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About This File

After a build number increment (eg. 14C1510 -> 141514 ) the official NVidia Web Driver stop to work because of the internal check.


This script helps you in patching the kext and add the relative boot-args.


But this isn't the only functionality. There is also a useful function for users like me that haven't a "compatible" Mac ( I have a MacBook Pro 5,1 with GeForce 9600M GT) to patch also the installer.


Usage (without quotes):

"sudo NVidiaWebdriverModder.sh --skip-version-check" to patch the NVDAStartup.kext to load on the current system (need reboot and root user)

"NVidiaWebdriverModder.sh WebDriver-xxx.xx.xxxxx.pkg" to patch the WebDriver.pkg installer file

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Does it support GTX 980M?



Does it support GTX 980M?

It enables only older driver on newer system. If the WebDriver supports your card then you can use it.



can this tool be used on a MacPro 1,1 2006 with a NVIDIAGT 120 512MB with NVIDIA Web Driver 346.03.15f09 under EL Captain 10.11.6?



Amazing, Let me install and boot with my graphics enabled on Mojave beta. Flawless!

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