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so i successfully instaled the OS but after i restart it wont boot


my specs are

MOBO= asrock z68 extreme3 gen3

core= i5 2500k

GPU= nvidia gtx 560 ti FTW edition


if u need anything else let me knoe and ill post but please help me!



Update: fixed the problem stated in page 3

at the boot menu OS choice you could try some switches... as an example -v is verbose and will run through the start up in sequence to show you what it is failing on as this is normally the point it crashes...


Did you select 32bit or 64bit in the Iatkos settings when installing? I had a problem with Nvidia and Graphics enabler = yes when running in 64bit...


try running the switch -x which will hopefully allow you to boot the os, at which point you can look into how things are...


if no luck after these simple steps post some more information about the OS choices you made when installing. Also details on what you have set in the bios too... Disabling additional cores (not simply setting CPUID max 1) enabling VT, etc...






i didnt see a option to select from 32 or 64 but ill try the rest ill record and post video


here is my BIOS and heres the video showing the switches i tired and no successpost-972013-0-81303600-1341513161_thumb.jpgpost-972013-0-50044300-1341513195_thumb.jpgpost-972013-0-49125600-1341513327_thumb.jpg



from my install from this distro if you dont select 32bit then it defaults to 64. To get to the option you have to select customize during the install then select the drop down menu's.


See this Image for all the install custom options...




I've installed a few Nvidia cards into Lion and some stopped it booting, others worked but I couldn't get graphics acceleration in 64bit mode. The -v and -x options should give you more info and if its nothing major the -x may let you boot up and then change these options (some of them can be configured from the chameleon boot loader under settings (at the bottom) once your in OS X

The norm is to choose AHCI (usually to enable the bootloader to function), this would be the way I'd try it first however on one I built recently (and based on some comments I read) AHCI was not required for IAtkos. On mine I had to use a SAS port (as the SATA controller would not work and SATA drives function ok in SAS atleast long enough to buy a supported controller card). Some have had to enable it as Sata/IDE


I did a quick search on your board and found a comment on these bios settings... (source here :http://www.osx86.net...-3-gen-3-a.html)



SpeedStep (EIST) = Enabled

HPET = Enabled (64bit if possible)

Suspend Mode = Only S3

C / C2 / C3 / C4-States = Enabled

Overclock = Disabled


I also found this: (source here:





Z68 Extreme 3 Gen 3 Z68 Sleep, shutdown, and reboot all work

  • Intel Core i5-2500k
  • XFX Ati 4850 1GB
  • Wireless 802.11N Rt2860
  • Stock audio
  • Mouse scroll is backwards, use scroll reverser, free in appstore, or website

  • ###### 4.1.0
  • VoodooHDA (installed from iAtkos
  • Ralink Kext must use arch=1386 (ralink website)
  • chimera 1.6.0 (iatkos)
  • EVOREBOOT for reboot and shutdown (###### from tonymac)
  • Graphics(install from iatkos, and from ######)

  • Appstore (must not install any network driver untill everything else is done, then install ethernet driver first, then install wireless, make sure ethernetbulitin is true.
  • Must boot iatkos l2 using -v, might sit on saying could not find bootcache. Let it sit for about 5-10 mins, it will come up with the installer.

His Graphics are different to yours so possibly ignore that for now. One key point is his mention of Ralink which is WLAN and he has put arch=i386 which essentially is 32bit mode. Secondly your bios images show all cores active. Until you have it all working I would recomend only running on 1 core, and maximum 4gb of ram (you can change both back once things are running). Did you make any customisation options during the install?


Another note: here is some options for the boot switches : http://www.macbreake...t-flags_29.html


you could try this for example,



Forces Mac OS X to boot into 32-bit mode. Sometimes, your CPU or graphics card won't be fully supported in OS X unless you boot into 32-bit mode. Unlike in Windows, booting the 32-bit kernel for Mac OS X does not limit your total amount of RAM to 4 GB, and you can still run 64-bit applications. However, single applications cannot use up more than 4 GB of RAM, so this is a disadvantage if you do professional video editing, or something else that takes up a lot of RAM.



This boot flag limits Mac OS X to using one core of your CPU.


You can use more than one at a time... for example :


-x -v arch=i386 cpus=1

nice music!


You chose a whole lot of options there very quickly! some will cause more problems that others!!! for example you chose graphics enabler at the top, then NV enabler at the bottom and then another nvidia enabler... so thats 3 graphics enablers for 1 graphics card! The NVenabler cant be enabled with another enabler or graphics enabler.


you also chose Chameleon as the boot loader however the person I posted earlier (who had success with your board) used

chimera 1.6.0 (iatkos),

I'd try 32bit, and VoodooHDA, graphics enabler and the other boot loader and leave everything else more or less standard at first. make sure that you have tried the other bios settings and minimised the cores that are active in your bios.


