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ok so here it goes,


I was having some heat related issuses that would cause my pc to hang when either the gpu or cpu got to hot. i dont know witch one they are under the same heatsink on this tiny pc i bought.

to rule out that osx was causing the problem, i found a guide to install windows after os x as a dual boot. this differs from other methods where windows must be installed first.


ok so i got windows thin pc loaded


I then went out to use cmd prompt to change the active partition back to the one containing chameleon so it would boot first on the next boot.


what i got was a flashing underscore on a blank black screen.


I can use the windows install usb to activate the windows partition but then when i boot it will go straight to windows, and i want back into os x


ive tried notbookbootcd and rboot. netbook boot cd hangs at mach_kernel.. not suprising. I am using a patched kernel located in extra folder. rboot gives me the same symptom as setting active partition to my main osx one.


and to top it all of, osx isnt causing the heat issues so the computer needs to go in for repair anyways.


any help getting back into osx would be greatly appreciated.


thank you,


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Have you tried OSX86 ModCD?


Make sure you change boot priority from your computer BIOS to boot from your optical drive save and exit , then, put the CD in the drive. Wait a little while and a GUI will show up on your screen.


The disc usually identifies your boot devices, one of the choices should be OSX (whatever you named the partition). The CD overrides your HDD boot settings so you should have no problems accessing your OS from there. Use either -v or -x boot options to get into OSX.


It's not an elegant solution but may help you sort out the problems from the system to get you booting properly from the drive options.

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