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mac mini wannabe windows system

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why can't PC makers ever come up with their own f'n idea. Even the back vent ports look almost exactly identical to the Mac mini and the new version looks like ass. If I were you, I would just get the Mac mini, which you can basically set up as a media station with Front Row

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guys i think it looks horrible i only thought about buying it because i like to coock and i need a pc in the kitchen and i just need something small and tht is the smallest pc ive had and ive been thinking it is either tht thing or a laptop and if i spill something on the laptop there goes like a $1500 i only want it cuz its small im 16 so i live with my mom and she has a mbp and a imac core duo and they are both awsome i don wanna put a mac in the kitchen cuz macs are expencive and i don wanna break one


i jus wanted your opinion on this thing


but im having second thoughts on just getting a used mac mini core solo

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the Mac mini is $600, which is only $100 more than the aOpen mini. If you don't wanna spend that much money, you can get a Mac mini G4 for roughly $300~400 on eBay.


also, since you already have 2 Mac's at your home, it makes sense to get a Mac mini since it will be easier for things like file sharing and iChat using Bonjour.

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Gz - Mini pc's have been out b4 mini macs LOL - what difference does it make what it looks like if its going to be in the kitchen? I"d recommend finding a large toaster and sticking everything in that... that way it'll really blend in :-D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Toaster PC. That would be an original idea.



yeah, like Roxio Toas icon :(

and from one side i wish the eject Toaster-like @button@ -aahahahahahha


Slap- and disk is on the air :)

try to catch it.... . .. ... . .hahahahahahhahah


can't stop laughing. ...... . . . ... . . . . . . . .. . . just imagine that.... .. ... . . .

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