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6G iPod

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I've been doing a lot research on the next gen iPod, debating on whether I should hold off on the 5G iPod and wait for the next one, or just cave in and buy the 5G. I've seen all the fake screenshots and heard about release dates from late April all the way to August.


I was wondering what everyones thought on what the next gen iPod actually will consist of and when it will actually be released?






and the infamous..





either this is real or whoeve edited this is freaking amazing! http://www3.youtube.com/watch?v=B1H_d_7CVPc&search=6g

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hmm.. thats good to know. last thing i heard was "wait for big new from apple May 14th" I might buy an iPod this weekend for my b-day, and knowing my luck the new ones will come out right after I do!! oh well, theres always ebay.


It would be cool to see a full screen w/ digital clickwheel tho..

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Apple is planning on releasing 10gb iPod nano's this summer though


I really hope that is the case, my current ipod is on it's last legs i think and i would love a nano - but i already have over 4gig of music so it's no good for me.

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