.


I've enclosed:


NetworkInterfaces.plist and, for completeness:







The SMSerial in SMBios.plist was one I generated using Chameleon Wizard, and the serial in the o.c.B.p was one I had copied from somewhere today--I'll take that off as I just noticed it. I don't know where the UUID in the c.a.PM.p file came from.


I'm presuming the System ID that Chameleon injects has nothing to do with this process nor the fact that I force the Ethernet Builtin = true in the o.c.B.p file? I'll try this whole process again while you take a look at this as I finally have the system booting in less than a minute (before it took more than 2-3 minutes--or at least enough time to go to the fridge).




delete network interfaces from system prefs, then replace the 3 I zipped and immediately reboot


No joy. :wallbash:


1. Quit as many programs as I thought I had open.

2. Deleted adapter (only USB one was listed).

3. Deleted the two files in L-P-SC, and replaced the chameleon boot on my USB drive.

4. Rebooted.

5. Opened up NetworkInterfaces (after reboot) and noticed that the built-in variable had been changed back by the system to false.

6. Copied to Desktop, changed it, and copied it back.

7. Sign-in to App. Store = Unknown Error.


I checked in my Console messages, and I saw this:


11/7/12 7:30:42.177 AM com.apple.kextcache[316]: rebuilding /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kext.caches/Startup/kernelcache
11/7/12 7:30:42.803 AM com.apple.kextcache[322]: nvenet.kext is not authentic; omitting.
11/7/12 7:30:42.805 AM com.apple.kextcache[322]: IOEthernetAVBController.kext is not authentic; omitting.
11/7/12 7:30:42.807 AM com.apple.kextcache[322]: Intel82574L.kext is not authentic; omitting.
11/7/12 7:30:42.809 AM com.apple.kextcache[322]: AX88772.kext is not authentic; omitting.
11/7/12 7:30:42.812 AM com.apple.kextcache[322]: AppleYukon2.kext is not authentic; omitting.
11/7/12 7:30:42.819 AM com.apple.kextcache[322]: AppleUSBGigEthernet.kext is not authentic; omitting.
11/7/12 7:30:42.831 AM com.apple.kextcache[322]: AppleUSBEthernet.kext is not authentic; omitting.
11/7/12 7:30:42.833 AM com.apple.kextcache[322]: AppleIntel8254XEthernet.kext is not authentic; omitting.
11/7/12 7:30:42.836 AM com.apple.kextcache[322]: AppleBCM5701Ethernet.kext is not authentic; omitting.
11/7/12 7:30:42.839 AM com.apple.kextcache[322]: IONetworkingFamily.kext is not authentic; omitting.
11/7/12 7:30:43.280 AM com.apple.kextcache[322]: /Volumes/USB/System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext is not authentic; omitting from prelinked kernel.
11/7/12 7:30:47.196 AM com.apple.kextcache[322]: Can't use IONetworkingFamily.kext - not linked.
11/7/12 7:30:47.197 AM com.apple.kextcache[322]: Prelink failed for com.apple.iokit.IO80211Family; aborting prelink.
11/7/12 7:30:47.204 AM com.apple.kextcache[322]: Failed to generate prelinked kernel.
11/7/12 7:30:47.210 AM com.apple.kextcache[316]: Child process /usr/sbin/kextcache[322] exited with status 71.
11/7/12 7:30:47.210 AM com.apple.kextcache[316]: Error 107 rebuilding /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kext.caches/Startup/kernelcache.
11/7/12 7:30:47.211 AM com.apple.kextd[12]: kextcache error while updating /Volumes/USB (error count: 2)
11/7/12 7:30:47.211 AM com.apple.kextd[12]: async child pid 316 exited with status 71


It tried 20 times and then gave up on the rebuilding kextcache:


11/7/12 7:32:57.369 AM com.apple.kextcache[470]: /Volumes/USB/System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext is not authentic; omitting from prelinked kernel.
11/7/12 7:32:58.093 AM netbiosd[103]: name servers down?
11/7/12 7:33:01.293 AM com.apple.kextcache[470]: Can't use IONetworkingFamily.kext - not linked.
11/7/12 7:33:01.293 AM com.apple.kextcache[470]: Prelink failed for com.apple.iokit.IO80211Family; aborting prelink.


Also these (which I don't know if they are related):


11/7/12 7:59:18.234 AM CVMServer[118]: Check-in to the service com.apple.cvmsCompAgent_x86_64 failed. This is likely because you have either unloaded the job or the MachService has the ResetAtClose attribute specified in the launchd.plist. If present, this attribute should be removed.
11/7/12 7:59:18.288 AM CVMServer[118]: Check-in to the service com.apple.cvmsCompAgent_x86_64 failed. This is likely because you have either unloaded the job or the MachService has the ResetAtClose attribute specified in the launchd.plist. If present, this attribute should be removed.


Maybe that's the issue? I note that I had to cludge the IONetworkingFamily.kext to get the adapter to work because the drivers from ASIX--the company that made the adapter-didn't install and I had to copy their kext into it.


Anyone send me their IONetworkingFamily.kext? I'm guessing I have to figure out another way to get the IONetworkingFamily.kext to work. Anyone know if I can just put the ASIX (AX88772.kext) into /S/L/E without putting it into IONetworkingFamily.kext? I'm new to OS X -- the last time I had a Mac it was still the OS 9 ...


  • 1 year later...

This is pretty weird ... I have multiboot on my box... Lion shows built in ... Snow shows not builtin ... Mav shows not built in...

maybe we need to update the list of "genuine" kext's... ?

tried all the above stuff...no joy in mavericks so far.... didn't try dsdt yet.

Instead of fresh install this time I've just updated my iHack to Mavericks. No problems so far exempt for some minor nags with updates like iWorks etc.

Teamviewer works just fine.


I have second almost identical iHack with fresh vanilla Mavericks to test this.


To be continued ... 

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