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Some months ago I wrote a guide for getting this cheap laptop working, and here's version 2.0 of that guide which in addition shows how to make almost every feature on the computer work perfectly with Leopard 10.5.5.


This guide is for an Acer 5920G laptop with T7500 cpu and GeForce 8600m GS GPU


What you get:


- Cleanest possible system (only two modified kexts needed for the pci bus to work and so wifi and ethernet)

- Both CPU cores working

- Audio

- Wifi as Airport (with Dell 1490 or similar card).

- External VGA and Internal panel with QE, CI and resolution change (HDMI not tested)

- Ethernet

- Partial Webcam support

- Working keyboard and trackpad

- Proper shutdown

- Battery meter



What you need:


1.- Leopard 10.5.0 DVD Retail (probably will work the same with the new 10.5.4 retail, though you may need booting in safe mode until you are able to install the vga injector)

2.- Apple Combo Update 10.5.5

3.- Kext Helper

4.- The attached package (IM max file size is 2MB so, sorry for having to split it)





Single file: Acer_5920G.zip


5.- USB mouse and keyboard (just temporally).

6.- Dell 1490 Wifi Mini-PCIe or any other Airport compatible card. (The default intel card doesn't work)

7.- A pendrive or any other media for installing the attached files in Os X.

8.- Windows and optionally a MSDOS boot disk/pendrive

9.- Some patience.




A- Flashing and setting up the BIOS:

When I first tryed installing Os X in this laptop I discovered the DSDT table in the BIOS made impossible to use more than one CPU, so I had to ask Kabyl to modify the BIOS. Lucky for us it seems someone at Acer got a new brain and decided to fix the DSDT table in the newest bios, and so making Os X to work with both cores without using a hacked bios. So:


- Load Windows and flash your bios using the files in "\BIOS" folder

- Now reboot and enter the BIOS by pressing F2. Make sure the BIOS is in AHCI mode and F12 boot selector is turned on, save changes and exit.


B- Installing a basic vanilla retail Leopard system:

At the moment the best way to install Os X in a PC is using a vanilla retail installation. It's the only way to be sure you are getting a clean system with no mixed kexts versions. So we'll use the original Leopard disc and CD-Boot 132 for that.


- Burn cdboot.iso in "\CD Boot-132" folder into a DVD or CD

- Put the disc in the DVD drive

- Boot the laptop and press F12 to select the the DVD drive as boot device

- Once loaded, swap the disc with Leopard Retail DVD one.

- Let the disc spin for a while so it can be recognized and press enter twice.

- Os X installer will load (notice this laptop doesn't always boot os x in the first try, so if it's not working try again). Now is time to setup partitions.

- Use Disk Utility in the upper menu to partition, and do not forget to choose GUID partition scheme. As the retail disc won't allow you to install into MBR partitions. (if you really want to install in a MBR partition is better to use an external USB hard drive with GUID partition scheme and once installed just cloning the installation into your internal hard disk using Carbon Copy Cloner and then Chamaleon Installer)

- Install Os X as usual.

- Once finished the computer will reboot, now it's time for pressing F12 and loading CD-Boot 132 again. Except for this time we won't be pressing enter twice but just one time. Then we type 80 (81 if we installed in an external usb hard disk) so now the laptop boots from its internal hard disk.

- Let the first boot process finish (don't forget to set a password for you user account as sometimes not doing so can cause problems).

- Once you are finally at the desktop launch Kext Helper and drag and drop the files in "\Basic System Kexts" folder and "\Drivers\VGA" into its window for installing them.

- Use Chamaleon_V_1.0.11 in "\Boot Installer" folder for making the hard disk bootable and installing Chamaleon EFI.

- Install Apple Combo Update 10.5.5

- Once installed the computer will ask you to reboot, then it will start loading Os X again, and might reboot again in the middle of the first try (don't worry is normal).

- In case you can't pass the grey loading screen try the -f switch in Darwin bootloader (press F8 when the computer is booting)

- Now you should be at Leopard 10.5.5 desktop with full QE&CI and resolution change.

- Repeat the Kext Helper procedure with the kexts in the others folders inside "\Drivers" (except for VGA which is already installed, and Ethernet which needs extra steps explained in its own readme file)

- Reboot and if everything went fine you should have sound from the internal speakers, battery meter, ethernet, working trackpad and keyboard, wifi, and no problems shutting down the computer.


C- Extra steps

There are some things that need little fixes:


- Webcam: the webcam works once you install CamTwist, but sadly It only seems to work in Photobooth, and not with iChat.

