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Apple iPad - what it is and what it ain't


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Feel totally let down by the iPad. Still think they would have been better just making a macbook nano - the ultimate in netbooking. But then, that's why I'm not a multi-billionaire CEO...


It's a quick-use sofa portal. Little more. Yet to meet someone who "needs" one.

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For me the decision to get one waivered quite a bit


before the announcement I said there was no way I would get one


during the announcement (even with the limitations, which are kinda big to me) i decided i just had to have one


now, im not getting one



who knows whats in the future, i guess when i finally order one i cant really change my mind

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I think all of you have good reasons to not like the iPad... however, the iPad is not being marketed towards end users like you. It's being marketed towards someone like me.


This sounds like the same crying and gnashing of teeth after Apple announced the MacBook Air. It doesn't do this, it doesn't do that. It's missing this and missing that. OMG. What a bunch of p*ssing and moaning...


Apple is aiming at a huge market of people who don't need any of those things you seem to need. It's looking at a huge number of people who want something simple, like an iPhone or iTouch, yet with a larger screen. Apple sees a huge crush of people who want to do basic things like surf the net, listen to music, watch videos, check email, carry their photos to show people, read books, and other mundane tasks. They're aiming for people who want to do all of this yet find the iPods and iPhone just a little too small and limiting. People who travel a lot but don't want to lug a laptop. People who travel who don't need all the extra's of even a netbook. There are tens of thousands of people who don't live on their computer, but would like to whip one out to do the simplest things.


Just because it doesn't do what you want it to do doesn't mean it's a failure. I want one for all those things it does do. I want it because my iPhone is too small a screen to read comfortably. I want it because my 15" MacBook Pro is too big and bulky to carry every where I travel and it wears me out on a long trip keeping track of it. I want to whip it out and read a book, write an email or watch a movie when I have a few minutes to spare. I want it because I can have all those things in my small backpack, and still put other things in there that I couldn't carry when I bring my laptop. I travel a lot, more than most people, and space on airplanes is at a premium these days. Usually, my laptop bag ends up at my feet and I leave it there because it's too much hassle to pull it out with the limited real estate of the tray table. Netbook screens are too small and dim for the most part, and they are still kinda bulky and cheap.


My girlfriend wants one for the sole reason that it does almost exactly what she spends 90% of the time on the computer doing. She doesn't edited videos or photos, she doesn't write novels, she doesn't crunch numbers. She wants the freedom of a large screen, light weight, and slimness that she can take anywhere. She will buy one. My parents have expressed an interest also, even though they are in their 70's. They don't need more than what comes standard on an iPad. They also like the screen more than the iPhone or iPod.


Boo Hoo. It's not for you. Don't buy it.

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But its marketed as a "Netbook Killer", and sadly it's lacking. Yes, its got better battery. Yes, it's touch screen. Yes, it's pretty and apple. but it is still nothing but a oversized iPhone/iPod Touch.
It is MUCH more than just a iPod Touch. Anyone who has read up on it knows that. However it is not a netbook killer. I was going to buy one but I've decided to buy a Gigabyte T1000P instead, as soon as they are available for sale and add OS X to that.


I still can't believe there is no flash support!
This is NOT Apples fault! First of all Flash is on its way out and most professional website designers already know this. HTML5 is one reason why. Second, Adobe knows this and third, Flash has a major design flaw, which is why no touch device uses it. Flash needs a mouse/cursor for mouseover events. If Adobe was ever to fix this then Flash would not be backwards compatible, so it's a Flash weakness and NOT a Apple thing. In a few years this will all be old news :(



i think its a nice device. but it seems so closed. no USB no firewire....
This is one reason why I decided NOT to buy the iPad. Yes it does have USB BUT you have to add it via adapters, and you can only use one adapter at a time. Sometimes I think the guys who design the new Macs must be smoking crack. The only one that they haven't messed up in the past 2 years is the new Mac mini.
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I think that it's pretty and everything but it's still too much like an iPod Touch.

I dont think it's particularly revolutionary at all just another version of what they already have. During the launch demo they made a big point of saying that it had a "nearly" full size keyboard which is patently rubbish as it fits into a 9.7 inch screen. Most Netbooks have 10.1 inch screens and their seperate keyboards go full width which is even wider. A bit much when Steve Jobs then says that Netbooks have cramped little keyboards. I know much is said about Flash being on the way out too but it's still pretty big and widely used at the moment so that is a major minus point. I love my iPhone 3gs but it's so frustrating when I want to surf to a site that uses Flash (and there are many) and I just see the blue lego brick.

"Netbooks aren't better at anything they just cost less"

For me someone elses quote sums it up...

"iPad isn't better at anything it just costs more!"

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Within next 3-5 years we will forget about netbooks. Every vendor will be selling iPad-like devices. And right now iPad seems perfect to me. As always, ahead of others! Congratulations Apple!


Someone still has to find a solution to the keyboard problem. For anyone who does a great deal of typing, tapping the screen is going to be very painful and impractical.

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The Macbook Air is hardly a roaring success is it? It's still a stupid laptop really, at least make it something like 12" if you're gonna make it portable. The 13" MBP is miles ahead of it really. Not too much bigger, 10 hour batt and doesn't gasp and wheeze at simple tasks.

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great post i want purchase the apple i pad but idont know what is the price of i pad . i pad is the next generation The ipad video is a fancy news print reader, or a replacement for paper. This makes it ahead of its time. The idea of tablet computers is nothing new; Microsoft has been working on one for years.

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