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Need an advice: Which 10.5.1 ISO release?


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Hi mac users,


I need an advice from you gurus.


About 4 months ago I used to have a system with ASUS A8N-E, AMD 3200+, eVGA 6600GT, SATA disk and managed to install Tiger and Leo on separate partitions. I have 2 SATA disks. On one of them I have XP pro, on the other one, Tiger, Leo and Linux, booting all with grub. But then I upgraded my system and Tiger and Leo don't work any more. I tried removing Extensions.kext and kextcache files, tried -v -s -x -legacy params, none worked.


So I wanted to try reinstalling Leo on my SATA disk using Zepyroth's AMD rev1 release. But it didn't work either. Then I tried it on IDE disk, it installed but first time boot fails due to mDNSResponder. Disabled it, but then failed at some other point, I tried to fix it but eventually installation failed.


So my question is, which Leo iso release would go with my system and which kext files would you recommend? System spec is below:


ASUS M2N-E (North bridge: nForce 570 Ultra MCP)

AMD X2 4800+

eVGA 8800GT 512GB

2GB Patriot DDR2

200GB SATA disk (20GB available for Leo)

20GB IDE disk



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