When it runs after the install try to use -x or -a, see if you can view what the final kext or loading file was before it crashes out, I couldnt make that out from the video...

so i just changed the BIOS and i got the system to boot up :)) so do i need to use [url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url] or something to enable my GPU?? i currently using my integrated 3000HD graphics but i want to use my Nvida


nice music!


You chose a whole lot of options there very quickly! some will cause more problems that others!!! for example you chose graphics enabler at the top, then NV enabler at the bottom and then another nvidia enabler... so thats 3 graphics enablers for 1 graphics card! The NVenabler cant be enabled with another enabler or graphics enabler.


you also chose Chameleon as the boot loader however the person I posted earlier (who had success with your board) used

chimera 1.6.0 (iatkos),

I'd try 32bit, and VoodooHDA, graphics enabler and the other boot loader and leave everything else more or less standard at first. make sure that you have tried the other bios settings and minimised the cores that are active in your bios.


When it runs after the install try to use -x or -a, see if you can view what the final kext or loading file was before it crashes out, I couldnt make that out from the video...

i only saw or enable two that i remember which were the Nvidia ones

At the top of the install options there is "graphics enabler" then further down under system drivers there is the NV enabler and 2 others. if you use NV enabler then done use any of the other 3, Personally I'd just try the top one. If you have OS X booting now (depending on the boot loader you installed, chameleon??) you can probably select that in the options.


your next challenge is getting the graphics card enabled, read through this for your graphics card install guide...




and also QE/CI acceleration, to test QE/CI follow this video guide...



You should always buy the software even if you use tools like Iatkos to install it!, Mac OS X Lion is available on USB from the store or download from app store online. Its pretty cheap http://store.apple.com/us/product/MD256Z/A

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yea isaw that mountain lion is gona be 20 so i might just buy


yes how would i use chameleon to enable the NV enabler?

Edited by Gringo Vermelho
Overquoting removed. Please don't quote entire posts when replying directly below them, we have enough garbage to sift through as it is.

NV Enabler is an option to install from the custom install option. Chameleon has the option "graphics enabler", if you use NV enabler then graphics enabler must = no. I think you will need to change to 32bit mode and set graphics enabler to yes. then according to the instruction link I posted earlier you will need to edit the kext to contain your device id...



1. Install Lion

2. After Install: Go to System/Library/Extensions/ and open up (right click and Show Package Content) the NVDAGF100Hal.kext.

3. Go to Contents and open up the file info.plist

4. Go to the following line in the file and add your own device id, (I have put the device ID for your card in the last line as you can see below,
















5. Mac will ask you to duplicate it. Do that and save the file somewhere else. Replace it the old one with the new one.

6. In my case (I've got Chamelon installed): enable Graphics Enabler

7. Restart your mac. Done.


quick note, you can download an application called OSX86tools here... https://code.google.com/p/osx86tools/ this will allow you to fix permisions and clear the cache etc which you should do when you have edited or installed kext's etc

ok good luck, make sure your OS is in 32 bit mode!


you can force it from the start up command arch=i386 and make it more permenant later


Also make sure you clear / rebuild cache and repair permissions using the OSX tools as this is very important

so i rebooted and i though i replace the file and turns out that it didn't replace so gone try again


so i used the 32bit and that seem to workpost-972013-0-07632400-1341528534_thumb.jpg<<<<---- thats what I'm getting and i want to make the screen bigger and this is what i getpost-972013-0-82242900-1341528605_thumb.jpg

When replacing extensions, use Kext Wizard to install then use it's options to repair permissions and rebuild kernel cache, otherwise your old kext may still load instead of the updated one. Also note that osx will prevent editing of any files located in /System/Library/Extensions/, so to edit the info.plist, make a copy of the extension onto your desktop and edit it there, then install that edited version with Kext Wizard which will replace the orig one in the process. If you have plans to run Mountain Lion at any point, you'll need to be able to run everything 64bit as there will be no 32bit support. As for running in 32bit right now, no reinstall of operating system is needed, to run 32bit just add boot flag arch=i386 then for 64bit change it to arch=x86_64

When replacing extensions, use Kext Wizard to install then use it's options to repair permissions and rebuild kernel cache, otherwise your old kext may still load instead of the updated one. Also note that osx will prevent editing of any files located in /System/Library/Extensions/, so to edit the info.plist, make a copy of the extension onto your desktop and edit it there, then install that edited version with Kext Wizard which will replace the orig one in the process. If you have plans to run Mountain Lion at any point, you'll need to be able to run everything 64bit as there will be no 32bit support. As for running in 32bit right now, no reinstall of operating system is needed, to run 32bit just add boot flag arch=i386 then for 64bit change it to arch=x86_64

it work on the side of replace but it still doesn't accept my card in 64bit

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