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So I have successfully got dual booting working on my laptop, but have one minor annoyance....


I have OSX as my primary OS so chain0 comes up asking me what partition I would like to boot. My OSX partition it recognizes by its actual name. My Windows 2000 partition though comes up as "No Name". Is there any way to edit chain0 to rename that partition as Windows2k or the like? I thought it might just be reading the drive names I have given each partition, but in both Windows and OS X the Windows partition does show with its proper name (Win2k).

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I'm no expert, but in boot.ini, there should be a line that resembles this:


multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP media center" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn


I think the name that is displayed for your Windows partition might be what is displayed in the quotes following WINDOWS=

No, idont think there is anything, funny problem tho, i get Winodws XP, Mac OS X, and my No Name partion, it auto detects my names so im happy, btw your not using chain0 your usign the darwin bootloader (to be techically correct :D)

As OSX is your primary darwin is your bootloader.


I have never had the same problem as you (mine says Windows XP... i think) but i discovered somethnig a few days ago which should help.


In Windows go into My Computer and right click your Windows 2000 root drive (probabily C) and rename.

I called mine Crasher as a joke and later when i restared my pc noticed Darwin had names it Crasher too. So that's how i name them now.


Simularly rename your OSX to change what appears on the bootloader. (never tried this part but should work too)


Hope this helps :blink:

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