- Sound: with this laptop you can get either sound from the speakers or from the audio jacks, but not from both at the same time. So I made a little script that allows to swap between both modes. You just have to copy the "AudioSwitch" folder inside "\Audio Driver Switcher" into you Applications Folder. Once copied just double click "altavoces" icon for speaker sound or "jacks" for jack sound. It will ask for your user password, then just reboot for the changes to take effect.

- Sleep doesn't work. I know there's a fix for that, but since my aim was keeping the system as unmodified as possible and the fix involves a hacked USBFamily kext I decided not to include it. (Just disable sleeping in Power Saving options)

- Wifi: I think you need to start wifi in Windows at least once before you can get it working in Os X.


D- The VGA problem

It seems the GeForce drivers in Mac OS X can't control the variable speed in this VGA so the graphics chip is kept at about 150 mhz (2d mode) all the time making 3d effects (such as exposè or widgets) to look jerky. There's however a way to fix that if you don't mind the extra battery energy it requires.


The solution consists in flashing the VGA Bios with a modified one which forces 2D mode to run at the same speed 3D mode does. In order to do that you need a way to boot in pure MSDOS so you can use the files in "\VGA Speed" to flash the VGA BIOS.


Flash with: "nvflash fast.rom"


Update: It seems that if you force the screen to sleep (just set the sleep screen time to 1 minute and wait) the graphic card backs to its correct speed when you move the mouse with no need for flashing the rom.


Update 2: 9a6paf managed to solve the problem with audio. He posted a modded AppleHDA.kext.internal_headphone_out_Aspire5920g.zip which should allow us to finally get speakers and jack working at the same time. (just select the output you want in the audio control panel). I think it also makes skype work.


Update 3, UPGRADING TO 10.5.6: dobry_kamil found that updating to 10.5.6 makes the ethernet and wifi cards no longer work because an incompatibility with the hacked IOPCMCIAFamily.kext. Here's an alternate file he found which should make both network adapters back to workIOPCMCIAFamily.b2.zip

Update 4: another audio driver even more compatible from 9a6paf, including EFI string for audio and smbios.plist for chameleon 2.0 http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php...t&p=1152166


Update 5: Chameleon 2 RC1 USBBusFix=Yes option in apple.com.boot.plist seems to solve boot problems.


Update 6: DSDT patch info from 9a6paf: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php...t&p=1148556


Update 7: proper nvcap values in order to get hdmi output working http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php...t&p=1178509


Hi Vood - thanks for this guide, I'd like to give this a go. I have the 7720g, which I'm running on Kalyway 10.5.2 with partial success. Your method looks like a definite step on


Could you do me favour and list your detailed spec so I can compare the 5920/7720 because the specs do seem to vary from timeto time and in different countries.



Only my graphics (8400mGS) and sound (ALC268) are different. Can you help with adapting your method for my laptop? I've grabbed the latest BIOS




PS "When I first tryed installing Os X in this laptop I discovered the DSDT table in the BIOS made impossible to use more than one CPU"

How did you discover this was happening? With my Kalyway install I saw no errors pointing to this problem

Only my graphics (8400mGS) and sound (ALC268) are different. Can you help with adapting your method for my laptop? I've grabbed the latest BIOS




In case you are not already getting LCD and VGA video extract you VGA bios's with NiBitor or GPU-Z (in windows), then use NVCap Maker to find its proper nvcap string.

Modify nvinject.kext's info.plist with Plist Editor Pro and add your new nvcap string. (remember to set up permissions)


About sound I don't know. Probably just installing AppleAzalia.kext will give you either speaker or jack sound. But if you want proper audio you have to find here for a patched AppleHDA.kext.

"In case you are not already getting LCD and VGA video extract you VGA bios's with NiBitor or GPU-Z (in windows), then use NVCap Maker to find its proper nvcap string."


I don't really understand this. Looks like I need to research each element you mention.


I have my graphics and sound fully working with Kalyway using injector and patch mentioned in my sig, but this also knackers shutdown and my install is far from vanilla.

"In case you are not already getting LCD and VGA video extract you VGA bios's with NiBitor or GPU-Z (in windows), then use NVCap Maker to find its proper nvcap string."


I don't really understand this. Looks like I need to research each element you mention.


I have my graphics and sound fully working with Kalyway using injector and patch mentioned in my sig, but this also knackers shutdown and my install is far from vanilla.


I mean, that is what you should do in case you don't get LCD and VGA output when you follow my guide.

About sound, if you already have it working with Kalyway just backup your current AppleHDA.kext+ALCIject.kext and/or AppleAzalia.kext.


