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Apple takes 1M pre-orders for iPhone 4S on first day


Apple broke a company record last Friday when it took one million pre-orders for its new iPhone 4S.


Demand for the company's latest smartphone has once again outstripped supply, with lead times being pushed back to "1-2 weeks". This is great news for Apple, who have been receiving a lot of criticism across the net for the lack of changes to the new phone, which largely remains unchanged since the iPhone 4's debut last summer.


On top of the pre-orders, there'll also be the surge of customers purchasing from retail stores, be it the Apple retail store or from carrier stores like AT&T, O2, etc. The iPhone 4S officially launches for sale this Friday, 14th of October.


Further good news for Apple came in the form of speed results for the iPhone 4S compared to last years iPhone 4 and current competing Android models.


Head on over to AnAndTech for the full lowdown on the speed tests on the iPhone 4S, but overall it's looking very promising for what appeared to be a bit of a stumbling launch for Apple.

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