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Why Disk Utility does not work?


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I've never seen that specific error, but did you try booting your install DVD and running Disk Utility?

That is exactly what that error requires. It's simply saying it can't operate on your only hard drive since it's running the program from the hard drive.

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I am getting "Disk Utility Internal Error" whenever I try to Repair Permissions. I have run Repair Permissions with no problem from Disk Utility from my DVD install disk with no problems, but when I get back into OS X, I receive the same error. I just noticed this problem today. I haven't had any problems in the past. Also when I go view my Extensions from "System Profiler" I get the little spinning icon at top, then "System Profiler" closes with giving me any prompt or error.


See the attached screen capture.

Any Thoughts.

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I bet you ran the Security Update (Security Update 2006-004 (Intel)). A problem has been discovered with it on AMD. Read starting here: http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?s=&...st&p=154863


and go through posting 36 for info and a fix.

Yes I did install the SU. Thanks so much, I repaired the bom.framework file and everything is back to normal.


Thanks a bunch

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I also had this error. I wanted to try fixing it but was worried it may affect my xp partition as it mentions something about header information.


Has anyone repaired this from the dvd with an xp partition infront of it? Right now it doesn't appear to be affecting anything :compress:

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I had this problem before. All you have to do is boot os x in safe mode.



when your pc starts, press f8 to enter the darwin boot options.

from there type -x -v

now os x should repair the disk (partition) and boot normally.

This will not affect you windows installation in anyway.

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