PS "When I first tryed installing Os X in this laptop I discovered the DSDT table in the BIOS made impossible to use more than one CPU"

How did you discover this was happening? With my Kalyway install I saw no errors pointing to this problem


Kalyway might use a patched (very very old) kext that fixes that, or you might be using one of the oldest bios (which didn't have that problem, but did have some bugs...even in windows)

Thanks to your drivers and a little bit of instal documentation I could finally install Ideneb 10.5.5.


My kalyway 10.5.2 had a lot of errors and this was a very guick way to reinstall.


Triplebooting now with XP, Vista en Ideneb.


You the man. Nice work.

Can you give me some tips tho because I have run into some problems.


1. Is have a legit copy of tiger and a legit copy of the leopard upgrade cd. Is their a way to up do tiger first then upgrade it ? or should I just get a full cd ?

2. does this guide only work with Dell 1490 or will it work with any of those broadcom cards?

1.- You NEED Leopard 10.5.0 (or maybe 10.5.4) retail DVD. And you need to do a fresh install (partition must be clean)


2.- Many other dell cards works, just check the pci id inside the wifi kext, or just look in the forum if the one you have is compatible.

1. Is have a legit copy of tiger and a legit copy of the leopard upgrade cd. Is their a way to up do tiger first then upgrade it ? or should I just get a full cd ?


The 'upgrade' Leopard DVD is the full version. It's only called an upgrade because you can buy it separately from a Mac. Your Tiger DVD came with a Mac, but then Leopard came out and Apple gave you the option of 'upgrading' with a Leopard DVD so just use that :)

Hi VooD

Yeh normally I would but its giving a 2 second error that i could see then booting to Darwin. If gets to Darwin because I have Kalaway installed.

Now, I took a video actually lol se I could see the error message. I cant read all of it but I think I am missing some files on that boot disc because for a split second it says something alongs the lines of.....

System config file S/com.apple.boot.s/libriary/preferences/systemsconfiguration something something w.appleboot.plist' not found


I am guessing I am missing something on that cd ? I just burnt the 123boot.iso straight to the dvd. nothing else?


I can post the vid too if you guys would be kind enought to help.

Hi VooD

Yeh normally I would but its giving a 2 second error that i could see then booting to Darwin. If gets to Darwin because I have Kalaway installed.

Now, I took a video actually lol se I could see the error message. I cant read all of it but I think I am missing some files on that boot disc because for a split second it says something alongs the lines of.....

System config file S/com.apple.boot.s/libriary/preferences/systemsconfiguration something something w.appleboot.plist' not found


I am guessing I am missing something on that cd ? I just burnt the 123boot.iso straight to the dvd. nothing else?


I can post the vid too if you guys would be kind enought to help.


The cd should load, show isolinux loading (a progress bar is shown...just a character repeating), the it should show a prompt where you can swap the disc.


Try to upload the video...or format your previous installation.


I don't see any problem in the video, just at the end of the video press enter, then swap the disc with Leopard 10.5.0 retail dvd. Let the dvd drive to recognize the new disc for a while and finally press enter again.


It should load with no problems as long as you have flashed your notebook with the one I include in the package and your sata controller is set in AHCI mode.



kernel? what kernel? This guide explains how install the most vanilla possible system, so just follow the instruction and finally let behind hacked distros.


The method I explain is absolutly the best way to install MacOS X. The results are by large, the most similar to a real Mac installation.

kernel? what kernel? This guide explains how install the most vanilla possible system, so just follow the instruction and finally let behind hacked distros.


The method I explain is absolutly the best way to install MacOS X. The results are by large, the most similar to a real Mac installation.


yeah i know.

my question was, which kernel u would suggest someone who works with kalyway, iatkos etc. on his laptop.

(speedstep vs vanilla) vanilla seems to be more stable but speedstep saves power on laptop, right?! what shall a hackintosh-laptop-user do?


do u think mac-os-tiger would work with your guide?

cause leopard is so hard to get...especially dual-layer-{censored}.

yeah i know.

my question was, which kernel u would suggest someone who works with kalyway, iatkos etc. on his laptop.

(speedstep vs vanilla) vanilla seems to be more stable but speedstep saves power on laptop, right?! what shall a hackintosh-laptop-user do?


do u think mac-os-tiger would work with your guide?

cause leopard is so hard to get...especially dual-layer-{censored}.


Again, we are dealing with a guide intedeed for making the system the most vanilla possible, so the kernel choice is obviosuly the vanilla one. Also there is a way to make speedstep working different than using a hacked kernel just search the forums (for the use I gave to this notebook speedstep is a problem rather than an advantage).


About tiger IT WON'T WORK, most of the kexts are for Leopard and Tiger doesn't have drivers for the VGA in this laptop. Just get Leopard.

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