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I have a working&running install with everything perfect on 10.7.3


I tried to go on to 10.7.4 in two different ways but I always end up with the same Kernel Panic at boot.


I tried a 10.7.3 Combo update on my working 10.7.3 and also a ###### USB Pen Install Method from Fresh 10.7.4


Ive tried boot flags I knew of like cpus=1 and so but always the same


Always get back to this same Kernel Panic


My spec is:


Nvidia Geforce 220 1GB (no problem with -Graphicsenabler=yes)


Intel Core2Duo E6500


Asus P5G41C M Lx 4Gb DDR 3


Anyone has any clue what it can be?


I hope Mountain Lion will work like 10.7.3 was (flawlessly I mean)






Somebody trapped your kernel, you gotta let it out! :) Naw but +1 for nullCPUpowermanagement.kext, or maybe arch=i386 -some additional boot flags to include on a first run, -f -x -v npci=0x3000 USBBusFix=Yes

Somebody trapped your kernel, you gotta let it out! :) Naw but +1 for nullCPUpowermanagement.kext, or maybe arch=i386 -some additional boot flags to include on a first run, -f -x -v npci=0x3000 USBBusFix=Yes



Well what i did i installed the NulCpuPowerMAnagement kext to S/L/E with kext helper onto the usb Lion 10.7.4 installer which ###### made me...


I tried all those flags with or without...



Still the same kernel panic :(


the only difference that with only -v arch=i386 i got this other type of Kernel Panic:


i dont know if those two diff kernel panics (on arch=i386 and without) helps tomfind out what the heck is going on ??




I dont know if it helps but my working 10.7.3 install only needs GraphicsEnabler=Yes to boot up perfectly


No additional kext has been used, just network wireless , voodo for sound thats all


I dont know i hope it helps in something


<key>Kernel Flags</key>


and FakeSMC.kext in S/L/E,boot flag is only -v

Kernel Flags


and FakeSMC.kext in S/L/E,boot flag is only -v


Thanks will give it a try...


does it make 10.7.4 run in 32bit mode? or im just silly

Kernel Flags


and FakeSMC.kext in S/L/E,boot flag is only -v


Same but different....different kernel panics


I installed the latesf FakeSMC kext and tried -v only and also with add ons like arch=i386 and even -GraphicsEnabler=Yes


thats the KP i getpost-407039-13405746115973_thumb.jpg

add -f to skip it trying to use kernel cache. Default is usually GraphicsEnabler=Yes, so to try something different you'd want No. There are also guides on how to make your own USB installer which is probably a bit more reliable, really easy once you've done it a couple times.

add -f to skip it trying to use kernel cache. Default is usually GraphicsEnabler=Yes, so to try something different you'd want No. There are also guides on how to make your own USB installer which is probably a bit more reliable, really easy once you've done it a couple times.


Ok, will try to make again with ###### with those custom kexts again from scratch with the 10.7.4


FakeSMC , NulCPUPoweManagement i will install to its S/L/E with Kext Helper lets see


thanks anyway....i hope something will happen

How about overclocking/undervolting?


I´d concentrate on the message in first pic: FAULTING CPU (0)!!!


If you do so, reduce core freq., or give a little more voltage on CPU, Lion needs more vcore to start than Snow did .........

and if that doesn't all work for you - how about trying to disable one of the cpu's cores in the BIOS and booting with just the one core enabled and see if you get any further


another thing to try - again in the BIOS - turn off HPET for the cpu and reboot and see if that works :)

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How about overclocking/undervolting?


I´d concentrate on the message in first pic: FAULTING CPU (0)!!!


If you do so, reduce core freq., or give a little more voltage on CPU, Lion needs more vcore to start than Snow did .........

I agree no one should overclock during an installation, but have never heard or seen any evidence of Lion requiring more vcore than SL or undervolting being needed to boot anything. Regardless the OP was already running 10.7.3 and is having trouble with update to 10.7.4, don't think there is any difference in vcore needed between these Lion revisions. A roll back to the Snow Leopard version of AppleACPIPlatformFamily.kext is needed on many systems though.Possible thing to look into as well


Kucksy has a good point too, have seen issues with dual core cpu and the TSC (Time Sync Counter) not providing correct CPU timing information and causing long freezes and occasional KP's. Have yet to personally witness this on Lion and only seen the behavior in SL and Leo, but haven't played with many dual cores in Lion either. Running on 1 core will not cause and problems, so no harm in disabling a core until UR up and running.

