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Hi Mahesh,


Thanks for brilliant guide, it makes it really easy for a first timer.

I have followed your guide and have everything working except sound.

I was on A11 bios and just updated it to A16 and it's still doesn't work.

I can confirm, that apart of sound everything works on A16.

Another funny thing, after one reboot I suddenly started seeing .kext and .app as a folders,

before they were seen as files which I can install with Kext Tool, any ideas what might be a problem?


Many thanks!

@ Waldzias


Nice to hear that the guide works. Thanks mate for the feedback.


Well ALC 665 works only when the DSDT is patched along with a patched APPLEHDA.kext. As ur not using my DSDT sound doesnt work. Send me ur DSDT i will patch it.


I was bit skeptical about updating to A.16 bios as i heard a lot about Problematic A.14 bios update.


Can u list ur hardware please so that i have an idea about what am editing ( For example : Nvidia GT 550M or 555M, intel wifi, ethernet, 2630 QM or 2670 QM processor, Full HD ( 1920x1080) or 1600x900 )


Regarding generating a DSDT.aml, i have given instructions in one of my posts, just follow them to generate an A.16 DSDT.aml or dsl.


Kind Regards

@ Mahesh


I'm actually using DSDT from here:


and kexts from here:


I don't know if they're patched or not.


My specs:

N-Vidia GT 555M, Intel 1030 wi-fi, 1600x900 screen, 2630QM 2GHz, 600GB Toshiba + 250GB Seagate - as far as I remember.... ;)

I didn't check ethernet yet, I've just ordered cheap USB Wi-Fi stick from eBay.


Any ideas what my caused my problem with .kexts and apps beeing seen as a browsable folders?


Thanks for quick reply.


@ Waldzias


well those are my kexts and DSDT. so no worries.


But when ur using my DSDT why is not sound working then, it should work. just check system preferences and under audio select internal speakers instead of headphones, by default mac os x lion selects headphones. Check output tab and select internal speakers.

I got my L702x 3D laptop working fully with nvidia.


Given that i have a 3D laptop i had to take a slightly different approach.


I even created an SSDT for it and applied a speed stepper patch. I think i have most of the pstates working.


my geek bench score is 9545




Looking at your geek bench score, there a re still more tweaks needed for SSDT but it is close.


Attaching my SSDT for reference. But do not use this unless you have a i7-2670QM CPU.

SSDT i believe is tied to your CPU.


I can see the p-states hitting the turbo speeds of up to 3.0 GHz. I did not see it go to 3.1 GHz, which is the max for this CPU. Don't know why.





Thanks mahesh for your links. Seems like there are lot of convoluted steps for creation of SSDT out there. But i finally found a specification document for sandy bridge processors and calculated the P-states myself.


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Hi Wen1,


U got the geekbench score of 9545 because u benchmarked in 32 bit, try 64 bit geekbench u will exceed my geekbench score as u have 2670 QM and u might get close to 10,000 or more.



Mahesh Kondraju

You sir are correct.


I just ran it again with 64-bit selected and got a score of 10130


Thanks for preventing my wild goose chase


Hi Wen1,


U got the geekbench score of 9545 because u benchmarked in 32 bit, try 64 bit geekbench u will exceed my geekbench score as u have 2670 QM and u might get close to 10,000 or more.



Mahesh Kondraju



Owners of XPS 17 l702x with 2670 QM processor, please download & use the SSDT posted by Wen1 in the previous posts. But still u can use my DSDT and Kexts pack to get a fully functional hackintosh.




I am uploading a corrected SSDT ( file name changed ) from Wen1, So all credit goes to him.



Mahesh Kondraju

SSDT 2670 QM.rar

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Hi Wen1,


Sorry i havent read your message properly, Have u added dual link patch to DSDT ? try to add it to DSDt it might solve problem.


Add this patch to ur DSDT:



Buffer (0x04)


0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00



This is how actual code looks


Device (GFX0)


Name (_ADR, 0x00020000)

Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)


Store (Package (0x02)



Buffer (0x04)


0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00


}, Local0)

DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))

Return (Local0)


yes, there is. you need to install the appropriate kexts for that.


