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Premiere CS3


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Hi, anyone can help ?


Premiere CS3 quits on startup here -_-

Running OSX 10.4.10 with everything runing perfectly for over a year now... CS3 production suite, final cut studiio 2, logic audio etc...


Have no idea where to search for problem/solution.

Premiere icon just jumps a few times in the dock (like app is starting) then disappears and that's it...


anyone ?


thx in advance

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here is a crash log from console:





Host Name: MAC

Date/Time: 2008-04-09 23:30:20.348 +0200

OS Version: 10.4.10 (Build 8R2232)

Report Version: 4


Command: Adobe Premiere Pro CS3

Path: /Applications/Adobe Premiere Pro CS3/Adobe Premiere Pro CS3.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Premiere Pro CS3

Parent: WindowServer [92]


Version: 3.0.0 (3.0.0)


PID: 749

Thread: 0


Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)

Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000005


Thread 0 Crashed:

0 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x908262b7 CFGetTypeID + 17

1 AdobeLM_libFNP.dylib 0x1c590845 TRR_Fixup + 1259471

2 AdobeLM_libFNP.dylib 0x1c590997 TRR_Fixup + 1259809

3 AdobeLM_libFNP.dylib 0x1c4be3f4 TRR_Fixup + 398206

4 AdobeLM_libFNP.dylib 0x1c57282f TRR_Fixup + 1136569

5 AdobeLM_libFNP.dylib 0x1c5728ac TRR_Fixup + 1136694

6 AdobeLM_libFNP.dylib 0x1c45d8fa TRR_Fixup + 2180

7 AdobeLM_libFNP.dylib 0x1c45f22a TRR_Fixup + 8628

8 AdobeLM_libFNP.dylib 0x1c4f8ca4 TRR_Fixup + 637998

9 AdobeLM_libFNP.dylib 0x1c4f8fa5 TRR_Fixup + 638767

10 AdobeLM_libFNP.dylib 0x1c4fd06a TRR_Fixup + 655348

11 AdobeLM_libFNP.dylib 0x1c6c9e1a 0x1c457000 + 2567706

12 AdobeLM_libFNP.dylib 0x1c6c9ea1 0x1c457000 + 2567841

13 AdobeLM_libFNP.dylib 0x1c45d8ae TRR_Fixup + 2104

14 AdobeLM_libFNP.dylib 0x1c45f22a TRR_Fixup + 8628

15 AdobeLM_libFNP.dylib 0x1c47aff1 TRR_Fixup + 122747

16 AdobeLM_libFNP.dylib 0x1c55c9c3 TRR_Fixup + 1046861

17 AdobeLM_libFNP.dylib 0x1c55d156 TRR_Fixup + 1048800

18 AdobeLM_libFNP.dylib 0x1c4f6e57 TRR_Fixup + 630241

19 AdobeLM_libFNP.dylib 0x1c4c78ea TRR_Fixup + 436340

20 AdobeLM_libFNP.dylib 0x1c4c89e9 TRR_Fixup + 440691

21 AdobeLM_libFNP.dylib 0x1c4c8dbf TRR_Fixup + 441673

22 AdobeLM_libFNP.dylib 0x1c4dba4b TRR_Fixup + 518613

23 AdobeLM_libFNP.dylib 0x1c46b22c TRR_Fixup + 57782

24 AdobeLM_libFNP.dylib 0x1c62f6f3 0x1c457000 + 1935091

25 AdobeLM_libFNP.dylib 0x1c62f889 0x1c457000 + 1935497

26 AdobeLM_libFNP.dylib 0x1c5d8e2d 0x1c457000 + 1580589

27 AdobeLM_libFNP.dylib 0x1c5d9f6b 0x1c457000 + 1585003

28 AdobeLM_libFNP.dylib 0x1c67b9e2 0x1c457000 + 2247138

29 com.adobe.adobelm.framework 0x1cb36782 fnpActManCommitASR + 133

30 com.adobe.adobelm.framework 0x1cadd2a7 sFlxActLicSpcProcessASR + 1157

31 com.adobe.adobelm.framework 0x1cadc719 flxActCommonLicSpcAddASRFromBuffer + 623

32 com.adobe.adobelm.framework 0x1caab256 adobe::alm::ALM_TrustStorage_TSAccessor_LoadASR(flxActHandle*, flxActLicSpc*, void*) + 30

33 com.adobe.adobelm.framework 0x1caab07a adobe::alm::ALM_TrustStorage_AccessTS(flxActHandle*, unsigned short (*)(flxActHandle*, flxActLicSpc*, void*), void*) + 380

34 com.adobe.adobelm.framework 0x1caab185 ALM_TrustStorage_LoadASR + 159

35 com.adobe.adobelm.framework 0x1ca937f3 AdobeLM_Pri_SeedVIPLicenseIfNeed + 225

36 com.adobe.adobelm.framework 0x1ca9a34c AdobeLM_Pri_Activate + 844

37 com.adobe.adobelm.framework 0x1ca9a5fd AdobeLM_License_Activate + 119

38 ...adobe.premiere.registration 0x14b18f30 adobe::adobelm_stub::AdobeLM_License_Activate(alm_bool) + 54

39 ...adobe.premiere.registration 0x14b0431f ALM_License_Check + 349

40 ...adobe.premiere.registration 0x14af6c89 AMTALMService::ActivateLicense(bool) + 67

41 ...adobe.premiere.registration 0x14aeac8d AMTImpl::DoLaunchWorkflow(AMTImpl::LaunchSequence) + 1123

42 ...adobe.premiere.registration 0x14aeb4a7 AMTImpl::DoValidateWorkflow(AMTImpl::LaunchSequence) + 219

