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When I was running on 10.7.3 everything was running fine, since my upgrade to 10.7.4 I have a number of issues including lspci reporting my cpu as a xeon e3-1200 (it's actually an i5 and reported correctly on 10.7.3)??


My other strange issues include my wireless no longer obtains a correct ip address unless the ethernet is plugged in (it seemingly makes a random one up)??


Off topic question, if I re-install 10.7.3 over the top of my existing installation, will I retain my apps and/or data?


Any help or advice much appreciated.

That's very peculiar indeed..seeing as how on my hack and on my real mac lspci does not show the cpu at all, only the different bus controllers and attached devices. Wireless are you getting a self assigned ip, probably starting with 169? Caused by DHCP issue, usually because hardware is not working properly(duh). Since I have no clue what hardware you have, that's all I can tell you at the moment. As far as reinstalling 10.7.3 overtop 10.7.4, not sure but sounds like a bad idea if the installer will let you. Clean install then restore from timemachine backup or use migration assistant would probably be better option.

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