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I am not an expert on this, but I understand that kexts are like drivers, you need kexts for devices to work. The retail DVD comes with the kexts needed for the hardware in Apple computers, so if you have any component that is not supported by those kexts (let's say, audio, ethernet, etc) you need to add kexts.


Apart from that, which guide did you follow? I have a P5W DH Deluxe and I can't get it to boot...

Can you post your BIOS version/settings? (maybe my problems are related to that..?)






And which SL release? I'm trying with 10A432.

I am not an expert on this, but I understand that kexts are like drivers, you need kexts for devices to work. The retail DVD comes with the kexts needed for the hardware in Apple computers, so if you have any component that is not supported by those kexts (let's say, audio, ethernet, etc) you need to add kexts.


Apart from that, which guide did you follow? I have a P5W DH Deluxe and I can't get it to boot...

Can you post your BIOS version/settings? (maybe my problems are related to that..?)






And which SL release? I'm trying with 10A432.


I use ACPI Patcher (0.2b5)to patch the 2801 BIOS and so far I can only select HPET, RTC, Aliases and GiGE to avoid "over flow" error.


attach is the patched dsdt.aml


Tommy said:
I use ACPI Patcher (0.2b5)to patch the 2801 BIOS and so far I can only select HPET, RTC, Aliases and GiGE to avoid "over flow" error.


attach is the patched dsdt.aml


so to your knowledge nobody with 882 (p5w) has working audio with only a patched dsdt?


rsilves said:
I am not an expert on this, but I understand that kexts are like drivers, you need kexts for devices to work. The retail DVD comes with the kexts needed for the hardware in Apple computers, so if you have any component that is not supported by those kexts (let's say, audio, ethernet, etc) you need to add kexts.


Apart from that, which guide did you follow? I have a P5W DH Deluxe and I can't get it to boot...

Can you post your BIOS version/settings? (maybe my problems are related to that..?)






And which SL release? I'm trying with 10A432.


you talked to be on AIM earlier, i'm gonna try 432 soon, you found me on infintemac, so we've already talked, i'm on the latest p5w bios, i don't think your issue is bios related, i think its kext, you have to do things right from the first boot, do you already have leopard installed so that you can install...you know what if you can catch me on aim sometime when i'm free i'll help you, its too much to discuss here... if all else fails we can install for you from a working leopard, and i can give you my extras dir and you can put it in directly so it boots right from the first time.... 

Edited by kdp

All, I got SL 10A432 to boot now, but can't see any drives on the desktop, even repairpermissions give out error


here is part of the repair permissions errors:


# diskutil repairPermissions /

Started verify/repair permissions on disk0s3 SnowLeo

No packages can be found for this disk

Error: -9900: No installer pakages can be found for this disk

Underlying error: 20: POSIX reports: Not a directory

All, I got SL 10A432 to boot now, but can't see any drives on the desktop, even repairpermissions give out error


here is part of the repair permissions errors:


# diskutil repairPermissions /

Started verify/repair permissions on disk0s3 SnowLeo

No packages can be found for this disk

Error: -9900: No installer pakages can be found for this disk

Underlying error: 20: POSIX reports: Not a directory


snow leopard hides drives on the desktop, obviously if it boots a drive is mounted, so go up to menu bar: FINDER>PREFERENCES>SHOW HARD DISKS

snow leopard hides drives on the desktop, obviously if it boots a drive is mounted, so go up to menu bar: FINDER>PREFERENCES>SHOW HARD DISKS


What method did you use to install snow leopard?

I'm trying to find a step by step guide to get update my machine.


Anyone have any luck with ASUS p5w deluxe?

I also got the Asus P5W DH Deluxe


I'm getting Snow Leopard now as I speak, and are reading up on how to get it running.

I run Leopard (10.5.6) today, which I installed from another OSX-installation by installing


1) Chameleon to a new formatted drive

2) Installing Leopard to the new drive

3) Replacing som kexts on the new drive


4) Reboot and start from the new drive



^^ Does this method work for snow leopard?

i use a guide made for GA-EP45-DS3L and incorporate my own DSDT.aml


got it to boot once to the desktop, then try incorporate EFI String for my gfx then got a KP.

Removed the EFI String, and now booting to 64 bit kernel result in KP, booting to 32 bit kernel result in stall at AppleYukon




EDIT: leaving only fakesmc.kext and PlateformUUID.kext in /Extra/Extentions and now i'm able to boot back to the desktop.



EDIT 2: I think we can merge this with http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=181769 for all the P5W DH Deluxe owners.



  • 4 weeks later...

I used BootCDMaker to boot my retail disc, installed Snow Leopard, and installed a bunch of kexts and audio is working now.


My USB ports in the back aren't working, and Ethernet and WiFi aren't working. I don't particularly care about WiFi, but I need Ethernet obviously, and USB would be helpful.


Any suggestions?

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