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Hi I'd to buy my new pc and I search in this forum but I'm a newbie and it's really a mess.


So I have this two choice (my dealer availability ) of Mobo:


Asus p5kc (Efi v8? support Vanilla? ide works?see all 4 core?)

Asus p5k (Efi v8? support Vanilla? ide works? see all 4 core)



other stuff just for info


2Gb ram

Asus 7300gs nVidia



Please I'd like to use with Logic pro 8.0 + upd 8.1

Please which is the more compatible Mobo with 10.5.2?

is Stable (very important for me) ???


Really thanks

Search for replys from olofd, he was talking about a perfect hacksetup and if I´m not misstaken he said it was working good with Logic 8. It´s based on a Gigabyte P35 DSR3 mobo and a q6600 cpu. I´m running Logic Pro 8 using an old crappy P4 cpu (Asus p4 p800 se mobo) and even leo works ok.Got some problems with the sound dropping out though but this probably has something to with the PCI bus and my PCI to FW card. On a newer mobo like this one I´m sure it should work ok if you only dig around here for the info you need but you probably will have to tweak your bios some.

Thanks but I've read into osxproject and for


asus p5kc :


Install Method: Kalyway 10.5.1 and 10.5.2 Combo Updater

BIOS Version: 2602 or 0903; Revision: Unknown

Audio: ACL883 Tarugas patch or ALC883 driver on install DVD

LAN: Doesn't Work

SATA & IDE: SATA works, IDE not tested

Onboard WiFi works

For some people, install the new kernel before the update

EFI & Vanilla Kernel No. LAN doesn't work


asus p5k:


Install method: Kalyway 10.5.1

BIOS version 8.05, Rev. unknown


Audio working out of the box (patch on DVD)

Onboard LAN not working

SATA & IDE working

EFI v8 + Vanilla kernel working No; LAN doesn't work



Intel P35 + ICH9R Chipset Install method: Kalyway 10.5.1 / EFI V8

Audio working after ALC889a Patch

LAN working out of the box

SATA working

EFI working No; Audio needs patching



So they seem working and why all say that is better Gigabyte?



because lan works maybe?.. add abit ip-35 pro or dark raider to your list to check out too. logic 8 with iAtkos 1.0r1 with that combo has been flawless for me. pretty sure you'll find any board capable of running kalyway/iatkos will be fine with logic.. although you probably want to consider an audio interface rather than onboard audio

thanks 4 answer, so if the problem is lan, I don't care :whistle:, and Yes I have a motu MkII828 firewire , I just have an firewire card (texas chipset). For the abit I have problem to buy, I can buy for a very good price p5kc, there's only the reason cause I think about this 2 board:)


Thanks again

I have a P5k mobo. It works fine but I needed to patch leopard (kalyway 10.5.2)... look at this thread:




Actually it works fine but without the patch it has problems with files bigger than 3gb. If you're going to buy a mobo just for osx86 maybe it's better if you think in another one.

Get the Asus P5KR, with that board you just need to setup your bios in AHCI mode, and Iatkos will boot directly from your sata DVD, and everything will install with perfect SATA AHCI support.


The only problem with this board is the ethernet chip is not supported (but a cheap realtek 8139 can make the job)

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