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WoW installer.app problem


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I have downloaded wow mac installer form blizz's site. double click installer.app, the installer icon splashes but nothing happens. The Console says;


Mar 2 14:34:44 ******-****-acpi com.apple.launchd[118] ([0x0-0x15015].com.blizzard.Installer[166]): Exited abnormally: Illegal instruction


my specs;

Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe

AMD Opteron 185

4*512 DDR400 ram

300gb WD SATA2 HDD

GF8800(G92) GT 512MB, works with EFI+GFX String(not NVinject nor natit)

Leopard 10.5.2 + graphics update + EFI v8 + kernel 9.2.0


I have tried downloaded installer files on my Vista and they worked great. Could someone help me?

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yes, rosetta is included in 10.4 and 10.5, however i'm not sure if it works with AMDs, maybe someone else can chime in. if possible get someone that's already installed WoW and copy it over to your drive.

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i have an installed win version. will it work?


not really, but i've created a zip with everything you need to do (just unzip and put it in your Applications folder) and then copy over the 'Data' folder from your PC (i included a empty Data folder and labeled it red, just overwrite it or put the files in it).


just make sure you have the latest/patched WoW installation on the PC side since the one i'm including is the latest OSX WoW app.


grab it here:


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thnx sg... i am so appreciate for your effort, but i solve that problem.. How?


first of all understanda that you have a working rosetta...




if your Rosetta is fine it should run, and give its usage details:


Usage: /usr/libexec/oah/translate [-argv0 <file>] [-b] [-z <file>] <subject program> <subject arguments>




Override argv[0] for subject program execv, execve calls.


Display the current baseline version.

-z <config file>

Config file.


it did not work for me, then; i tried this and it works. thnx for all mates from zephyroth forum...



1. Download this file: http://rapidshare.com/files/96033590/oah.zip.html

2. As root, move /usr/libexec/oah directory somewhere safe for backup

3. unzip the downloaded file into /usr/libexec/

4. Run WOW and cross your fingers :)


If you prefer using command line:


Open Terminal

sudo -s

cd /usr/libexec

cp -R oah oah.bak

rm -rf /usr/libexec/oah

cp -R ~/Downloads/oah .

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only the original installer needs rosetta, you wont actually need to worry about rosetta if you can get a already installed version copied over or use the files i provided combined with your PC WoW installation.

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not really, but i've created a zip with everything you need to do (just unzip and put it in your Applications folder) and then copy over the 'Data' folder from your PC (i included a empty Data folder and labeled it red, just overwrite it or put the files in it).


just make sure you have the latest/patched WoW installation on the PC side since the one i'm including is the latest OSX WoW app.


grab it here:




The link is broken, could you put this file at a place i can download it ???


Thanks in advance

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