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Hi all...


There's a problem I've been having ever since I have installed OS X. And that is where the @ key is situated on the keyboard. To type it in, I have to press Shift + 2, and when I press Shift + (the @ key) it does what Shift + 2 would do on a normal UK Keyboard under Windows.


The question is, how do I change the mapping of the keys in OS X, so I can use my keyboard how it was designed (and how I am used to :blink:)?



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It's not "a new trend", it is the standard in all but a few countries, most notably the UK and Germany. The US, Canada, most Asian countries, Arabic, Hebrew, Greek, and even some other European countries have the @ symbol on the 2 key (although some use different modifier keys). Countries that have the @ symbol elsewhere are in the minority.



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Non apple UK keyboards have " above 2, UK apple keyboards have @ above 2. Its silly cos apple sell mac minis to UK saying that we can use are existing keyboard, mouse and display yet they don't work properly with non apple uk keyboards. Not a good advert for switching to a mac mini, and you only find out its wrong when you actually have bought it and plugged it in.

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