Dradis Posted June 14, 2012 Share Posted June 14, 2012 I have just successfully set up Mountain Lion DP4 on my Asus P8P67-m Pro and decided to share what I found with the community. I used a patched version of the latest BIOS (3602) along with the DSDT and SSDT for that version. A modified BIOS is not necessary but should help with speedstep and sleep, and NullCPUPowerManagement will no longer be needed. By using this method I have gotten everything working except sleep (but its close). I found all of this information here and on other forums. I am in no way claiming any of this as my own work, I am simply bringing it all together in one place. Things you will need: A working install of OSX Lion or Snow Leopard A spare USB flash drive, USB hard drive, or internal hard drive (at least 8GB) A copy of Mountain Lion DP4 (Please don't ask me for it. I'm assuming you are a registered developer) Lnx2mac ethernet driver (get it here http://lnx2mac.blogs...osx-driver.html) A mountain lion compatible chameleon boot loader (get the pkg here) My P8P67-m Pro package (attached file) This pack includes (You do not need to download the following list, this is just to give credit): FakeSMC and Plugins (found it here: http://www.osx86.net...nd_plugins.html) DSDT for patched 3602 from samisnake Patched BIOS 3602 (not sure who patched it, but i found it here P8P67-M-PRO-ASUS-3602_modified.ROM) Kext Wizard by Janek202 (found it here http://www.insanelym...howtopic=253395) Installing the new BIOS (DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK!! I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR BAD BIOS FLASHES) 1) In your existing Lion or Snow Leopard install, replace your existing DSDT with samisnake's DSDT from the download package. 2) Remove NullCPUPowerManagment.kext from S/L/E. 3) Use Kext Wizard to repair permissions. In maintenance section check "System/Library?Extensions". This should automatically check the two sub entries as well. Choose the target disk, it should be the Lion/SL install you are currently in. 4) Install the new BIOS. I did this by putting the BIOS ROM on a flash drive and booting into the flash utility. *****FLASH THE BIOS TWICE****** I'm not sure why this is necessary but according to Asus, IT IS! If you do not do this zombies will eat you. I updated from the flash utility, then rebooted. The system forced me finish the flash, then rebooted again. I then repeated the whole process. No zombies. 5) Reboot as normal into your Lion/SL install. Creating your Mountain Lion installer and installing. To do this I followed eep357's guide from right here on insanelymac: http://www.insanelym...dpost&p=1826183 "My super fast easy method requires you don't install to MBR and that you have a hard drive with chameleon on it already that is new enough revision to boot ML. first, make empty partition available for installing onto on guid only drive, hfs+ formatted. RT click install ML app, mount InstallESD.dmg, navigate to basesystem.dmg and mount it. restore basesystem.dmg from ML install app(to usb or another small partition) via diskutility. Eject basesystem.dmg so u dont get it mixed up with new restored one as it will have same name. [delete packages alias in System/Installation on the new USB drive] Fire up ye mighty terminal and go to bash shell with:sudo -s then copy packages folder from installESD.dmg to System/Installation/ on your newly restored usb like this:cp -R (drag packages folder here) (drag installation folder from usb here) give it a few minutes to finish then do the same copy technique, but this time for mach_kernel from InstallESD.dmg to / of new usb:cp -R (drag mach kernel here) (drag entire usb installer volume here) and done with terminal-yay create /Extra folder on usb and only put in your smbios and org.chameleon.boot.plist, leave your DSDT out use kext wizard to install fakesmc and nullcpupowermanagement [not needed if you used the patched BIOS] to s/l/e on your usb drive, then use kext wiz repair and rebuild cache options reboot as normal, do not change boot drive in bios. At your normal chameleon prompt, choose instead to boot to your new installer (OSX Base system) and use boot flags -v add any other bootflags you normally use that are not already in your org.chamleon.boot.plist install DP4 and reboot back to your old OSX. From there use kext wiz again to install fakesmc to your new DP4 and any other kexts you know are required to boot and copy /Extra folder from installer to your completed installation. I still didn't put my DSDT in it yet reboot, and this time from chameleon prompt choose new OSX DP4 and have fun. Should always use -v to boot until your install is rock solid (with dev preview just always use it)." Thanks, eep. Some notes: My copy of ML was a .dmg file, not an .app file. If you have this, mount the dmg. BaseSystem.dmg is a hidden file at the root directory. You will need to show hidden files. In terminal type "defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE". Return. Then type "killall Finder". Return. To unshow the hidden files do the same thing but use "FALSE" instead of "TRUE". The packages folder that needs to be copied