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Bertrand Serlet takes his leave



Well as Apple goes through it's tower scaling uprise, they gain a few and lose a few people and today marks the leave of yet another great Apple family member, Bertrand Serlet. Serlet has worked along side Steve Jobs for a wondrous 22 years with Apple and NEXT. Serlet served as the senior vice president of Mac Software Engineering where he previously worked for Xerox PARC.


To give a little more background about Serlet as a few are probably wondering why is the leave of this Software Engineer from Apple is so historic well here is a little more on where Serlet is coming from.

Under Serlet's belt sits a Doctorate in Computer Engineering

Spent four years working for Xerox PARC (now known as Palo Alto Research Center)

Collaborated with NeXT in 1989

Joined Apple in 1997

Resurfaced back into Apple in 2009 to pilot Mac OS X engineering

I could of course go more in depth on many areas throughout his working life but I would be digressing from the subject matter. The successor to the title of Senior Vice President of Mac Software Engineering will be none other than Serlet's right hand man, Craig Federighi. Federighi is the current Vice President of Mac Software Engineering side next to Serlet who will now take the leading role of Mac Software Engineering while also reporting to the CEO, Steve Jobs.


Here is the Press Release for those who want to follow a bit closer:


CUPERTINO, California—March 23, 2011—Apple® today announced that Bertrand Serlet, Apple's senior vice president of Mac® Software Engineering, will be leaving the company. Craig Federighi, Apple's vice president of Mac Software Engineering, will assume Serlet's responsibilities and report to Steve Jobs, Apple's CEO. Federighi is responsible for the development of Mac OS® X and has been managing the Mac OS software engineering group for the past two years.


"I've worked with Steve for 22 years and have had an incredible time developing products at both NeXT and Apple, but at this point, I want to focus less on products and more on science," said Bertrand Serlet, Apple's senior vice president of Software Engineering. "Craig has done a great job managing the Mac OS team for the past two years, Lion is a great release and the transition should be seamless."


Federighi worked at NeXT, followed by Apple, and then spent a decade at Ariba where he held several roles including vice president of Internet Services and chief technology officer. He returned to Apple in 2009 to lead Mac OS X engineering. Federighi holds a Master of Science degree in Computer Science and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley.


Serlet joined Apple in 1997, and has been involved in the definition, development and creation of Mac OS X, the world's most advanced operating system. Before joining Apple, Serlet spent four years at Xerox PARC, then joined NeXT in 1989. Serlet holds a doctorate in Computer Science from the University of Orsay, France.


Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and has recently introduced iPad 2 which is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices.

We'll miss your lovely accent Mr. Bert and your get wrenching take on Microsoft Windows Vista copying Mac OS X.



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