Post your bootplist,and version Chameleon

no way to get KP if everything is OK


Ok I will, and also will write down step by step how i make that ######## installation pendrive with 10.7.4


I agree no one should overclock during an installation, but have never heard or seen any evidence of Lion requiring more vcore than SL or undervolting being needed to boot anything. Regardless the OP was already running 10.7.3 and is having trouble with update to 10.7.4, don't think there is any difference in vcore needed between these Lion revisions. A roll back to the Snow Leopard version of AppleACPIPlatformFamily.kext is needed on many systems though.


I think its safe to say that 10.7.3 kexts works for me (never had to roll back to Snow Leopard ones before)


i will post all the info HUSABER asked me to post

Edited by Alessandro17

1-Version Chameleon RC5rev900 and later work only with Lizzard for create bootplist and smbios

2-Version Chameleon RC5rev1000 and greater work only with Champlist and ChameleonWizard


maybe here is your error :wink2: to create good info for Chameleon

1-Version Chameleon RC5rev900 and later work only with Lizzard for create bootplist and smbios

2-Version Chameleon RC5rev1000 and greater work only with Champlist and ChameleonWizard


maybe here is your error :wink2: to create good info for Chameleon



i will go for option 2 i guess...


my working 10.7.3 is booting with iatkos L2 boot cd and flags -v GraphicsEnabler=Yes



I know i have a lot to learn and read I see

Ok I will, and also will write down step by step how i make that [url=&quot;http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/&quot;]#####[/url] installation pendrive with 10.7.4




I think its safe to say that 10.7.3 kexts works for me (never had to roll back to Snow Leopard ones before)


i will post all the info HUSABER asked me to post

Of course 10.7.3 kexts worked for you, you were running 10.7.3. The issue I described is new to 10.7.4 and did not occur in any other Lion release and as to why it requires a roll back to SL version of kext and will not work with rollback to 10.7.3 version I do not know. This is confirmed known issue for all ASUS x58 models and because of this, the newest version of that uni-bust software your using that came out a couple days ago includes a patched version of AppleACPIPlatform.kext. I don't think this has been an issue for other dual core users and seems mostly limited to i7, but thought it was worth mentioning, just as 10.7.4 broke speedstep on sandy bridge CPUs and edited ssdt tables are now needed to restore that functionality




Post your bootplist,and version Chameleon

no way to get KP if everything is OK

Oh how I wish that was all that was ever needed, but then instead of these forums with thousands of threads, a simple 1 page "how to" would be the extent of this entire site.



1-Version Chameleon RC5rev900 and later work only with Lizzard for create bootplist and smbios

2-Version Chameleon RC5rev1000 and greater work only with Champlist and ChameleonWizard


maybe here is your error :wink2: to create good info for Chameleon

The tool he is using to create the USB includes a much newer version of Chameleon than that, it installs MacMan's "Chimera" Chameleon branch which is currently v1.10.0 and is based on Chameleon's trunk version 1999. You can view all branches of chameleon as well as the trunk here http://forge.voodoop...tree/HEAD/trunk and compile the latest version from source if preferred. Since the installer app being used also installs an extra folder with org.Chameleon.Boot.plist, smbios as well as an assortment of extension, all one must do is extract them with Pacafist to see exactly what the OP's will look like unless he then edits them manually. here is the smbios, boot plist and kexts that are being installed to your USB if you want to look at them, for laptop installs it will also include AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext and ApplePS2Controller.kext. I would not recommend use of that particular installer utility and recommend making your own from scratch, but if you must use a utility to do this, at least use MyHack or ModUSB instead.


Of course 10.7.3 kexts worked for you, you were running 10.7.3. The issue I described is new to 10.7.4 and did not occur in any other Lion release and as to why it requires a roll back to SL version of kext and will not work with rollback to 10.7.3 version I do not know. This is confirmed known issue for all ASUS x58 models and because of this, the newest version of that uni-bust software your using that came out a couple days ago includes a patched version of AppleACPIPlatform.kext. I don't think this has been an issue for other dual core users and seems mostly limited to i7, but thought it was worth mentioning, just as 10.7.4 broke speedstep on sandy bridge CPUs and edited ssdt tables are now needed to restore that functionality




Oh how I wish that was all that was ever needed, but then instead of these forums with thousands of threads, a simple 1 page "how to" would be the extent of this entire site.