Try [url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url] from tonymacx86

I have not tried it personally so i cannot guarantee that it won't screw up everything else. So try it with caution and after a backup.


There is also an option of installing kext one by one. Don't have the list handy

Thanks for the info, however seems like this only helps intel HD graphics.


I am assuming GFX0 is the intel adapter. So i did not work for me given that i have nvidia adapter. I am thinking i somehow need to put this logic in the nvidia graphics segment. I am trying to figure out if there is any significance to the store package call.


Hi Wen1,


Sorry i havent read your message properly, Have u added dual link patch to DSDT ? try to add it to DSDt it might solve problem.


Add this patch to ur DSDT:



Buffer (0x04)


0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00



This is how actual code looks


Device (GFX0)


Name (_ADR, 0x00020000)

Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)


Store (Package (0x02)



Buffer (0x04)


0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00


}, Local0)

DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))

Return (Local0)



Mahesh Kondraju & wen1,I've successfully installed Lion on to my laptop. Then, I've bought a Tenda W311M wireless USB and it works fine with Lion, now I have a fully hackintos :P


wen1 Sleep function work on my laptop, which's the same hardwares with you (I used your SSDT).



Do you have a 3D display on your laptop? If you don't have a #D panel, you are using Intel graphics and hence the resume from sleep works well.

My sleep issue seems to be related to nvidia graphics. My screen stays black after resume from sleep and in fact the fans start blowing relay high. The laptop is probably hint at that point. Seems like other with 3d panel also have the same issue.

I need to research more on how to fix that.



Mahesh Kondraju & wen1,I've successfully installed Lion on to my laptop. Then, I've bought a Tenda W311M wireless USB and it works fine with Lion, now I have a fully hackintos :P


wen1 Sleep function work on my laptop, which's the same hardwares with you (I used your SSDT).


I've the same configuration (no monitor 3d \ a crucial m4) of first post but my installation stops on first screen (iaktos logo) when there is the choice between F8 for option or another key to continue. Whatever I choose, there is no sign of life.

Ideas? :P

@ Novecento


First and foremost u need to use the kernel flags -v GraphicsEnabler=No busratio=20 ( if u have i7 2630 qm use 20 or 2670 qm use 22) if ur using iATKOS L2 DVD. These flags are required at the boot or just place my org.chameleon.boot.plist and smbios.plist in extra using Transmac app and also place DSDT.aml & SSDT.aml in root of the DVD with the help of transmac app And then no look further just boot from DVD and wait for setup screen.


Secondly select ssd trim enabler in iATKOS L2 customization as ur using a ssd.


hope it solves the problem.



Mahesh Kondraju

Posted A.16 DSDT, check the first post.


I am looking for some feedback from you guys.


Areas of concern is does the speed stepping working properly ? check it in 10.7.2 not 10.7.3, as proper speed stepper patch for 10.7.3 is still not available ( there is one patch available from beta builds).


Also check whether sleep & wake works ?

Seems good lid has been closed all night and woke right up. The only issue I noticed is display settings is saying current resolution 1228 x 1024 not sure if that is a misrepresentation though it seems like it's HD and the resolution was always 1228x1024 so it's not specific to this DSDT.aml. I have the same exact configuration as yours except 6gigs rather then 8.

Thanks for the tutorial was very helpful !



Apple will be releasing OS X Mountain Lion ( No more MAC OS X ) this summer around July, this is a really quick release and shows that Apple accepts that Lion is a buggy release.






I Think 10.7.4 or 10.7.5 might be last cycle update for mac OS X Lion.


So guys get ready for 10.8 OS X Mountain Lion.

Hey guys, any idea how to make the internal card reader work? noticed that it is not even recognize by my laptop under system profiler


and sleep is currently not working. black screen even after hitting any keys in the keyboard.


im using Mahesh DSDT V0.6 and Wen1's SSDT


My hack specs

2670QM, 550M, Full HD, non 3D

used iatkosL2 10.7.2 installer.


also, i would like to take this opportunity to thank Mahesh and Wen1.. GREAT JOB!

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