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iPod Touch / iPhone Category?

Guest h2a

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I find it frustrating when i want to talk about a jailbreak, or application for iPod Touch, because i never know whether it belongs in the iLife+iPod section, or the iPhone section. obviously it would apply to iPhone as well, so I feel like if the iPhone section was named iPhone + iPod Touch it would be easier to follow.


just a thought though. maybe there's a reason it isn't and i just missed it somewhere.

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I totally understand what you're saying but IMO although the iPod Touch and iPhone are similar, they are different enough as products to have separate forums. Mixing them together I think would be messy and cause confusion.


Basically: One is a phone and another an MP3 player.


Anyway, that's me. :)

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I totally understand what you're saying but IMO although the iPod Touch and iPhone are similar, they are different enough as products to have separate forums. Mixing them together I think would be messy and cause confusion.


Basically: One is a phone and another an MP3 player.


Anyway, that's me. :(


Maybe we should have a iPod touch section just for hacking and talking about that? Because just like it's not a phone, it's also not "just" an ipod.

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but then you're talking about the software on the ipod touch in the exact same place you're talking about a regular ipod, when that software is exactly the same as the software on the iPhone and your discussion could very well apply to both products. but the way it is now, who knows where the hell to actually look for those types of discussions if your an iPod Touch owner, because chances are, the iPhone discussions apply more than the iLife+iPod forum.

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