The tool he is using to create the USB includes a much newer version of Chameleon than that, it installs MacMan's "Chimera" Chameleon branch which is currently v1.10.0 and is based on Chameleon's trunk version 1999. You can view all branches of chameleon as well as the trunk here http://forge.voodoop...tree/HEAD/trunk and compile the latest version from source if preferred. Since the installer app being used also installs an extra folder with org.Chameleon.Boot.plist, smbios as well as an assortment of extension, all one must do is extract them with Pacafist to see exactly what the OP's will look like unless he then edits them manually. here is the smbios, boot plist and kexts that are being installed to your USB if you want to look at them, for laptop installs it will also include AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext and ApplePS2Controller.kext. I would not recommend use of that particular installer utility and recommend making your own from scratch, but if you must use a utility to do this, at least use MyHack or ModUSB instead.



I will try to find a tutorial which explains how to do the same installer usb boot pendrive but without ######...


I will give a go to myhack lets see if thats put me up and running or not


thank you

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Test this,full support for core 2 duo,work like sharm.with property plist for MacBookAir

Some kext i get for 10.7GM,and work fine in 10.7.4 USB installer

why not just use the 10.7.4 combo update though? I saw you mentioned running 10.7.3 combo update but am thinking that was a typo and u meant 10.7.4? and what error happens with the combo update, really no need to make this harder than it needs to be if your not trying to do a clean install.


make sure it's this one and not the server version http://support.apple...US&locale=en_US


clean reinstall of 10.7.4 requires redownloading the entire 4gb file from the mac app store

Test this,full support for core 2 duo,work like sharm.with property plist for MacBookAir

Some kext i get for 10.7GM,and work fine in 10.7.4 USB installer


installing those kexts into its place and edit the corresponding plists and installing even the bootloader to the pendrive drops me the famous KP like this one below


i try to use myhack to build one lets see


my boot plist and stuff looks like exactly like in your attached file


why not just use the 10.7.4 combo update though? I saw you mentioned running 10.7.3 combo update but am thinking that was a typo and u meant 10.7.4? and what error happens with the combo update, really no need to make this harder than it needs to be if your not trying to do a clean install.


make sure it's this one and not the server version http://support.apple...US&locale=en_US


clean reinstall of 10.7.4 requires redownloading the entire 4gb file from the mac app store


i tried 10.7.4 combo update on my running 10.7.3 and it gave me the first KP i posted just like the same what ###### and I have and used the 10.7.4 mac app store version (that entire 4gb one)


the plan is to prepare a usb stick for a working clean install of 10.7.4 and when i have that i can make a clean install or learn what kexts or settings i have to use if i do a fail safe error free install on my 10.7.3 ( i dont want to loose my working install again thats why i experiment with a clean install option , i try tomget a working usb install stick on 10.7.4 for my system , i dont want to end up KP after 10.7.4 Combo update on my working installation and loosing it all over again ;( )



so the answer is the same KP happened when i did a 10.7.4 combo update on my working 10.7.3 ( KPmfrom my first post)


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So I'm understanding you reinstalled 10.7.3 and have it working again, and don't want to mess i up, correct? When you ran the combo update and after it runs and tells you to restart the computer, did you restart the computer? or did you then reinstall needed kexts like fakeSMC and any other's you used in 10.7.3 to make it bootable and then restart? Also as a possible solution to worries of ruining existing install, shrink existing partition in disk utility and add a new partition, use carbon copy cloner to clone your working install to new partition and reboot into that one and do combo update there so if you somehow damaged it you could boot back into your orig 10.7.3 partition. Not to mention this also makes it very easy to fix any issues with the new update from inside a working OSX, compare files, view logs, install kexts, etc.

So I'm understanding you reinstalled 10.7.3 and have it working again, and don't want to mess i up, correct? When you ran the combo update and after it runs and tells you to restart the computer, did you restart the computer? or did you then reinstall needed kexts like fakeSMC and any other's you used in 10.7.3 to make it bootable and then restart? Also as a possible solution to worries of ruining existing install, shrink existing partition in disk utility and add a new partition, use carbon copy cloner to clone your working install to new partition and reboot into that one and do combo update there so if you somehow damaged it you could boot back into your orig 10.7.3 partition. Not to mention this also makes it very easy to fix any issues with the new update from inside a working OSX, compare files, view logs, install kexts, etc.


Yes it is correct as you said..that is the situation, and no, i only installed Combo Update and rebooted it ( i had / have no clue what kexts to replace/rollback ( now it seems it should be FakeSMC , NullCPUPowermanagement)


i will try that carbon copy cloner or try to make experiments on my ext usb hard disk 10.7.3 to 10.7.4 and replace those mentioned kexts...it will be a good idea set up a testing enviroment with the working 10.7.3 but on an add on ext usb hardrive


thanks for that ( i always learn something every day...but sometimes not what i exactly need on taht very moment ;) )


Picture.....i need to turned upside down my laptop to see KP :wallbash:


sorry i was not carefull with that :(

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