43 ...adobe.premiere.registration 0x14aebce1 AMTImpl::AMTObtainProductLicense(void*, int, char*, int, char*, AMTFeature*, char*, AMTProductInfo**, AMTMenuItemList**) + 465

44 ...adobe.premiere.registration 0x14ae1470 AMTObtainProductLicense + 272

45 ...adobe.premiere.registration 0x14adddd0 Registration::ObtainProductLicense(std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> > const&) + 908

46 ...adobe.premiere.registration 0x14ade214 Registration::CheckRegistration(std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> > const&) + 672

47 com.adobe.premiere.frontend 0x16476b4d AppMain + 697

48 com.adobe.premiere.startup 0x0076c42a (anonymous namespace)::LaunchFrontendFramework(ASL::ObjectPtr<ASL::Module, ASL::AtomicValue> const&, std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> > const&, int, void*) + 154

49 com.adobe.premiere.startup 0x0076c575 Run + 55

50 com.adobe.AdobePremierePro 0x00002d32 (anonymous namespace)::CallStartupFramework(int, char const* const*) + 1022

51 com.adobe.AdobePremierePro 0x00006cfa main + 3570

52 com.adobe.AdobePremierePro 0x0000216e _start + 216

53 com.adobe.AdobePremierePro 0x00002095 start + 41


Thread 1:

0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x900248c7 semaphore_wait_signal_trap + 7

1 ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x90cb8e11 MPWaitOnQueue + 198

2 ...e.Frameworks.ASL.Foundation 0x005249e1 ASL::(anonymous namespace)::TaskProc(void*) + 69

3 ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x90cb8c6c PrivateMPEntryPoint + 51

4 libSystem.B.dylib 0x90024227 _pthread_body + 84

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I am having the same problem with premiere cs3 everything else on my master suite works ok. Are we all using the same kext nvinject 512mb on iATKOS v4. I picked that one because it gave me Resolutions from 640x480 to 1680x1050, 15 resolution to choose from. Ran it on a diffrent kext and it worked fine, but I was stuck with 1024x768.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like the program has been checking for a valid license here.


30 com.adobe.adobelm.framework 0x1cadd2a7 sFlxActLicSpcProcessASR + 1157

31 com.adobe.adobelm.framework 0x1cadc719 flxActCommonLicSpcAddASRFromBuffer + 623

32 com.adobe.adobelm.framework 0x1caab256 adobe::alm::ALM_TrustStorage_TSAccessor_LoadASR(flxActHandle*, flxActLicSpc*, void*) + 30

33 com.adobe.adobelm.framework 0x1caab07a adobe::alm::ALM_TrustStorage_AccessTS(flxActHandle*, unsigned short (*)(flxActHandle*, flxActLicSpc*, void*), void*) + 380

34 com.adobe.adobelm.framework 0x1caab185 ALM_TrustStorage_LoadASR + 159

35 com.adobe.adobelm.framework 0x1ca937f3 AdobeLM_Pri_SeedVIPLicenseIfNeed + 225

36 com.adobe.adobelm.framework 0x1ca9a34c AdobeLM_Pri_Activate + 844

37 com.adobe.adobelm.framework 0x1ca9a5fd AdobeLM_License_Activate + 119

38 ...adobe.premiere.registration 0x14b18f30 adobe::adobelm_stub::AdobeLM_License_Activate(alm_bool) + 54

39 ...adobe.premiere.registration 0x14b0431f ALM_License_Check + 349

40 ...adobe.premiere.registration 0x14af6c89 AMTALMService::ActivateLicense(bool) + 67

41 ...adobe.premiere.registration 0x14aeac8d AMTImpl::DoLaunchWorkflow(AMTImpl::LaunchSequence) + 1123

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I just downloaded Adobe CS3 Premiere and for some reason, I can't get it to even OPEN!!!! :( I need it for school, we'll I need dreamweaver more than anything. And I wanted to get this up and running but I can't seem to open it, when I double click it gets bigger than nothing.... There's another one that shows setup in its file, but yet that does the same thing. Am I opening it wrong? when I double click it goes and unmounts itself on my desktop, than nothing,... :( stressful! :rolleyes:


Can anyone help me?

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I just downloaded Adobe CS3 Premiere and for some reason, I can't get it to even OPEN!!!! :( I need it for school, we'll I need dreamweaver more than anything. And I wanted to get this up and running but I can't seem to open it, when I double click it gets bigger than nothing.... There's another one that shows setup in its file, but yet that does the same thing. Am I opening it wrong? when I double click it goes and unmounts itself on my desktop, than nothing,... :( stressful! :)


Can anyone help me?



Never Mind! I Got It Working, I downloaded a CS3 Premiere Patch, and Downloaded the trials, and now I don't have that trial problem anymore. :moil:

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  • 1 month later...

I had a similar problem with Premiere PRo CS3 crashing on startup. On closer inspection I found that on my most recent Leopard install NVinject wasnt working properly and I was not getting QE support. I switched to NVkush and with QE enabled it loaded right up.


I looked at the crash log you posted and you are getting a different error than me so its probobly something else. Mine would load, get the splash screen, ask to start a new project and then crash while loading up the interface. My crashlog showed it borking because of something graphics related and thats why I checked to see if I had QE enabled.


I can verify All CS3 apps running smoothly including Permiere Pro on the hardware listed below.


AMD X2 5000

M2N SLI Deluxe

4GB RAM (using maxmem to limit it to 3.5GB)

PNY 7600GT 256 (NVKush)


Kalyway 10.5.2

Voodoo Kernel ver 9.5

Vanila System.kext ver 9.5

updates using Zeph's ASU to 10.5.5


I am close to doing a Retail Leopard Install and will post results including any CS3 suite issues on my blog: Justin's Blog

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