is also in the root of the mounted ML installer image. I needed to use boot flag PCIRootUID=1 to boot the installer disk, and the installed ML. Installing P8P67-m drivers Once into your new Mountain lion install: Install the chameleon boot loader from the P8P67-m Pro Pack Use Kext Wizard to install all kexts in the P8P67-m Pro Drivers folder of the pack. You can drag multiple kexts into kext wizard. (IOAHCIFamaily.kext is patched for TRIM support and only needed if you use an SSD) Install the Lnx2Mac driver if you need ethernet support Copy the DSDT and SSDT to /Extra (Use the SSDT that is appropriate to your CPU). Add kernel flag PCIRootUID=1 to the boot.plist in /Extra Reboot. You should now be able to boot directly from your new ML install. If you want hardware monitoring such as CPU frequency and temps, use Kext Wizard to install the fakeSMC plugins that were included in the P8P67-m Pro Package. I used ACPISensor and IntelCPUMonitor. Others may be needed depending on what hardware you have and want to monitor. Of course you're on your own for video cards and other hardware. I use an ATI 5750. If you want to see what i did with that, check it out here: http://www.insanelym...dpost&p=1826652 P.S. This is my first guide, so please let me know if there's anything i need to fix. I hope it helps someone. P8P67-m Pro Pack.zip Link to comment https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279783-asus-p8p67-m-pro-dp4-guide/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
buoo Posted June 14, 2012 Share Posted June 14, 2012 You're putting me in trouble. I would not want to delete your guide but if you don't delete any references of tonymac and his tools I'll do it. Please clean your guide. http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=275942 1 Link to comment https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279783-asus-p8p67-m-pro-dp4-guide/#findComment-1826838 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dradis Posted June 14, 2012 Author Share Posted June 14, 2012 Sorry. I did not realize that i was not allowed to mention that site. I am trying to delete it, until I can rewrite without those references. I can't find a delete option, so please delete it if you need to. EDIT: All done. Thanks. Link to comment https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279783-asus-p8p67-m-pro-dp4-guide/#findComment-1826840 Share on other sites More sharing options...
buoo Posted June 14, 2012 Share Posted June 14, 2012 Click on EDIT at the end of the post and delete what I told you. Thanks Link to comment https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279783-asus-p8p67-m-pro-dp4-guide/#findComment-1826841 Share on other sites More sharing options...
jonisign Posted June 25, 2012 Share Posted June 25, 2012 This is great! Any update on getting sleep to work? Also, is the i5 ssdt that you have there for the i5-2500k? Link to comment https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279783-asus-p8p67-m-pro-dp4-guide/#findComment-1829328 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dradis Posted July 11, 2012 Author Share Posted July 11, 2012 No, I still have no sleep on this machine. I believe this will require a sleepenabler.kext for 10.8 or someone with dsdt knowledge far greater than my own. Yes, the i5 ssdt should work for any stock sandy bridge i5, including the 2500. If you are overclocked use the ssdt for overclocked i5/i7. It is prepatched for speeds up to 4.0ghz. If needed it could be modified further for faster speeds. I'm not exactly sure how to do that, but there's plenty of info here and on other sites. Link to comment https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279783-asus-p8p67-m-pro-dp4-guide/#findComment-1832774 Share on other sites More sharing options...
jonisign Posted July 13, 2012 Share Posted July 13, 2012 Have you tried getting rid of the USB 3.0 drivers? I've found that those prevent sleep to work on my Lion install with the same DSDT... Link to comment https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279783-asus-p8p67-m-pro-dp4-guide/#findComment-1833370 Share on other sites More sharing options...
jonisign Posted July 30, 2012 Share Posted July 30, 2012 Bumping this... any update on getting sleep to work? Link to comment https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279783-asus-p8p67-m-pro-dp4-guide/#findComment-1838763 Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathjork Posted September 7, 2012 Share Posted September 7, 2012 Remember, when flashing the bios, you must also perform a CLRTC. Basically you have to reset the BIOS by pulling out the CMOS battery from the motherboard. I didn't do this at first, and whenever I'd shutdown, my computer would still be on, but not doing anything. Apparently this was an incompatible configuration issue in the BIOS. I also just tested this with sleeping after reseting the CMOS. It works! Link to comment https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279783-asus-p8p67-m-pro-dp4-guide/#findComment-1850970 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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